
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 14: The Second Divine Beast

"Brother Ji, be careful!"

Watching the wasp attempting to attack Ji Chang, Huang Mang shouted loudly.

Immediately after, Huang Mang, who had already transformed half of his body into metal, leaped towards Ji Chang in a swift motion.

Just as Huang Mang lunged onto Ji Chang's body, the venomous stinger at the wasp's tail rapidly approached.

In the critical moment, Huang Mang's body instantaneously turned metallic.

Simultaneously, the stinger struck Huang Mang's body.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

The tremendous force of the wasp's impact caused the two of them, along with the ant, to tumble out together.

The wasp's body also hesitated and fell to the ground!


Ji Chang, who had quickly rolled back up, hurriedly checked the condition of Huang Mang beside him.

Upon seeing the metallic sheen on Huang Mang's body, he couldn't help but exhale a sigh of relief!

However, soon enough, the visible metallic appearance on Huang Mang's body began to recede at a speed discernible to the naked eye.

Clearly, Huang Mang's mental strength had been depleted in that split second.

Of course, they had come all the way from the kitchen and had also experienced an onslaught from the ant colony, depleting a significant portion of their mental energy.

Now, encountering the wasp, even Ji Chang felt his mental strength waning.

After that collision just now, Ji Chang felt a dull ache in his head.

"Ji... Brother Ji, I'm fine, just... just a terrible headache!"

Huang Mang, who was slowly getting up, said with a pale face.

It wasn't just Ji Chang and Huang Mang feeling this way; even the wasp, which had also been knocked over, seemed somewhat disoriented, struggling to get back up.

"Lingling, stop, please stop, hurry back to help!"

Chen Lingxue, caught by Wang Lingling, anxiously said when she saw the two knocked down by the wasp.

Immediately, despite enduring the intense pain in her head, a pair of green mist clusters surged from Wang Lingling's palms once again.

Just as the wasp was rolling back onto its feet, wings quivering, Wang Lingling and Chen Lingxue arrived by the two's side.

As soon as they landed, Chen Lingxue slapped the well-condensed green mist onto Ji Chang and Huang Mang.

Upon contact with the mist, their mental energy began gradually restoring.

"Not good, that wasp is coming again!"

As Ji Chang turned to look at the approaching wasp, his voice turned heavy.

At this moment, the wasp was fluttering its wings, rapidly crawling towards them.

Seeing this, the ant that had returned to Ji Chang's side lifted its two powerful forelegs and moved its antennae, rushing forward.

Although Ji Chang's ant was fierce, it was ultimately not on the same level as the wasp.

Even though it was a young wasp, with just a single glance, the ant was flung away by the wasp's wing flapping, sent tumbling out.

Watching the approaching wasp, Huang Mang stepped forward, positioning himself in front of everyone, preparing to transform into metal again.

However, the wasp's speed was extremely fast, coupled with the fact that Huang Mang's restored mental strength was still limited, the transformation into a metallic state was sluggish.

Huang Mang knew that if he didn't step forward at this moment, everyone behind him would perish!

"You all, run quickly, I'll deal with this wasp!"

In his extreme urgency, Huang Mang shouted loudly.

However, just as he was about to rush towards the wasp, a pair of hands firmly grasped him!

The one holding onto Huang Mang was Ji Chang!

"Brother Ji, you..."

Before Huang Mang could say anything, he saw Ji Chang suddenly standing in front of them.

Only to witness Ji Chang extending his palm towards the approaching wasp.

Just as Ji Chang's palm was about to make contact with the venomous stinger at the wasp's tail, the wasp seemed to freeze in mid-air.

At this moment, Ji Chang slowly opened his eyes.

In the next instant, a mechanical voice echoed in Ji Chang's mind.


"Commanding the wasp successful!"

Following that, a familiar window reappeared in his field of vision!


Name: Ji Chang

Age: 19

Divine Beasts: Ant, Wasp

Abilities: Not yet unlocked (To be gradually unlocked as the host's strength increases)

The wasp under Ji Chang's command changed its aggressive stance from before, retracting its venomous stinger and settling down on the ground.

Just like soldiers awaiting inspection.

During the moment when the ant had been flung away by the wasp's tail, Ji Chang suddenly felt a piercing pain in his brain. It felt as if his head was about to split open, but then his spirit shook!

As a result, his mental energy, previously completely depleted, instantly recovered to its peak state.

Not only that, in that instantaneous realization, Ji Chang discovered that his restored peak mental energy was actually more than double what it had been before!

He didn't understand why it was like this.

But Ji Chang couldn't ponder over it much, because along with his mental energy restoring to its peak state and surging, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind.

"Do you choose to command the wasp?"

In this urgent situation, Ji Chang decisively chose to command it.

And then the scene from just now unfolded.


Looking up at the well-behaved wasp lying in front of him, Ji Chang licked his cracked lips and a smile formed on his face.

The three of them stared blankly at this sudden turn of events, standing frozen in place.

They didn't know what had happened, why the wasp that had just wanted to sting them all to death suddenly changed its behavior.

Even just a moment ago, both Chen Lingxue and Wang Lingling had closed their eyes, prepared to die!

In their eyes, even Ji Chang and Huang Mang, the strongest among them, couldn't withstand the wasp's attack, so how could they?

Escaping was also futile!

"Ji... Ji Chang, it was you who controlled it!"

Not long after, Chen Lingxue, the first to recover her senses, looked at the ant that had come running from a distance, then at the massive wasp beside the ant, and suddenly realized what had happened.

With Chen Lingxue's reminder, the others finally understood.

Looking at the wasp lying on the ground, a height of two people and the length of three or four people, they were all filled with amazement.

Especially Huang Mang, it took him quite a while before he managed to mutter, "Damn," to express his current feelings.

After Ji Chang's successful command, the threat of the wasp had completely disappeared.

The three of them sat on the ground, breathing heavily.

Having relaxed completely from their highly tense state, they felt dizzy and sore all over.

Especially Huang Mang, who had been stung by the wasp's venomous stinger on his back, was grimacing in pain.

In contrast, Ji Chang, whose mental energy seemed to have broken through, had a relaxed expression.

While the three were taking a break, Ji Chang examined his new Divine Beast and felt the strong heartbeat coming from the wasp.

After a short rest, Chen Lingxue stood up and said with a somewhat heavy tone, "Let's... let's go retrieve Xiao Feng's body..."

Upon mentioning Xiao Feng, a hint of sorrow appeared on the faces of the three.

Ji Chang also sighed internally.

After being reduced in size, a slight misstep could lead to death.

If it weren't for his mental energy breakthrough just now and his command over the wasp, they would likely have met the same fate as Xiao Feng.

Glancing at his wasp and then at the direction where Xiao Feng had been, Ji Chang said, "Rest here for a while. I'll go."

"Brother Ji, I'll go with you!" Huang Mang, enduring the severe pain in his back, stood up and said.