
Chapter 12: Dolle Harbor-Quiz

Arriving at the dock, Gon and I are excited. As I'm about to walk off the ship, Gon pulls me back.


Gon takes out a baggy, he gives it to me.

"Did you forget what happened last time?"

"How can I?"

I shiver at the thought, I never liked transportation. Always get me sick. Walking off the ship, I immediately open the bag while running to a nearby pole. That's much better. I can hear the others in the back asking if I'm alright. Gon assures them that I'm fine. To support him, I turn back and give them a thumbs up.

Gon speaks with the captain as I wipe my mouth. I meet him at the board where Kurapika and Leorio are checking which way is to the exam site.

Leorio : "This doesn't make any sense. Are you sure the captain said to go to that tree?"

Gon: "Yeah, he said it was a shortcut."

Leorio: "According to this notice, it says the exam site is somewhere in Zaban City. And the tree is not even close to it."

Kurapika: "Are you sure you didn't hear him right?"

Gon: "No, he told me to go to the Cedar Tree."

Leorio: "This notice isn't any help! Where, exactly, in Zaban City are we meant to go?"

Esther: "If it told us where it's being held, people would flock there. This must be another test to see if we can get there with limited knowledge."

Leorio: "I knew that!"

Gon: "Anyways, I'll go have a look. The captain must have had a reason to suggest that."

Esther: "Agreed."

Leorio: "Hey, you're serious? The bus to Zabon city is about to leave. We should just take that."

I stop and look back. I make my hands into an x and shake my head rapidly.

Esther: "No! Did you forget? I get motion sickness. I'm going with Gon."

Gon and I continue to leave. Kurapika soon follows after talking with Leorio for a bit. Leorio walks off to the bus but soon runs back to us. Wonder what's that about. I also have this strange feeling like somebody is following us. As we continue walking, I hear small breaths coming from all directions.

Leorio: " I don't see anyone."

Gon: "Nope. There are many people here."

Leorio: "What?!"

Doors begin to open. People wearing strange costumes come out. They are pulling some sort of cart with an old lady inside.

Leorio: "W-what the heck is this freak-show?"

The old lady speaks.


Leorio: "E-exciting?"

She repeats that again. Then, she shouts.

"Exciting two-choice quiz!"

The people wearing funny clothes start making music. We just stare dumbfounded. You can't be serious?

"You boys are headed for that tree on the hill, correct? To reach that tree, you must pass through this town. I shall administer a single-question quiz."

Leorio: "Hold on. What's going on here?"

Esther: "Obviously, a quiz."

Leorio: "I know that, but what for?"

"You have 5 seconds to state your answer. Give the wrong answer, and you're disqualified. You'll have to give up on taking this year's hunter exam."

She completely ignored Leorio.

Kurapika: " I see… Then this is part of the hunter exam."

Leorio: "So that's what's going on. I happen to be a quiz expert. Wait! Only one question?!"

Well isn't this great…