
Hunter x Hunter World - Reviewers Rage

A loser famous for his reviews was suddenly standing before a supreme being. His arrogance angered the higher being. His lifelong wishes to be special like the main characters of the stories he obsessed with were granted in return that his feeble efforts entertaining them. Sadly not in the way he wished for. He was ordered to gain strength in any of the worlds he would like, but in exchange, he would fight in a death match against a transcendental being for entertainment. After countless "runs" the supreme beings became bored. They allowed "him" to keep his memories and gave him enough authority to create his system. There wasn't any animosity between "him" and the beings that played with him since he had no memories of his countless lives. He intended to train but to enjoy mostly his life. -Scene from Chapter 1 How am I supposed to fight this guy when I already lost so often before, maybe this time it's gonna be different.... or I will just spend my days not training and living in the world. Sounds good to me. "HAHAHAHAHAHA" His deep voice shook, cracked and almost crumbled the white and seemingly endless void. "YOU TRIED IT! HERE ARE SOME MEMORIES FOR YOU!!" ------------------ The memories flooded in of the Mc's death, comrades, wives and children from countless lives dying before him and in his arms. He only gained the memories of his most torturous moments. The rage he obtain was fire that couldn't be extinguished no matter how much times passed. This is the story of a rageful Mc that had to partially seal 2/3 of his memories. The story of a loser having all the motivation he needs to become stronger. The ever upgrading system went from the most useless system with only an annoying A.I that was copied from the Mc' previous personality. That barely qualifies itsself to be called a system in the beginning with only fight simulator, but becomes the strongest system in all realms. The first system that presents 3 options to select from to grow stronger. The Hero, Villian and Legend path. The Mc could save people he doesn't care about, slaughter whole bloodlines of his enemies, or do both or nothing. This is the typical story of a useless ordinary guy becoming ...the strongest? most evil? most heroic? most rageful? No one knows, but one thing is certain. He is a delusional novel reader. --------------------------------------------------------- What to expect: Mc will enter the Hunter x Hunter World as his first world. The story will only follow canon by Mc participating the Hunter Exam, the rest will be original. I planned that after the Hunter Exam that the Mc will get his system upgrade of hero, villain and legendary path and of course his Nen ability. The first 40 chapters are slow paced because I want to establish the atmosphere of the novel. Mc personality: The Mc is ruthless when he needs to be. He is neither truly good or truly evil. He is the kind that would help an old woman cross the streets, but trick, blackmail or torture people for what he wants. He is not twisted or has a split personality. Most of the time he is indifferent and just numb to his emotions thats why often he wears a mask hiding his real self. You can suggest cool things by commenting. That goes also for everything else like villains, worlds, abilities, names and so on. ----------------------------------------- Rewards: 2 chapters a week 10 power stones -> + 1 Chapter 5 - 5 Star Reviews -> +1 Chapter Every Gift -> +2 - 10 Chapters

Vernable_Reviewer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Trick x Tower

Togiri looked outside the window. A beautiful mountain ridge full could be seen stretching over a hundred miles.

Thick vegetation, tribes of animals and natural forming mesmerizing scenery covering everything. "Wow, I didn't know untouched nature was this beautiful."

The day just started and the sun was still rising. The sky was light blue and the clouds looked so fluffy and flawless that it felt like the sky was drawn.


"What is this place? Here is nothing." said someone from the crowd. The applicants found themselves in an empty and flat space.

"Ahem..." The examinees looked in the direction of the voice. Beans, the green bean-looking person that previously handed out the number plaques was standing before the crowd.

"Everyone, the exam's Third Phase is here, at top of the Trick Tower." "Trick Tower?" Fang asked Beans who ignored him.

"To pass this phase, you must reach the tower's base alive. The time limit is seventy-two hours. With that, we will now begin the Third Phase. I will pray for your success." Beans walked on board the airship after he finished talking.

"No way" Leorio was shocked. "Hm Hm Hm. So it's finally my turn?" A guy wearing glasses was sitting behind a computer screen with two other guys looking at dozens of TV screens, observing the examinees.

