
Hunter x Hunter Fanfic

just a HxH piece fanfic

Nolifeking · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Rough Waters

The Swallow (the ship's Name) drifted towards the port of Val with great accuracy and speed, with in the few hours of the sails being damage the Swallow was 25 miles from land.

Which was almost impossible, Eldred knew almost nothing about ships but even he see that something must have helped the ship move so fast.

Eldred didn't have time to bother with the arguing of the examines who just recently found out that the sails were destroyed by a member of the crew.

Some of them wanted to know why would a crew member do that while the other's wanted to beat and throw him over board.

'the only way to get to Val on time is to swim, but i never swam that distance before'

Eldred was trying to find another way to Val when a sudden burst of killing intent filled ship, it wasn't ordinary killing and Eldred instantly put up his defense and glanced over to the captain.

The captain didn't have his usual lazy expression as he retrieve his harpoon with a little bit of ear on the tip,"the next one goes through your chest" the Captain said glancing over to Eldred as he notices his defense.

"its best we get off the ship now" Ulf said as he looked down into the raging blue waters.

"right you are my friend" Silas said as he approached them wearing nothing but his underwear and a fanny pack,"time and tie wait for no man"

"i may not look like it but i am a great swimmer"

Eldred didn't know what to say nor did Ulf they just kept looking at him wide eye,"come on what are you waiting for-" Silas Said stretching"- we already know its the only way to the exams or are we going to give up so easily"

"can you make the swim" Eldred asked looking at Ulf who once again begun to shake.

"the shaking doesn't bother me"

"come on hurry up, time and tide" Silas said she he hopped onto the railing while Ulf and Eldred got undress.

Eldred main concern was the distance and he didn't know if in a hour the water would be more calm or if a fishing boat would pass by (which is highly unlikely)

Standing on the rail as the ship swayed, Eldred and Silas moved with the swaying motion balancing on the rail as the cold sea breeze hit their skin.

"we have our first swimmers" the captain said with a up beat tone," remember kids after a swim its best to eat yogurt, i know a great place by the beach, its a bit run down thought"

"what are you getting at ?" Ulf quickly said," what's the about yogurt?"

Seeing Ulf reaction, the Captain left out a sigh and was about to walk away, when Eldred said," yes yes yogurt is indeed great after a swim, do you have any flavour you would recomend" the captain stop and turn around with a grin.

If Eldred hadn't been a huge Hunter x hunter fan he probably would have had a more extreme reaction and would have started to question if the captain was messing with him.

" yes there are tons of flavor, but really you should worry about the texture, most like the soft and smooth ones but i like the-"

The talk about yogurt went on for a while, Silas picked up on the talke and took out a few jenny and pen, while the Captain made remarks about yogurt Silas would quickly write it down as if his life depended on it.

Ulf didn't know and couldn't figure out why his two new 'friends' were so interested in yogurt but he didn't mind as he liked the taste of yogurt after training and he soon joined the conversation.

"remember to try the yogurt" the Captain said as he waved the three off," have a great swim"

Ulf grabbed the railing as he tried to jump on it but his feet was way off sending him to the side of the ship but luckily he was still holding onto the railing.

"you can wait for us you know" Silas said a he got read to jump.

"on the count of three" Eldred said as he prepare himself for the swim. looking down at the water hitting the side of the boat Eldred started his count and then dove into the water with Silas while Ulf just dropped down.

The water bening rough was an understatement, Silas who was proud that he is a 'good' swimmer was having a hard time and when they were five miles in he started to slow down.

"grab onto me" Eldred quickly said seeing that the water was getting to Silas.

Unexpectedly the waves didn't pose a problem to Eldred and Ulf, which only made them gained an extra luggage, Silas

When they meet 20 miles in they took a short break," i i thought you're a good swimmer"

"i am" Silas said,"i just haven't practice in a while"

"wave" Eldred called out as they each brace themselves for the on coming wave and used to to go further.

By the time they arrived at the shore 10 hours had passed and they only have 3 hours before the hunter exams would begun.

"let's get that yogurt" Silas said as he struggle to get up," and some clothes...sand got into some places"

"we don't have time for yogurt" Ulf shouted as he stood up with ease"

"we're not far from the beach" Eldred stated looking at Ulf and he realized that he didn't know the importance of yogurt, and with a sigh Eldred said,"just follow us"

Silas threw his arms around Eldred and Ulf," carry me... i can't make it"

"stop being so dramatic and walk"

Luckily Silas fanny pack is water proof, and so he the only one with money had to purchase clothes for everyone."lets go" Silas shouted as he saw his bodyguards walking towards them.

The three approached a small yogurt shop just by the beach" we would like three special order yogurt made just the way we asked" Eldred said