
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 49: The Earth Emperor

Liu Qing's injuries and condition remained unknown to Ji Chang. However, in Ji Chang's eyes, the idea of Wang Lingling carrying Liu Qing while flying was absolutely implausible. Even disregarding Liu Qing, given Ji Chang's understanding of Wang Lingling, he believed that even carrying someone as large as Huang Mang in flight would be effortless.

Huang Mang himself was aware of this fact. In an instant, he struck out, catching Gao Xiang off guard and sending him crashing to the ground with a single punch. The next moment, as Huang Mang landed heavily, Gao Xiang hadn't even risen to his feet when Huang Mang grabbed one of his legs and swung him up.


With a muffled sound, Gao Xiang's body slammed into the wall of the small courtyard. Suffering consecutive heavy blows, Gao Xiang's body rapidly shrank, and in the blink of an eye, he reverted to his original state.

Seeing this scene on Ji Chang's wasp-like back, he thought quickly and took off into flight. At this moment, Gao Xiang, his face full of shock, attempted to get up and flee. However, just as he turned and took a couple of steps, he was instantly struck by the tail of the wasp.

His body lost control, and he was sent flying towards the direction where Huang Mang stood.

"Ji Chang, Huang Mang, let me explain…"

Gao Xiang, suspended in mid-air, wailed continuously. Before his body could touch the ground, he was struck again by Huang Mang's fist, burying half of his body in the soil.

Huang Mang stared at Gao Xiang half-buried in the ground, seeming unsatisfied, about to deliver a couple more blows, when Ji Chang, who had ridden the wasp over, intervened.

"Mangzi, if you keep hitting him, you might kill him! We still need to save Wang Lingling inside the restroom. We know nothing about the situation in there, but he might have information for us. Of course, if this guy remains stubborn and refuses to talk, then you can do whatever you want!"

Ji Chang glanced at the sprawled Gao Xiang on the ground, suppressing a smile as he spoke.


Seeing this, Huang Mang flexed his fists and prepared for action. The metallic collision of his fists emitted a sharp noise.

Listening to their conversation, Gao Xiang, who had been contemplating how to deceive them, instantly became apprehensive. "I... I'll talk, I'll tell you anything you want to know!"


Half an hour later, Ji Chang and Huang Mang returned with the now unconscious Gao Xiang to the side of the restroom. Upon seeing Chen Lingxue and the others, Ji Chang recounted what he had learned from Gao Xiang about the situation inside the restroom.

As it turned out, most of the people inside the restroom were construction workers from a nearby construction site. Just before the shrinking incident occurred, their site manager's child had turned one month old, and they had used the opportunity of a lunch break to treat the workers to a meal.

After the banquet, as they passed by the restroom, the shrinking event happened. Consequently, they swiftly occupied the restroom and, upon realizing their newfound extraordinary abilities, fortified it into a stronghold.

Liu Qing and Gao Xiang had hidden in the bushes overnight. Driven by hunger and thirst, they ventured out in search of food, only to encounter the people in the restroom. Initially, they believed they were saved, only to realize they had leaped from one predicament into another.

Liu Qing was brutally killed by over a dozen people, while Gao Xiang's superhuman abilities allowed him to survive, albeit becoming a tool for the group. The most powerful among this group was the project manager, who possessed the ability to mold metal.

He was known as the "Earth Emperor" within the restroom. Moreover, his metal manipulation abilities were not like Ji Chang's or Huang Mang's; his control over metal was absolute. Listening to Gao Xiang's description, Ji Chang felt his power was akin to the abilities of Magneto from movies.

Apart from the roughly three to four dozen construction workers led by the project manager inside the restroom, Ji Chang also learned that there were many others. These individuals were mostly from the village's public bus, nearby residents' houses, or were caught outside during the shrinking event.

Most of these people were brought back by Gao Xiang.

There were also many people who had fled and happened to pass by the restroom, much like Gao Xiang and Liu Qing. They thought they were being saved, but in reality, they had fallen into a new kind of hell...

When these people were combined, they were the same individuals Ji Chang had seen transporting food earlier. Additionally, there were many disobedient ones who had been imprisoned. These people were currently enduring torture, with the men getting beaten and the women subjected to humiliation.


After hearing this news, everyone displayed expressions of shock and horror. Even Ji Chang was deeply moved. He was well aware of the darker aspects of human nature, but to see things escalate to this extent within just a few days truly surprised him.

Even after experiencing the incident at Uncle Zhou's house, the events that had unfolded within this restroom left Ji Chang dumbfounded. And Huang Mang, who learned of the situation, couldn't contain himself and thoroughly beat up Gao Xiang.

Fortunately, from what Gao Xiang had disclosed, the Earth Emperor, the project manager, showed interest in recruiting Wang Lingling due to her unique flying ability, so he hadn't treated her brutally. If it weren't for that, Huang Mang might have pounded Gao Xiang into a pulp by now.


"The situation is urgent. According to the original plan, Mangzi and I will infiltrate first, while you guys stay outside ready to provide support!"

After giving these instructions, Ji Chang led Huang Mang straight towards the entrance of the restroom. The Spider Wolf and the Wasp followed suit. However, following Ji Chang's command, the Spider Wolf directly scaled the restroom's wall, entering through the ventilation opening. The Wasp flew high into the sky and entered through the gap at the top of the restroom's main door.

With the presence of these two spirit beasts, Ji Chang believed that even if the other side had thirty or forty people, it wouldn't pose a threat. Their primary goal now was to locate Wang Lingling and then find a way to break through the encirclement. Charging in recklessly would likely be unwise.

"Good heavens, Mangzi, look here, there are people!" Just as they reached the entrance, Ji Chang couldn't help but exclaim, "We're saved!"

"Wow, mister, please help us! We haven't eaten for three days. Do you have water? Please give me some water to drink!" Huang Mang, in sync with Ji Chang's act, bellowed with a pitiable tone.

Their voices immediately caught the attention of the two guarding the entrance. Observing Ji Chang and Huang Mang approaching with unsteady steps, they eagerly stepped forward.

"Hey, little brothers, get up quickly. We'll take you to eat!" A man holding a knife rushed to support Ji Chang and Huang Mang.

At the same time, he signaled to another person.

That person immediately jogged off to fetch others.

Ji Chang and Huang Mang were no strangers to such scenes and acted in perfect coordination.

"Such kind souls, Brother Ji, we're finally saved! I thought we were the last two people left in this world!" Huang Mang, who was seemingly possessed by a theatrical spirit, cried while wiping his tears and nose.

"Little brothers, don't be afraid. Where are you from? Do you have any other companions?"