
The Darkness

On a cold, dark night, I sat in my small apartment on the edge of the city, reflecting on my harsh past. The room was dimly lit by a small lamp on the table, giving the place an air of mystery. On the wall, there were pictures of people who were no longer part of my life. In the center of the photos, there was a picture of a little girl with innocent eyes, reminding me of what I had lost.

I am X, the professional sniper who was once considered a legend in his world, now living in the shadows, fleeing from my past. My life is full of scars, some on my body and others in my soul. Those scars tell painful stories of losses and mistakes I can't forget.

I sat on an old rocking chair, with a bottle of whiskey and some glasses on the table in front of me. I took a sip from the glass, feeling the burn in my throat, just as I felt the sorrow in my heart. I started talking to myself in a low voice, almost a whisper:

"How did I get here? How did I turn from a hero into a ghost?"

I pulled a cigarette from the pack and lit it, letting the smoke rise slowly and fill the room. I remembered my last mission, the one that ruined everything. I was supposed to take out an important target, but instead, I fell into a well-laid trap. My trust in my partners betrayed me, and the night turned into a nightmare.

"I never imagined betrayal could come from those closest to me... How did I not see it?"

My mind was buzzing with questions that had no answers. I could hear their voices in my head, their mocking laughs as they stabbed me in the back. I felt guilt, regret, but more than anything, I felt anger.

At that moment, I remembered the face of the little girl, her smile that used to light up my life. She was my niece, whom I lost that fateful night. I knew her loss wasn't entirely my fault, but the feeling of responsibility was killing me slowly.

"I will never forgive myself for what happened to her... I will never forget."

While I was deep in my thoughts, I heard a faint sound coming from the window. I moved cautiously, grabbing my gun from the table. My breaths quickened, and sweat dripped from my forehead. I approached the window carefully and opened it slowly.

There was nothing outside but the howling wind and the quiet sounds of the city. But something told me that someone was watching me. I felt a close danger, and that feeling heightened my tension.

I returned inside and closed the window, but I couldn't shake off the feeling of fear and anxiety. I knew my past would not leave me in peace, and someone was out to get revenge on me. But I was ready for this confrontation. I had lived in the darkness for too long, and I knew I had to step out of it someday.

I sat down on my chair again and took another sip of whiskey. I looked at the picture once more and whispered:

"I will find them, and I will make them pay."

The night had just begun, and the adventure awaited me in the darkness.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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