

Must I hold alot misunderstanding about love? and what It means? and what it does? and how it makes other humans feel when they absorb? what I am giving can I sense a pattern where even if I love and care and cherrish there a sense of purpose missing? and a sense of missing pieces and sense of missing identity? does loving other make me whole as a human or do I just love the idea of other humans giving me love that I feel I don't deserve ?does the love I deserve hold any weight and passions and care behind or is it just pushing events forward without meaning ?to can there be a sense of meaning in the way I want to be Loved and cared or is the love that I crave hold meaning that only I wish I deserved? for love u can always be sure to wonder if other humans have loved and cared for one another or if they can ever love and care for u and all the damage and chaos u have done and said to them? being loved and wanting to be Loved can capture ideas and concepts aiming towards a honest truth can that truth and honest ever being aimed towards u? Can you ever feel like a understanding is happening ? Can u ever feel like the love u crayy can ever be Pointed towards you? Can u ever feel like humans want to know and see what can I do to support and love u for who u are ? Is love the idea of a human or the human being the idea that u ever want to be true and present to you? Does everyone just love differently and I can't accept the way others want to be Loved cause I feel the love I provide is the best?

Does everyone ever feel presented in the love they can or can't understand or do they just love in hopes of seeing a human who doesn't seem to found of it? Pieces of love and heart aren't not to be found and aren't not to be alone but also aren't meant to seem unreasonable either Does anyone understand and find value in missing pieces of themselves finding there own morals and values are more nonexistent? and more not reachable for if they don't want to understand the type of human they want to become? then why must we connect with those who seem not willing to find morals and values with wants desires and decisions? those who have no clue or idea what Thoughts they have cause they misunderstand and misrepresente how those thoughts and emotion even process before the for if they knew there own thoughts and emotion in more healthy ways one could say hope in being hopeful could last? or could it just be a outcome no one will ever actually want or work towards? could humans be more willing to server no valuve or principles to themselves knowing all mistakes that redefined issues inside of them? Could humans be destroyed and be reborn and not know how to receive and spread what is necessary for there own nature to be sealed within them?Could humans be welcoming and caring without spreading the evil and deceiving matters closing there own sickening pleasures ?

Could humans protect and support and love without mind games portraying them to be someone who isn't what they actually are?

Could humans be damaged and burried noticing that no changes will ever help and satisfy such energy that is feeding and crawling to hurt and wound them?

Could humans allow such pity and distant to be presented before them without consequences that they will face underneath hollow masks ? Human nature is it to be solved and guided through changes commenced and controlled cause no one else will forsee what will be there own nature to be gone and lost beneath ways not fixing and working to see what issues can be distracted and what issues can be contained and communicated correctly Does someone true nature read through issues being solved or do such issues being solve remain hidden and uncertain due previous encounter affecting outcomes and possibilities closing in on each other fortune? Can such fortunes survive in slaved to his own ideas and concepts forgetting what allows him to be understanding to his own degree bewareing his own centership to himself and his givings?mustn't he forgive and proclaim morals and values that don't seem shallow and haunted in his own ownerships to his own justice that includes responses and closure not allowing one's who monster to be natured and protected? If there own monster can be supported and loved then can my own monster inside of me learn to belive and behave as his own morals and values tell him to ? Can I allow my own monster to be understanding and loving not bring misery and tortement to others for that is what he is against? If he is not allowed to nature and secure his own monster then will it be free and mistaken for being a hero that isn't need in times of compassion ? Can such compassion bring understanding and peace to what issues that have only made him to be more human ?

Does being more human create and allow his own justice to be mistreated and mistaken for hatred and disspontiment? Does his own heroism cause him to want to change and save everyone around him no mater issues and problems they have risen around them?

Is it only possible to change and allow what is needed and not needed and not established and solved through mysteries and unknown reasons and worries taken as love ?

Is there such a idea of wrong ways to love and support a human who is in confusion on the words I am speaking for if the words I am speaking can spark and care for another it can also damage and control and damage others that is taken as my own monster and justice to have been also mistreated and not loved properly What principles and morals must I comprehend and understand in order to figure out what must I cherish and what must I hold to the ground? Is there something in my mind not letting me to understand and forgive others based on the actions they have caused me ? Is there actions and decisions they are making that leave me in distance and disappointment in how they handle themselves from inside ? Is there a action they can take and propser in order for me to allow and control my own morals and egoism in hopes of being seeing as allies not enemies?

Is everything taken and said by me given by misinformed humans granted and subtracted by there own reality and limited to such purpose within? Is allowing my own values to be adjusted and reprogrammed a step in my own nature or is it against my own nature not foreseeing damages ahead of myself ? Can someone true charcter be broken and well made cause if not broken not human if not well made not formed maybe I should learn to not allow my own foolish ideas and concepts on to humans? Maybe I shouldn't expect there to be humans who have all what is together inside of them cause someone may never even learn how to be but I mustn't try to save them if they don't want to be saved ? What damages may be involved and erasable due to such selfishness and dishonest in mind does my own selfishness cause me to remove what someone is inside of what someone can be ?

Can someone be a a normal human being from my view point without there being a list of demands and claims not serving well to my own proclaimed justice I so speak of?

