
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 13: Attack of the Hornets

After approximately a few minutes, Zhou Jun opened his eyes. Then, he turned to Ji Chang with an excited expression, "Brother Ji! I felt it, it's incredible!"

At that moment, Zhou Jun once again looked down at his own arm. Faintly, his fingers twitched slightly, followed by his hand, which led to his trembling arm slowly raising.

Simultaneously, two vortices converged in his palm, and a sharp vibrating sound emerged. However, the vortices quickly vanished, and Zhou Jun's arm seemed to lose its weight, hanging limp on his shoulder.

Despite this, Zhou Jun's face was filled with excitement, having confirmed his awakening of extraordinary power. Witnessing the vortices that had just burst from his hands and the jarring sound, Huang Mang's face displayed astonishment.

Although the vortices disappeared, his ears still buzzed. Wang Lingling's mouth was slightly agape, showing her surprise. Ji Chang also looked at Zhou Jun with considerable admiration.

To awaken such extraordinary power and shatter an ant with a mere awakening, it could be described as remarkably powerful. When Ji Chang saw Zhou Jun attempting to raise his arm again, he couldn't help but smile and say, "Your mental strength is still weak. Don't attempt it again. In case there are any aftereffects, wait until your mental strength has recovered. I believe your shockwave's power will be even stronger!"

Hearing the words "aftereffects," Zhou Jun's expression faltered, and he obediently suppressed the thought of trying to wield his extraordinary power again.

"There are so many dead ants here. It's not advisable to stay. Let's hurry back to the base!" Soon, Ji Chang scanned the ant corpses on the ground, pondering for a moment. Then he led Huang Mang and the others back on their way.

After the event of the ant swarm attack, everyone's vigilance had heightened. Despite their hunger, their pace quickened compared to before.

Although Zhou Jun's arms were temporarily immobilized due to using extraordinary power, he had Huang Mang tie a thread around his waist and contributed his strength by pulling, making his way forward.

After about half an hour, they finally caught sight of the outline of the bedroom door. Seeing this, a collective sigh of relief swept over them.

A slight sense of relief also appeared on Ji Chang's face. They had safely retrieved the food after an eventful journey.

Just as Ji Chang was about to say something to motivate everyone to bring the rice back to the base with renewed energy, his brows furrowed suddenly.

The reason for Ji Chang's sudden change in demeanor was the antennae of an ant beside him, which began to shake vigorously.

It was a warning behavior!

"What's wrong, Brother Ji?" Seeing Ji Chang's sudden shift in behavior, Zhou Jun couldn't help but ask.

At the back of the group, Huang Mang and Wang Lingling felt the increased pressure due to the sudden halt of the ants.

Huang Mang turned his head to look at Ji Chang at the front and was about to ask something when he heard Ji Chang exclaim, "Mang, you take them and bring the rice back. I'll go help!"

"What? Brother Ji, what's going on..." Before Huang Mang could finish his sentence, he suddenly saw two blurry figures rushing forward.

Listening carefully, they could faintly hear frantic yelling!

The voices belonged to none other than their squad leader Chen Lingxue and Xiao Feng!

"Lingling! You and Zhou Jun stay here. I'll go help!" In an instant, Huang Mang's body was filled with determination, and he dashed toward Ji Chang's figure.

Just as Wang Lingling, who had just reacted, was considering joining in to help, she recalled Ji Chang and Huang Mang's words a moment ago. She hesitated, not knowing what to do.

Not only was there rice to protect, but Zhou Jun, whose psychic energy had been depleted, was also here. If she left too, what if some other threat like ants emerged? Both Zhou Jun and the rice would be left vulnerable.

Just at that moment, Zhou Jun shouted at Wang Lingling, "Wang Lingling, don't worry. Leave the rice to me!"

Upon hearing Zhou Jun's words, Wang Lingling nodded vigorously, then took flight and headed toward the positions of Chen Lingxue and Xiao Feng.

The three of them surged forward.

Ji Chang, leading the front, soon caught up with squad leader Chen Lingxue and Xiao Feng, who were in a wretched state. Without waiting for Ji Chang's inquiry, a black and yellow giant figure came hurtling towards them!

Once Ji Chang saw the true appearance of the black and yellow giant, his mouth twitched involuntarily.

The black and yellow figure turned out to be a hornet!

Although the appearance of this hornet was not much different from a fly, it was evidently a young hornet. Nevertheless, even so, it was something they couldn't endure at the moment.

At the same time, Squad Leader Chen Lingxue's voice came through, "Ji Chang, run quickly, don't worry about us!"

The moment Ji Chang saw the hornet clearly, even without Chen Lingxue's reminder, his initial thought was to run. But Ji Chang knew it was too late.

Because the hornet had already extended its venomous stinger, descending rapidly towards their location.

The hornet's speed was as fast as lightning, and its venomous stinger pierced through Xiao Feng, who was behind Chen Lingxue, in an instant.

Almost even before a cry could escape from Xiao Feng, the venomous stinger pierced straight through his head, carrying blood and a cloudy white substance.

Ji Chang didn't have the time to worry about his stomach's turmoil. He let out a long exhale, causing the ant to brake abruptly.

At that moment, Chen Lingxue, who had rolled and crawled, also arrived at Ji Chang's side.

Seeing this, Ji Chang immediately pulled Chen Lingxue onto the ant's back, clenched his legs tightly around the ant's body, and changed direction, sprinting away.

"Mang, Wang Lingling, run! It's hornets!" Ji Chang shouted loudly as Huang Mang and Wang Lingling approached from a distance.

Hearing Ji Chang's voice, Huang Mang and Wang Lingling's expressions changed. They turned around and started running.

While the group was sprinting, the hornet took to the air again, aiming its venomous stinger at the direction the group was fleeing.

The hornet's speed was beyond what the group could compare to. It caught up quickly.

In the next second, the hornet extended its venomous stinger once more, this time aiming at Ji Chang and Chen Lingxue!

At that moment, Ji Chang raised his head and looked in the direction of the hornet, his gaze fixed on the venomous stinger glinting coldly.

He understood that if that long stinger pierced them, both he and Chen Lingxue would likely have no chance to escape.

In this perilous moment, Ji Chang shouted again, "Wang Lingling, take Squad Leader away first!"

Furthermore, carrying Chen Lingxue now meant that the ant's speed couldn't reach its maximum.

As Ji Chang's voice fell, the light-shadow wings behind Wang Lingling suddenly fluttered, veering in the direction where Ji Chang was.

Immediately after, Wang Lingling grabbed Chen Lingxue's shoulder and flew away.

Simultaneously, the hornet descended once again!

Its venomous stinger was aimed straight at Ji Chang's head!