
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

York New City part 5: New Blood

The next day, Nicolas received a notification that his match on the 200th floor had been scheduled. His opponent was a formidable fighter named Riven, known for his brute strength and mastery of Enhancement-type Nen abilities. The match was set to take place in the grand arena on the 202nd floor, where the stakes were higher than ever.

As we made our way to the arena, I could see the determination in Nicolas's eyes. He was ready to prove himself and solidify his place among the elite fighters of Heaven's Arena.

"You've got this, Nicolas," I said, giving him a pat on the back. "Remember your training and stay focused. Use your analytical abilities to find his weaknesses and exploit them."

Nicolas nodded, his face set with resolve. "Thanks, boss. I'll give it everything I've got."

The announcer's voice boomed through the arena. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another exciting match on the 202th floor! In the red corner, we have the tactical genius, Nicolas! And in the blue corner, the powerhouse, Riven!"

The crowd roared with excitement as the spotlight focused on Nicolas and Riven. Riven was a towering figure, his muscles bulging with raw power. He grinned confidently, cracking his knuckles in anticipation.

The referee signaled the start of the match, and Riven wasted no time, charging at Nicolas with incredible speed. Nicolas, however, remained calm and collected, using his analytical eye to study Riven's movements.

Riven threw a powerful punch, but Nicolas dodged it with ease, countering with a swift kick to Riven's side. The impact was solid, but Riven barely flinched, his Nen-enhanced durability absorbing most of the blow.

"You're fast," Riven said, his grin widening. "But let's see how you handle this!"

Riven's aura flared as he activated his Enhancement ability, his muscles bulging even more. He swung his fists with devastating force, each strike creating shockwaves through the air. Nicolas dodged and weaved, using his agility to stay out of Riven's reach.

Nicolas analyzed Riven's patterns, looking for any openings. He noticed that Riven's attacks, while powerful, were predictable and left him momentarily vulnerable after each swing.

"Gotcha," Nicolas muttered under his breath.

Using his Nen ability, "Analytical Eye," Nicolas calculated the perfect moment to strike. He dodged another powerful punch, then swiftly moved in, delivering a series of rapid kicks to Riven's midsection. Each kick was precise and aimed at critical points, exploiting Riven's temporary vulnerabilities.

Riven grunted in pain, but his endurance kept him standing. He roared in frustration, swinging wildly in an attempt to catch Nicolas off guard. But Nicolas remained composed, using his analytical abilities to stay one step ahead.

"Time to end this," Nicolas said, his voice filled with determination.

He activated his Nen ability further,and used a newly developed technique Limit overload enhancing his speed and power using manipulation to turn off his limiters for his body. With a final, powerful kick, he struck Riven's chest, sending him falling to his knees. The impact was enough to knock the wind out of Riven, leaving him gasping for breath.

The referee stepped in, signaling the end of the match. "The winner is Nicolas!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, their applause echoing through the arena. Nicolas stood tall, a look of satisfaction on his face. He had proven himself as a skilled fighter, earning his place among the elite on the 200th floor.

As Nicolas returned to our corner, I greeted him with a proud smile. "Great job, Nicolas. You handled that perfectly."

"Thanks, boss," he said, wiping the sweat from his brow. "That was intense, but I feel like I've really grown from this experience."

We headed back to the penthouse, ready to celebrate Nicolas's victory and prepare for the challenges ahead. With each match, we were getting closer to our goal of becoming Floor Masters and uncovering the mysteries that awaited us in the world of Hunters. Our journey was far from over, but we faced it with confidence, knowing that together, we could overcome any obstacle.

After Nicolas's victorious match and a few days of rest, nicolias received word that Rubi and Juri, the twin fighters we had faced earlier, were quickly climbing the floors and were about to reach the 200th floor. The news made me uneasy. While they were strong fighters, the challenges on the 200th floor were far more dangerous than what they had experienced so far.

"Nicolas, we need to talk," I said, a hint of concern in my voice. "Rubi and Juri are about to reach the 200th floor. I don't think they're ready for what awaits them there. We should try to deter them."