Does such justice and self-centered actions blind me to how others feel and how others have handles there own pain and suffering is it because i feel that there better ways to handle such pain and suffering or must I realize everyone has such answers and rules to how they want to be shown to the world around them Doesn't my own nature and principles escape and danger others with beholding precious values that may contain devastating consequences and regret? Is true freedom in your mind acquired with words or acquired with lessons or acquired in control of reasons downplaying ones meaning is attacked?if meaning is being controlled and conquered can someone who meaning and passion be the cause of someone who failures? What meaning and punishment purposely closes principles and morals if what is being shown is only necessary for danger and dangerous?

If punishment and pain could be produced and provided could one whole future be full of happiness and smiles if the understanding of sides could reach a point of closure? If both sides were damaged and burreid through love and support were there be any love and supportive that would actually hold meaning to there lives? Doesn't both sides try to control and maniplaute each in need of something not reachable and recognizable but in serch of small business not favors of knowing but favors of achieving?how could both sides prevent and wonder what lessons and pain they could worrie about If they misunderstand there own lessons and pain but misinformation from others in spectrum of same said nonsense? Does someone from both sides begin to wonder what does my life meaning to u inside of how my life would benefit from you and serve u as my love and treat of compassion and company?

Doesn't compassion and love serve as needs of love and heart but only mistreated and wounded by others mind gaming there foolish tricks of despair ? What despair is needed and what despair is selfish is despair meaninglessness or is despair meaningful what despair will be the end of ur salvation or a turn of events that shall help u accomplish What is really being driven by my desires is it exucaution or lack of understand or lack of awareness being shot down to obvilion as body language moves past sentences? Does my own desires get mashed and crashed of unfulfling similarities damaging my internal soul and possibilities? What possibilities being disregarded and closed subtracting principles and morals escaping there own manners from being disrespectful and designed to counter react to chocies of unwanted? Is being wanted and desired not intended in my own meaning and purpose to the point where if am wanted that is destroyed if needed that is used if not broken is destructive? Where does being destructive inside bring me joy and peace from within seconds of happiness not delivering my true reflection of morals?

Does my own morals and principles hold pieces of regret and implications replacing my own monster to be shown and not tamed and disengaged with the ability to connect with others who only see a opportunity instead of a human? Do I see humans as opportunities to bring forth my own morals and principles as outlines to there own failures and misgivings to detach there own needs as selfishness when my own selfishness is showing underneath layers? Do I witness my own opportunities as disappointing due to feeling my own disappointies don't make me redeemable and worthy for love and compassion in slaved to my own ego as a toy for the decisions I have made?does my own ego play a misery in roles of serving as worthy but not being able to save ones who I seem to love and care due to previous encounters? Does someone true deserve to be saved or should we save them no matter the issues and actions and consequences they have done to each other who deserves to be redeemed and who deserves to Perrish Does identifying someone morals and values create separation and controlling tactics upon them while displaying acts of kindness in shapes of broken pieces? Does my own pieces and puzzles bring disposable actions and decisions conflicting with my ability to see who am able to connect with properly? Does my decions realy on someone else love and compassion for me and how does it make me happy and loving and knowing I can be there for someone despite them not being there for me?does such entitlement bring issues and problems unresolved within posion and hatred inside hopeless and regret of one's prison and desires? Does someone love make me feel more human or make me feel more desirable and wanted is there a idea of love and compassion that i feel I wanted but don't understand the causes of how to receive what I feel I am owned? Does someone who is wanted and desirable feel more love or feel more hatred and wounds for how others how treated there own mind with stupidity?

Does ones stupidity remain in chances of charcter who is wondering if someone love and caring is there for a creature like him as if such creature hasn't said stupid and pathetic things himself ? Is anyone justified in there own acts of evil qualities and kindness in selves of regret and misdirection including someone who is misunderstood and someone who doesn't understand who they are?

If someone who is misunderstood deconstructes the human who doesn't know who they are he misses hopes of connecting with them he misses the hopes of being cared from them ? Will someone want to get to know a creature who understands what he wants but doesn't understand how he wants it to be and proclaimed before he's eyes if he knows what type of human he wants to love will he find humans who he understands and they understand him or it this just a fantasys of a creature true heart and morality Where could ones true intentions and intelligence be if one Is occupied with his desires that don't fit in with his morals and principles in line of what is necessary? Could ones desire prove to benefit and destroy what he created and witnessed in between barriers of meaning and punishment? Could ones punishment and glory be defined by his desires in shapes of principles and values broken inside of the mind with kindness formed by heart and love? Does ones heart and love contain principles and values not being spoken directly in action but only in silence inside himself? Could ones spoken words be told in beautiful and wonde ways instead of foolish ways changed from past failures and destruction trapping charcter fallacies from being reintroduced? Do such fallacies include ones intangled with my own morals and values where they can be readjusted to be more helpful towards everyone around?

If someone is being used and forced into judgment then must my own judgment be the reason I grow and form my own morals and principles from within a helping hand?

If that helping hand can be made and loved and supported through what my morals and values say they are instead of confusion

From previous sayings towards influences around me? Do influences and sayings have a effect on my morals and values as statements said with passion or statements said by those not worth to form realistic values themselves?

If such values were taken and loaded from me onto others would there be a understanding of a human like me or will nonsense flood the brains and create concepts instead of actual humans