
Hunter x Hunter : Way of coin

What do you think would happen when a normal dead man reincarnates in the world of Hunter x Hunter? Well, obviously, he would first try to become a hunter! And become the strongest! PS: This story belongs to the author of Hunter x Hunter!

Fire_Daoist · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Unprecedented graduation

"18 patients were saved by the 'Medical prodigy' in a single day. The young man, aged only 19, performed extraordinary feats one after another, receiving patients who were refused by all the other surgeons. As long as they were breathing, his hands would perform a 'miracle', as per his teammates' words..."

"Among the saved patients, the only son of the Minister of Healthcare survived the night and his situation seem to be improving for the best..."

"The black box from the plane that crashed onto the Gargu Mountains all point towards an motor failure, related to the largest tempest ever recorded in the past 35 years..."

Hearing about oneself in the news was an achievement in itself. Although he was unfazed by popularity after six years in this world, four of them performing at a superhuman level, it was the first time he earned media coverage on this scale.

In his hands, there lied a medical diploma, meaning that he was the youngest surgeon of the realm. At 19 years of age, he was finally freed from this academy where he was bounded, by respect for the sacrifice his family had done for him. His debts had already been paid, and in his account, there were 215 millions Jennies, an accumulation that had been carefully planned, winning medical tournaments and working extra hours for wealthy clients.

After packing his things, Greem planned on leaving peacefully. He had made some acquaintances along the way, but they could hardly be considered friends, all besides two exceptions.

Jennie, a nerdy bookworm who had helped him study in his first two years and adapt to this new world, getting used to his weird antics. Although she failed her fourth year, she never gave up and was still studying hard, spending an incredible sixteen hours in the library per day. Though he hardly got to see her, especially after he got his license and began grinding money, it would be a shame to leave without saying goodbye to her.

The other one was Dr. Turin, his one and only mentor who taught him everything about surgery. Although their relationship was strained after Greem began to exercise surgery in extra hours for wealthy customers, they would still speak on a daily basis, if only for the good of science. The number of papers that emerged from their discussions had already benefitted not just their craft, but the whole hospital in itself.

"I heard you were leaving", Dr. Turin muttered in front his open door, "And it looks like you were expecting me to come. Pride will be the fruit of your downfall"

Greem grinned: "Pride is what allowed me to climb this high. To answer your questions, I will be leaving for the heavens arena. In this place, there are countless fighters that need treatment and I would like to perfect my craft there"

Dr. Turin shook his head: "Chasing money again, huh...I never really understood your passion for mere sheets of paper and numbers on an account, but again, I do not come from the same background as you"

Greem laughed it out: "Words that can only come out from the mouth that was never hungry indeed. Do not worry, I never once discarded surgery and its principles of saving lives. I just aim at becoming the best surgeon in the world as well as the wealthiest man"

Dr Turin smiled: "Then, as your mentor, I can only wish you the best. It was a pleasure teaching and working with you. It was only a matter of time you would surpass me. I just never expected this time to arrive before the minimum requirements of graduation"

Greem stopped laughing and became serious for one moment: "You were the best mentor I could hope for. Thank you for everything"

Dr Turin nodded and hugged his student: "Now that I said my goodbyes, do not break this young girl's heart, please"

After turning, Greem realized that there was someone watching, a woman two years older than him with glasses and blond hair, her blouse still on and her eyes visibly red from crying. 

Saying goodbyes was always tough, to the point that Greem would have rather left without saying a word. However, it would not have been fair to his people.

Taking a step out of his room, with his luggage in hands and a couple of coins in his pocket as always, nothing could go wrong. He was wealthy already, he had a safe and respected profession, and by going to the Heaven's arena, he would be able to perfect both his nen abilities and his surgery craft. His plans were perfect and there was nothing that could go wrong. 

Or at least, this is what he believed.


A bald man, with paint on his forehead and wearing beast skin charged the gate of the Royal Academy of Medicine and broke the 48 tons metallic gate. Behind him, there were two other nen users, one of them wearing tribal attire and more importantly, possessing more nen than he did despite the fact that he had been training for four years on a daily basis.

"What the fuck", Greem muttered, taking out the coins from his pocket.

The bald man, did not move and pointed at his disciple, who started attacking Greem.

Judging by the quantity of nen and the straightforward and simplistic face of the indigenous bald chieftain and the man charging at him, Greem naturally guessed that it was an enhancer. Robust, strong and basically having a stat difference compared to other nen users, enhancers were overpowered beings that should be the strongest on paper. However, their simplistic and predictible fighting methods made them the weakest in Greem's opinion.

The woman behind him was also very dangerous, judging by the sinister aura around her. However, she did not seem to have any hostility towards him.

In four years, it was his first encounter with a nen user, not to mention three of them. 

'They must have spotted me through the national TV coverage and discovered I had nen', Greem realized, not having thought that possessing nen could put him in danger.