Nicolas nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I heard. But how do you plan to do that?"

"I'm going to use Ren to increase my killing intent," I replied. "Similar to how Hisoka intimidates others. If they feel the intensity of my aura, they might reconsider and take more time to prepare."

We made our way to the elevator area, where the twins were likely to arrive soon. I positioned myself in the middle of the hallway and began to focus my aura, letting my Ren flow freely. The intensity of my killing intent filled the air, creating a palpable sense of danger that was hard to ignore.

As Rubi and Juri stepped out of the elevator, they immediately felt the oppressive aura. Their expressions changed from determination to confusion and unease as they took fighting poses. They slowly forced themselves forward as they turned the corner and were met with a familiar face.

"Yuuma, what are you doing?" Rubi called out, her voice trembling slightly. "Why are you doing to us?"

Juri stood beside her sister, her eyes narrowing as she tried to maintain her composure. "Is this some kind of test?"

Seeing that my Ren had caught their attention, I slowly recalled my aura, letting the tension in the air dissipate. "I'm not trying to scare you for no reason," I said calmly. "I'm trying to protect you. The 200th floor is far more dangerous than what you've faced so far. The fighters here are on a completely different level. If you're not fully prepared, you could get seriously hurt or worse."

Rubi and Juri exchanged glances, their determination wavering. "But we've trained hard to get this far," Rubi protested. "We can handle it."

"I'm not doubting your skills," I replied. "You're both strong fighters. But strength alone isn't enough here. You need experience and a solid grasp of Nen to survive. Trust me, I've seen what can happen to those who rush in unprepared."

Juri stepped forward, her expression resolute. "So what do you suggest? Should we just give up and go back?"

"No," I said firmly. "I'm not saying you should give up. I'm saying you should take more time to train and improve your Nen abilities. Build up your experience gradually. The 200th floor will still be here when you're ready."

Rubi sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I guess we got ahead of ourselves. Maybe we do need more time. Whatever you did before gave off a lot of pressure"

Juri nodded in agreement. "Alright, Yuuma. We'll take your advice. But we won't back down forever. We'll train harder and come back stronger."

I smiled, relieved that they understood. "That's the right attitude. I'm looking forward to seeing how much you both improve. And if you ever need help with your training, feel free to ask."

With that, Rubi and Juri signed up and turned back towards the elevator, determination renewed but tempered with caution. I watched them go, feeling a sense of responsibility and relief.

Nicolas stepped up beside me, a thoughtful look on his face. "That was the right call, boss. They're strong, but they need more time to be ready for what's up here."

"Yeah," I agreed. "They have potential, but rushing ahead could have been disastrous. It's better to be cautious and prepared."

As we watched Rubi and Juri head back toward the elevator, Nicolas came up with a thought. "Why don't we train them ourselves, we have time before your next match?"

I stopped in my tracks, considering his suggestion. "You're right, Nicolas. Why didn't I think of that? Let's catch up with them."

We quickly made our way back to the elevator, catching Rubi and Juri just as they were about to leave. "Wait!" I called out, causing them to turn around.

"What is it now?" Rubi asked, a mix of curiosity and impatience in her voice.

"We have a better idea," Nicolas said, stepping forward. "Instead of just sending you back to train on your own, how about we train you? We can help you understand and master Nen, so you'll be ready for the challenges on the 200th floor."

Rubi and Juri exchanged glances, clearly intrigued by the offer. "You'd really do that for us?" Juri asked.

"Of course," I replied with a smile. "We've seen your potential, and we want to help you reach it. Plus, it's safer to train under guidance than to risk getting hurt up here."

Rubi nodded, a determined look in her eyes. "Alright, we're in. Where do we start?"

"First, we'll need to get some supplies," I said. "Then, we'll head out to the desert outside the city. It's a perfect place for focused training without distractions."

With the plan set, we all headed to a nearby supply store. We picked up essential items like water, food, first-aid kits, and camping gear. Once we were fully equipped, we made our way to the outskirts of Yorknew City, where the sprawling desert awaited us.

