
Hunter x Hunter World - Reviewers Rage

A loser famous for his reviews was suddenly standing before a supreme being. His arrogance angered the higher being. His lifelong wishes to be special like the main characters of the stories he obsessed with were granted in return that his feeble efforts entertaining them. Sadly not in the way he wished for. He was ordered to gain strength in any of the worlds he would like, but in exchange, he would fight in a death match against a transcendental being for entertainment. After countless "runs" the supreme beings became bored. They allowed "him" to keep his memories and gave him enough authority to create his system. There wasn't any animosity between "him" and the beings that played with him since he had no memories of his countless lives. He intended to train but to enjoy mostly his life. -Scene from Chapter 1 How am I supposed to fight this guy when I already lost so often before, maybe this time it's gonna be different.... or I will just spend my days not training and living in the world. Sounds good to me. "HAHAHAHAHAHA" His deep voice shook, cracked and almost crumbled the white and seemingly endless void. "YOU TRIED IT! HERE ARE SOME MEMORIES FOR YOU!!" ------------------ The memories flooded in of the Mc's death, comrades, wives and children from countless lives dying before him and in his arms. He only gained the memories of his most torturous moments. The rage he obtain was fire that couldn't be extinguished no matter how much times passed. This is the story of a rageful Mc that had to partially seal 2/3 of his memories. The story of a loser having all the motivation he needs to become stronger. The ever upgrading system went from the most useless system with only an annoying A.I that was copied from the Mc' previous personality. That barely qualifies itsself to be called a system in the beginning with only fight simulator, but becomes the strongest system in all realms. The first system that presents 3 options to select from to grow stronger. The Hero, Villian and Legend path. The Mc could save people he doesn't care about, slaughter whole bloodlines of his enemies, or do both or nothing. This is the typical story of a useless ordinary guy becoming ...the strongest? most evil? most heroic? most rageful? No one knows, but one thing is certain. He is a delusional novel reader. --------------------------------------------------------- What to expect: Mc will enter the Hunter x Hunter World as his first world. The story will only follow canon by Mc participating the Hunter Exam, the rest will be original. I planned that after the Hunter Exam that the Mc will get his system upgrade of hero, villain and legendary path and of course his Nen ability. The first 40 chapters are slow paced because I want to establish the atmosphere of the novel. Mc personality: The Mc is ruthless when he needs to be. He is neither truly good or truly evil. He is the kind that would help an old woman cross the streets, but trick, blackmail or torture people for what he wants. He is not twisted or has a split personality. Most of the time he is indifferent and just numb to his emotions thats why often he wears a mask hiding his real self. You can suggest cool things by commenting. That goes also for everything else like villains, worlds, abilities, names and so on. ----------------------------------------- Rewards: 2 chapters a week 10 power stones -> + 1 Chapter 5 - 5 Star Reviews -> +1 Chapter Every Gift -> +2 - 10 Chapters

Vernable_Reviewer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

First Fight

*2 years have passed*

"Seven Review me"

[Togiri. Strength: 1.5, Agility: 1.3, Vitality 1.7]

■Review: Too weak to fight even against a girl■

"1.0 means the average strength of a regular adult man and my strength is greater than the level of a professional boxer. Seven what the fuck are you saying"

@How often should I repeat myself, I don't make the Reviews!@

"I don't believe you!"

"Anyway, I think I'm now able to fight in the Heaven's Arena. Its already been two years since I left earth"

said Togiri while looking nostalgic from one moment and then determined the next.

Togiri grew stronger over the years. It was the first time he gave it his all. He was suffering for months on the street.

He stole and was eating food out of dumpsters while sleeping under a bridge and trying to train and find a job.

One day he met a boy named Fang. He was an unusual boy, born with red hair and blue eyes. He was so good-looking that he could be a child actor.

'This boy will get all the girls when he grows up'.

Togiri was a little envious of Fang's good looks since he was reborn in this world as his average self but younger.

They quickly became friends since they were the same age, at least physically. He was very hesitant at first, because of the memories he saw of his loved ones getting killed again and again if he didn't train.