Those three looked at one big screen with the applicants on and many smaller computer screens were showing the many rooms that the examinees would challenge in the Third Phase of the Hunter Exam.

"Best of luck everyone!" Beans yelled over the speaker system. He was already on the airship flying away.

Gon and the rest looked down. In hindsight, the smaller tower they were standing on was man-made and not naturally formed like the massive tower underneath the Trick Tower.

"Are we supposed to climb down?" asked Leorio scared while holding his suitcase against his chest and closing his eyes.

"That would be suicide..." Kurapika replied folding his arms. Everyone looked down except Togiri. He didn't fear heights, but he was busy reading a book.

"Haha. Maybe for a normal person." A guy in a grey shirt, black shorts, green boots, a utility belt, and fingerless gloves started climbing down.

"But a top-class rock climber can handle this, no problem." "Wow/Cool" said Killua and Fang simultaneously.

"He's going down pretty quickly." said Gon. The group watched him climb down except Togiri.

"Haha. Looks like I'll be the first one to pass the Third Phase.." Suddenly a weird screech sound could be heard.

They were looking around, but they didn't see the cause of the sound until suddenly a monster appeared.

It was ball-shaped with a big mouth, razor-sharp teeth, 2 short legs, and multiple arms. Their wings were gigantic compared to their normal and friendly-looking eyes which made the monster many times more terrifying.

"Stop! Stay away! Stop! Stop it!" One of the monsters caught the climber with its teeth and flew away and the rest of the monsters followed suit.

"Help!" The climber yelled until his voice disappeared in the distance. "G-Guess we can't climb down the side..." said Leorio.

"Yeah..." answered the dumbfounded Kurapika.


After half an hour a few applicants were standing or knocking on the ground. "What's up?" asked Leorio Kurapika that stopped walking.

"There are fewer people around." "What?"

"I count twenty-six, which suggests almost half of the applicants have already found an exit." Kurapika concluded.

"No way, When did they do that?" asked Leorio. "That means there must be some hidden doors that lead below."

"Kurapika! Leorio!" Gon winked at both of them from far away.

"What is it, Gon?" "Look. I found a hidden door." Gon demonstrated his discovery by slightly pressing a pressure plate before his feet.

"I see now. So we can descend by flipping the stones." Kurapika concluded. "Okey! Great job, Gon! Let's head on down!" exclaimed Leorio happy.

"But I'm confused" Gon replied. Leorio asked "About what?"

"There are also hidden doors here, there, over there, and over there, as well." Gon pointed at several spots near the vicinity of them.

"That many?" asked Leorio. "Five hidden doors, located in the same area. It sounds suspicious to me. Some could be traps." Kurapika thought out loud.

Killua added another remark "And it looks as though each door can only be used once... "

"Seriously?" Leorio was in disbelief. "We tried opening a door, someone else used, but it wouldn't budge. Judging by the door size only one can fit at a time" said Killua.

"In other words, only one person can use each door. We'll have to split up." summarized Fang. "It's a team test" Togiri talked for the first time since they left the airship.

"What do you mean?" asked Leorio. Kurapika's eyes lit up. "Ah! I understand. We will complete this test in a team of five. That is the reason why only one person is allowed per hidden door and they're located in the same area. Am I right, Togiri?"

"Exactly! I didn't think about it before, but all the tests prove different sides of our strengths" Togiri closed his book.

"The First Phase was about mental strength, the Second Phase was about adaptability and now the Third will be about working with others. Hunters most of the time need to work together with other Hunters."

"Oh that makes sense" said Gon. "But wait we ar-" "I and Fang will choose another." Leorio was interrupted by Togiri.

'I would like to send Fang with them, but if I change the original story and Tonpa doesn't sabotage them. Then they will complete this test very quickly and Gon won't draw Hisoka. No Hisoka means no Heaven's Arena and so on.'

@I think you already destroyed that. There is no way that you and Fang saved a bunch of people, are taking part in the Hunter Exam AND everything will happen like the original story@

'If not then I will only make Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika pass.' The group said their goodbyes and Togiri and Fang each chose a pressure plate and fell into a room.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Vernable_Reviewercreators' thoughts