
Hunter in one punch man

a guy gets reincarnated into one punch man universe and does whatever he wants, i hope you like it. if you're interested in watching me Write Live Check: ThyCubeVT On Twitch :)

ThyCubeVT · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 19

"i want to have a talk with you alone" Akira said to the man who was walking into the store.

He turned and looked at Akira's eyes.

"okay" the man said.

He walked with Akira to a quiet room inside the store.

'so they are living here, simple life huh, that's a hard thing to do if you're not strong enough' they sat in seats opposite of each other.

"Cindy, you can go to your room" the man smiled at his granddaughter, who looked at him then at Akira before nodding and going out of the room.

"you can talk now if you want" the man said to Akira.

"well my name is Akira, and I'm somewhat curious about your situation" Akira said in a relaxed manner.

'now that i look closely at him, he looks 60 years old, has white hair and sharp white eyebrows'.

"*sigh* my name is Bruce?, i run this store, as a reward for the help, you can take any sword for free" the man said apparently he's trying to avoid talking about the problem.

"you're not good at changing topics are you?" Akira said with raised eyebrows.

The man or Bruce was visibly irritated "you want to know? you heroes don't do nothing about gangs and regular people, this is why crime is still high, and the people you hit will come back to get revenge from us, not you" he ended up shouting.

he breathed heavily and after a while he calmed down and looked apologetic and said "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to shout at you",

Akira just waved his hand and said "it's alright, you've gone through many experiences, it's no surprise even if you hate heroes because of that" he then got up and went out of the door, then he saw a little head near the room's door 'she probably heard the shouting', he then ruffled her hair and heard the man say "i don't hate them".

Akira didn't respond and he picked up a sturdy looking sword, he put the money in its place.

*outside the store*.

He didn't find any bodies on the ground and saw a trail of blood stains leading to an alley, he followed the trail until it ended then he used *Time Speed* and went around the area, just to find a man with a destroyed face limping, he recognized him as the leader of the thugs who he punched.

After following him, he saw the thug entering a half constructed building, Akira then summoned his gun 'does it have a silenced option' when he thought that he saw the golden Deagle become black as if its absorbing the light around it.

"Cool" he then shot.

The gun didn't make any noise even the thug had no idea that he was shot at, he fell to the ground with a hole instead of a chest.

Akira left the corpse on the ground and entered the building.

*Time Stop*.

He walked playing with the gun like a crazy hitman (47) and shot everyone who had a weapon until he entered a room with wooden doors 'how did they make this room in an unfinished building without anyone noticing' he removed these thoughts from his head and pushed the doors, what he saw was a bald guy with black glasses sitting on a couch with two women sitting on his legs.

"Well time to speak" he used *Temporal Domain* and reduced everyone except the man to ash.

*Time Resume*.

"Well today we are going to..." the guy was talking with the woman on his right but when he didn't see anyone, he stopped talking.

"I'm sorry to break it down to you but you will be busy this day" Akira said with a smirk while having the barrel of the gun facing the guy.

"what do you think you are doing? you know who I am" the guy said confidently.

"I'm tired of hearing that, tell me who's your boss and you can leave alive" Akira was annoyed by the cliché sentences.

"i won't..." as he was about to decline.

'can the gun focus on inflicting pain over damage' he smiled as he saw the gun turn dark red 'amazing' *small bang*.

"Ahhhhhh, please no, my leg" the confident guy started crying and was horrified further by seeing his leg completely fine.

'This gun is too op probably even Saitama will find it difficult to avoid getting shot hehe'.

"Cut the bullshit, speak before you die" he said to the crying man.

"M..my boss is in xxxx, please don't shoot me again" the man screamed.

"Thanks for the info" Akira then brought his new sword and cut at the guy's neck, beheading him 'he said don't shoot me'.

He then evaporated all the corpses and walking to the main Boss.

[if you're interested in watching me Write Live Check ThyCubeVT On Twitch :)]