Not to mention it was weird to be friends with a little kid. After a week of Fang visiting Togiri every day under the bridge, Fang offered to help him.

Togiri broke down and cried since the only kindness he had for months was from a little kid. Togiri started living with Fang and his family.

To earn his keep he started to work for Fang's father and became a blacksmith apprentice. Togiri worked every day from morning till evening while also training at the night.

It was unusual for a little kid to be soon stronger than an adult. His training wasn't always consistent and he also ate unhealthy food, but after a while, he stopped his bad habits since coping with his emotions that way didn't work.

It was hard to cope with his depressed feelings, rage, and desire for strength, but the few months where he solely focused on survival and coming out of the streets helped him quench his feelings a little and now he can even sleep properly for 2 hours.

2 years passed in a blink of an eye. Except for work and training, he also spent time enjoying little things like playing with Fang and exploring the city he was in.

"2 years passed since I came to this world. Now let us go!"


Togiri stood on a small podium and looked at his opponent. An average guy dressed in ripped office clothes holding a small pocket knife looking scared and desperate.

"FIGHT! yelled the referee.

"Seems like an easy opponent," said Togiri while smiling.

He dashed forward and his opponent stood there looking anxious and nervous. The office worker completely froze.

Togiri reached his opponent quickly and jumped up to his eye level. He kicked his jaw with a big swing but missed. He landed and jumped backward almost losing balance and falling.

The referee chuckled a bit. Togiri was a complete amateur and was fighting for the first time. He only dashed a short distance and attacked once but was drenched in sweat.

'Huff... Huff" 'Why am I so out of breath? I am focusing too much on the knife. Let's calm down and wait for his attack. Fighting is about mentality.'

After the opponent saw that Togiri was fast, but still inexperienced he got a confidence boost and charged at Togiri.

Togiri cringed his body together and started trembling. 'Focus! Just dodge to the side and kick him.

The office worker started yelling and attacked with his knife towards Togiris's head.

Togiri barely dodged but still delivered a kick toward the opponent's ankle. "AAHHH!" Togiri broke his ankle.

The office worker fell to his knees and the knife out of his hand. As the man was yelling in pain Togiri slowly walked over, picked up the pocket knife, and walked over to his opponent.

He was slowly walking. Slowly walking. Step after step... and suddenly his emotions broke out.

Killing intent broke out and engulfed everyone in the arena. A couple of viewers and fighters collapsed.

Rage devoured Togiri. His killing intent reached everybody in his vicinity and the loud arena fell silent.

"....Surrender!..." Togiri gripped too hard and destroyed the knife.

The office worker on his knees looked at Togiri for a second and passed out. @Calm down or your killing intent will make him retarded@

Togiri took a deep breath, punched his chest and breathed out. Togiri's killing intent disappeared.


The first person to break the silence was Togiri himself. "Aren't you going to announce my win?"

"C-Congratulations kid! You will move to the next floor... I am saying this as a warning! If you are struggling this hard against someone weak just because he has a knife. You WILL DIE in the next battle!" said the referee while looking deep into Togiri's eyes to make him understand how serious he was

"I know what I am doing." said Togiri walking away, but he turned back once more and threw a sharp glare at the referee successfully scaring him.

Togiri was walking home with water in his hand that he bought with the money he won. Deep in thought, he started talking to Seven in his mind.

'Seven, how do I get more experienced in fighting?'

@Experience from more fights.... and TADA! Here is a new function!

Simulation fighting!

You can pick any opponent that you previously fought and also give him martial arts that you learned or know if you'd like and fight them in reality. However many you want and whenever you want.@

'Nice! I can train and gain experience while also becoming more accustomed to fighting. I will become a martial artist with more experience than anyone ever. Okay, let's go home and fight this guy again.'

@Like I said THE BEST SYSTEM EVEEEEEER!@ cheered Seven as loud as he could.

"AHHHHH my head you asshole!" yelled Togiri which shocked all the people on the street making them look at him weirdly.

"Let's run home and tell Fang that I won my first fight" said Togiri while chuckling and having a smile befitting of an 8-year-old.