
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 50: I'm Not Sure What Abilities I Have

Upon hearing the words of the burly man, Ji Chang couldn't help but roll his eyes inwardly. He had thought that he and Huang Mang were the only ones left in this world, given what Huang Mang had just said. Yet this guy immediately asked if there were any other companions... Could it be that this guy's talent lies in manipulating words?

Subsequently, Ji Chang and Huang Mang let the burly man support them as they entered the door of the restroom. As they passed by the metallic city wall, Ji Chang's lips twitched a few times. He had initially believed that the metal city wall was nothing more than a superficial item. But he hadn't anticipated that the wall's thickness could rival half of his own body, and its material wasn't iron but threaded steel.

At such close proximity, Ji Chang could clearly see the faintly visible threads on the wall. However, due to the stretching and reshaping, the threads were somewhat blurry and distorted. Yet, even so, they still showcased the formidable strength of the project manager.

Ji Chang signaled to Huang Mang with a glance, and Huang Mang understood. As they passed through the gate, Huang Mang suddenly let out a cry, stumbled, and fell to the ground. In the process of falling, his palm inadvertently touched the wall.

At this moment, after undergoing three different variations of physical transformation and receiving guidance from Ji Chang for several days, Huang Mang had already gained a general understanding of how to control his extraordinary powers. In an instant, Huang Mang channeled all his mental energy into his palm.

The next second, his palm gradually transformed, taking on the same material as the city wall. Simultaneously, his fingers seemed to merge with the wall's texture. Without delay, Huang Mang withdrew his hand.

His palm returned to normal, but there were now two thin steel plates in Huang Mang's hand. His movements were so swift that they were almost completed in an instant.

Just as Huang Mang retracted his hand, the burly man supporting Ji Chang exclaimed and hurriedly reached out to assist Huang Mang. "Hey, little brother, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I just have a stomachache from hunger!" Huang Mang, who had been helped up, said with a hint of embarrassment.

Seeing this, the burly man didn't say anything more and continued guiding them forward. As they proceeded, Ji Chang and Huang Mang couldn't help but observe the public restroom. Apart from the people they had previously seen, each occupied with their own tasks, there were many empty cages around.

All these cages were made of the same threaded steel as the city wall. However, they were all empty. Soon, the burly man led them to a wooden house. This wooden house was much more refined in style than the buildings on their writing desk. The house was reinforced with steel plates, and there were many steps leading up to it.

After the burly man brought Ji Chang and Huang Mang here, he stopped. Shortly after, the guard who had just been there rushed down the steps. "The boss wants you to bring them in!"

"Come on, follow me to meet our boss. As long as you behave, you'll have something to eat and water to drink!" The burly man smiled at Ji Chang and Huang Mang, supporting the two of them as they walked briskly up the steps.

Although Ji Chang wasn't sure why this burly man was so cheerful, he knew that the "boss" they mentioned was probably a project manager with abilities similar to those of Magneto.

Just as Ji Chang had speculated, when they followed the burly man into the house, they saw a middle-aged man seated on a high iron throne. Not only that, but there were also four scantily-clad women by his side. At this moment, the middle-aged man was laughing heartily as he embraced two of the women, while the other two were feeding him something.

"Boss, I brought two people I found. I brought them to you before testing their abilities!" After seeing the boss on the iron throne, the burly man greeted him with a fist salute.

"Well done, Erlong. You'll be rewarded later!" The middle-aged man turned his head to look at the burly man, Ji Chang, and Huang Mang, smiling as he spoke.

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Erlong, the burly man, beamed with joy. After another salute, he ran off the steps.

"What are your names, both of you?"

After the burly man left, the middle-aged man waved his hand, dismissing the four women, and turned to Ji Chang and Huang Mang.

Observing the manner of the middle-aged man, Ji Chang and Huang Mang exchanged sidelong glances simultaneously.

"Is there anything to eat and drink?" Without responding to the middle-aged man's words, Huang Mang inquired.

Meanwhile, Ji Chang examined the surroundings and sensed the wolf spider and hornet that had already entered the restroom.

"Of course, but whether you can have food and drink depends on your abilities! If your abilities are strong and can be of use to me, I guarantee you a lifetime of food, drink, and even women to play with! Looking at your ages... you're probably still students!" The middle-aged man's attitude didn't concern Huang Mang, who responded.

Ji Chang and Huang Mang had learned about this process from Gao Xiang long ago, so they were quite at ease in dealing with the situation.

"Abilities? My ability is to transform into wood!" Huang Mang pondered for a moment, then walked toward the nearby wall. Placing his palm on the wall, his body instantly transformed into wood.

"How is it? Impressive, isn't it?" Huang Mang, now a wooden figure, raised his head proudly at the middle-aged man.

"Um... is that all?" The middle-aged man, looking at the wooden-like Huang Mang, couldn't help but mull it over.

"Of course not!" Saying this, Huang Mang directly merged with the wall. With a forceful swing of his arm, he dismantled a large portion of the wall. Simultaneously, the wooden board fused with Huang Mang's arm began changing shapes, at times turning into a sword and at others into a staff...

"Hey, not bad!" Seeing Huang Mang's ability, the middle-aged man couldn't help but feel pleased. At this moment, he even thought that the youthful version of himself was standing before him.

He could manipulate metal, while Huang Mang could manipulate wood. If the two cooperated...

Such thoughts crossed the middle-aged man's mind.

Then, he turned to Ji Chang and asked, "Young man, what about you?"

"Me? I haven't discovered any abilities yet!" As Ji Chang sensed and guided the two spirit beasts exploring the restroom, he snapped back to attention and spread his hands in response.

"You haven't awakened any abilities?" Upon hearing Ji Chang's words, the middle-aged man was taken aback. "You didn't faint during the shrinking?"

"I did faint, but after these few days, I still don't know what abilities I have!" Ji Chang replied with a hint of helplessness.

"Really? Just like this!" The middle-aged man looked skeptically at Ji Chang. Then, with a gentle wave of his hand, a piece of metal detached from his iron throne and formed a metal sphere in his palm.

Following that, the metal sphere changed shapes at will.

Watching the metal sphere being manipulated by the middle-aged man like liquid, Ji Chang's heart couldn't help but tighten. Within his sensing, the middle-aged man's mental power was even higher than his own!