The journey to the desert took a few hours, but the time passed quickly as we discussed our plans and shared stories. By the time we arrived, the sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the vast expanse of sand.

"We'll set up camp here," I said, unloading the supplies from our vehicle. "This will be our training ground for the next few days."

As we pitched our tents and prepared a makeshift campsite, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Training Rubi and Juri would not only help them but also strengthen our own understanding of Nen.

Once everything was set up, we gathered around the campfire, the flickering flames casting shadows on our faces. "Alright, let's start with the basics," I began. "Nen is the life energy that flows through all living things. It can be harnessed and controlled to perform incredible feats. There are four main principles of Nen: Ten, Zetsu, Ren, and Hatsu."

Rubi and Juri listened intently as I explained each principle in detail. "Ten is the process of keeping your aura nodes open, creating a shroud of aura around your body. It acts as a protective barrier. Zetsu involves closing your aura nodes, making your presence harder to detect. Ren is about amplifying your aura, increasing your physical and mental strength. Finally, Hatsu is the release of your aura, your unique Nen ability."

Juri raised her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face. "So, how do we start learning these principles?"

"First, we'll awaken your Nen," I said. "This process will open your aura nodes and allow you to start manipulating your life energy. It can be intense, but it's necessary to begin your training."

I guided Rubi and Juri through a series of breathing exercises, helping them focus their minds and bodies. Once they were ready, I placed my hands on their backs, channeling my own aura into them to force open their aura nodes. The process was similar to what Wing had done for Gon and Killua, and I could feel their life energy starting to flow.

Rubi gasped as her aura nodes opened, a surge of energy coursing through her. Juri's eyes widened as she felt the same rush of power. "This... this is incredible," Rubi said, her voice filled with awe.

"Now that your aura nodes are open, you can start learning the principles of Nen," I explained. "First, practice maintaining Ten. Focus on keeping your aura flowing around your body like a protective shroud."

They nodded and began concentrating, their auras shimmering faintly around them. Nicolas and I watched closely, offering guidance and corrections as needed. It was clear that both Rubi and Juri had strong potential, and they quickly grasped the basics of Ten.

Over the next few days, we continued their training, moving from Ten to Zetsu, then Ren, and finally Hatsu. Each principle presented its own challenges, but Rubi and Juri tackled them with determination and grit.

During their training, we also sparred with them, helping them apply their Nen abilities in combat situations. Nicolas and I took turns facing off against the twins, pushing them to refine their techniques and strategies. The desert provided the perfect backdrop for these intense sessions, with its vast open spaces and challenging terrain.

As the days passed, we could see significant progress in Rubi and Juri. Their control over their aura improved, and they began developing their own unique Nen abilities. Rubi discovered that she could manipulate her aura to create barriers and shields, while Juri found that she could enhance her speed and agility to an extraordinary degree.

One evening, as we gathered around the campfire once again, Rubi spoke up. "Thank you, Yuuma, Nicolas. We've learned so much in these past days. We feel ready to take on the challenges of the 200th floor."

I smiled, feeling a sense of pride in their achievements. "You've both worked hard and shown great potential. Remember, Nen is a lifelong journey. Keep practicing and refining your abilities."

Juri nodded, her eyes reflecting the flickering flames. "We won't forget. We're ready to face whatever comes next."

The following morning, we packed up our campsite and headed back to Yorknew City. As we drove, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. Helping Rubi and Juri had been a rewarding experience, and it reinforced my belief in the importance of mentorship and guidance.

Back at Heaven's Arena, we parted ways with the twins, wishing them luck in their upcoming matches. "We'll be watching your progress," Nicolas said, giving them a thumbs-up.

"Thanks again," Rubi said, her voice filled with gratitude. "We won't let you down."

As we watched them disappear into the bustling crowd of fighters, I turned to Nicolas. "We did a good thing, Nicolas. Now, let's focus on our own training and prepare for the battles ahead."

Nicolas nodded, a determined look in his eyes. "Let's do it, boss. We've got a lot more to achieve."

We headed back to our training grounds, ready to push ourselves to new heights. The challenges of Heaven's Arena awaited us.