

Author: GIVO_MA
Martial Arts
Ongoing · 114 Views
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What is HUNTER X

Read ‘HUNTER X’ Online for Free, written by the author GIVO_MA, This book is a Martial Arts Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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Hate becomes love, love becomes hate

Introduction: The storyline takes place when 4Ds pass through the reverse gate and a large amount of reverse matter, space opens up the chain of money (information chain) as a weapon for information trading. Information is a kind of digital wealth, widely used in the information world, the world above four dimensions. Gordon and Franklin, as two information industry giants, participated in space wars. There were various periods of time when they fought for the chain of funds. There would be a scene when they helped their partners or partners to defeat their past space segments and get back their chain of funds. We use the 5-dimensional Earthless + Dreaming History Project to buy and sell information across a large area of the dimension. Emotional lines as battles and confrontations, that is, war lines. It's about the 3 and 5 dimensions of information transaction: 5-13 dimensional entropy We use the 5-dimensional Earthless + Dreaming History Project to buy and sell information across a large area of the dimension. Emotional lines as battles and confrontations, that is, war lines. Scene: United Kingdom-Franklin uses Inman's money to destroy his Gordon message, and the two conspires to sell out a third party-Gordon's Message Point, and Gordon and both of them are drawn to animosity. And then the same scene, four people at the same table meeting... including Skynet Project Leader Freeman. And then there's the next information transaction, including four-dimensional space-time information launch points. Gordon/Franklin two business rivals took each other's information points and took them for themselves... Freeman tore down the stage and hand over his opponent's information points...

Daoist1ZjuZp · LGBT+
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1 Chs

Naara: Blind Sword

Cinta, kedamaian, kebahagiaan, kehangatan. Apa semua itu? Dia sudah melupakan semua perasaan itu atau mungkin, sebenarnya dia tidak pernah merasakan hal itu. Entahlah ... dia merasa ragu tapi yang jelas, baginya hidup telah berhenti saat dia berusia delapan tahun. *** "Anak tidak berguna, seharusnya kau mati saja." "Aku sangat sial karena memiliki anak sepertimu. Akan lebih baik kalau kau tidak pernah lahir." Yah. Itu hanya sedikit dari makian yang selalu dilontarkan ayahnya. Andai saja sebelum dilahirkan, ia ditanya oleh pencipta apakah dia ingin lahir atau tidak maka dia tidak akan pernah ingin. Andai dia bisa memilih dari mana ia ingin lahir, ia tidak akan memilih orang tuanya. Tidak akan pernah. Bugh ... bugh ... bugh Pria itu terus memukul dan menendangnya bahkan saat tubuhnya telah berdarah-darah, pria itu tidak peduli. Sekalipun ia pingsan, sekarat atau mati, pria itu juga tidak akan peduli. Bahkan pria itu akan sangat bahagia karena anak yang selalu ia anggap sampah sudah tidak ada. Apa salahku? Setelah disiksa habis-habisan ia akan meringkuk sambil menangis di bawah tempat tidur. Tubuhnya sakit tapi hatinya lebih sakit. Kenapa? Kenapa? Kenapa?!!! Ia ingin menjerit dan berteriak sekerasnya. Jika saja ibunya datang dan memberinya pelukan mungkin rasa sakitnya akan berkurang tapi lupakan saja. Wanita itu bahkan tidak mau menyentuhnya. Meskipun tidak ikut menyiksa tapi wanita itu selalu dingin dan bersikap tak acuh. "Naara ...." Sebuah tangan terulur untuknya. "Kakak ...." Ia mengangkat kepalanya dan melihat seseorang tersenyum hangat dan menatapnya penuh kasih. Satu-satunya orang yang ia miliki adalah Isura, kakaknya. Isura menariknya keluar dari kegelapan dan memberikan sebuah pelukan. Baginya, pelukan Isura adalah surga. Dimana dia bisa merasa tenang, damai dan melupakan rasa sakitnya. Walaupun cara kedua orang tua mereka memperlakukan mereka berbanding terbalik, mereka tetap saling menyayangi. Baginya Isura adalah segalanya namun lagi-lagi takdir bersikap tidak adil. Suatu malam insiden itu terjadi, insiden di mana ia kehilangan segalanya. "Na-Naara ... berjanjilah untuk tetap hidup ...." Isura meregang nyawa sesaat setelah menerima serangan mematikan ayah mereka yang ditujukan kepadanya. "Ka-kak ... hiks ... hiks ...." Sejak malam itu, ia menjadi orang yang kosong dan sangat hampa. Tidak ada yang tersisa dalam hatinya selain ambisi kuat untuk balas dendam kepada ayahnya. Lalu ... apakah dia akan berhasil? Apakah dia akan tetap pada jalan balas dendamnya meskipun penulis sudah mengirim seorang gadis yang akan mengeluarkannya dari kegelapan juga membuat hatinya terisi oleh perasaan-perasaan yang pernah ia lupakan? Apakah dia tetap ingin membenamkan dirinya dalam kegelapan yang hampa meskipun sang penulis sudah mengirim orang-orang yang menganggapnya teman dan menghargai keberadaannya? Entahlah. Tidak ada yang tahu bahkan penulisnya sendiri juga tidak tahu. Karena itu mari kita serahkan semua pada semesta.

Ogi_457 · Fantasy
184 Chs


A man knelt in front of a fire. His shoulders hunched and dropping with exhaustion. Remnants of what may have once been armor hung off him. His skin was cracked and soot-covered and where the bare skin could be seen it glowed with the same intensity as the fire before him. A weapon lay beside him, a halberd. It was caked in ash and its shaft showed signs of breaking. Covered in so many little cracks that the wood looked fragmented. A bang sounded out sharply in what was once total silence except for the quiet crackling of the fire that he watched. The man raised his head looking over what was once a great hall. The stones were cracked and the furniture in the room had long ago been used to feed the flame. All that was left were the great doors that held them outside. Again it sounded the door shaking from the force of it. The man rose this time taking hold of his weapon of choice. Tiny pockets of flame rose upon his body. popping in and out of existence sporadically. He was tired so very tired. He was ready to give it all up he was the last after all. The banging continued getting louder and louder. The doors creaked and groaned under the stress of it when suddenly there was a cracking sound. The doors burst inwards sending splinters hurtling around the room. The man raised his arm to shield his eyes as the splinters flew at him. He lowered it quickly as to catch sight of the foe. It was a gnarled thing, an amalgamation of grey sickly skin and yellow push like eyes that covered its body. Its limbs had no hands or feet only blade-like bones that jutted out every so often. The creature and man rushed at each other battling with a vicious intensity. The man took blows but replied in kind lashing out with the halberd and whips of flame that came off of his body. The creature moved rapidly around the man looking for an opening when suddenly the man swung the halberd. It bit deeply into the creature's flesh and the man drove the fire around him up the haft of it and burned the creature to ash. He stumbled then and fell to his knees exhausted and wounded. He turned his head towards the fire and closed his eyes for what he thought would be the last time. Then he felt something, an overpowering warmth. His eyes flashed open and he saw the fire expand. It twisted and turned as it took the shape of a figure. It continued to change as it made its way out of the fire. Blury edges sharpened and formed a more complete image. A women made out of fire reached out towards him. Speaking words that could not be heard. As the man drooped into unconsciousness she smiled and that was the last.

wo_is_me · Urban
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