
Book 5

meaning and purpose who will determine and deserve what is only given to him by morals virtues and ethics for he has defined and redirect his messages as If they were predictions of lessons leaning towards his own nature and beyond what he is capable of reaching such principlesand such energy is never find in such a forbidden and dishonest world a world that is lost on themselves so openly that they never learn how to teach and understand each other without pain being the answer for most of the questions ending there own foolish games suchdisgraceful and meaningless words burying everyone true purpose and meaning everyone is more capable of doing more for theme but no one is really entering a stage of what have I done will it hurt the people that I care for will it hurt the people I love will it hurt the peoplethat mean the world to me is such there anyone way I can give and understand how you are feeling so I can help and learn to love you the way you are meant to be Loved can this happen if it weren't for stupid outlets putting out nonsense for both species feeding them withno morals or values or anything worth of being said to each other without there being a intention that will brake the bonds that were once connected but were lost in the way of not understanding what u and that person did was it worth all the miss communication orwas it that you weren't ready to be apart of someone life that loved and cherish you with there not being such a intention that is only find in cowards what intentions may you bring that will fulfill and connect the joy inside or is that joy broken in the helll created in yourmind will your mind learn to forgive and love and recreate itself again in order to claim the words you speak or will such words be spoken with no Acton what actions will you partake actions causing damage or actions causing you to rethink what can I do to be human again

humans remain unforgiven and have consequences on there own beliefs and actions blinding ones mind in to think it's necessary to obtain all that is broken from a human mind there souls there heart there love there value there morals causing other humans chasing closure and revenge through foolish games and foolish tactics must such misery and tortement from each other be Trappe within themselves that they can't forsee the wrongings in there pathetic actions seeing the conditions they put one another in is truly sickening such humanity being ripped apart without there being a help in sight must they benefit not knowing themselves well enough to enter a self examination that shall heall the darkness and the hatred inside of them

must the actions that they take feel disgraceful and meaningless there own pain and hatred and love and heart and morality and value taken away within them from others like them all humans do is give each other ideas that will only danger them in the end must it become a sign of being given the morality that is nowhere to be seen or the morality that seems to be not found in the first place must there be a place to be found for the humans I want to have connections with or will they disappear into nothingness can everything be returned or learned or taught to them or is everything to late to help the humans worthy helping or help the ones Willing to grow

does such willingness to contain morals valuves and love and ethics really exist anymore or is everyone gone inside the mind of the human not being able to learn to be human cause will I be human to allow humans to be themselves Depending on the circumstances can such values and morals be destroyed by such disturbing descions and chocies? Do such values remain unseen and unpresentable in consequence with how a person can be created and sealed while trying to understanding others? We I be able to understand and valvue and create a human to be more helpful and more loving and more hopeful and more understanding of one's past and tragic isuse within there mind caused by one another? Will the love and value and morals be created while searching for humans who love and care and feel and express themselves ? Will they disappear or be not find with the connections proceeding and wishing if they were ever real and true ?

Must I comprehend and understand a human thoughts feelings and value and morals to be in one with the human they are or the human they can't escape and can't change due to circumstances from the world around them ?where does the love and heart and morality go to if it was not established due to society's mind games and foolish tactics?

Does ones heart and love be missing or created or lost or stolen could it have been taken away from them for the humans they have run into and now worry if those humans will hurt and throw them again once more as before ?

Many humans have lost there own ways due to other humans foolishness it isn't my fault to be in control of how they feel or what they do but I realize how dissponting to see a world so lost and so afraid to be themselves? and to not be scared cause I only wish I could help the humans I see be miserable manipulative and dishonest with the reality they made I only want to love and care and see joy in others but in today's world I have feeling everyone will continue to hurt and misuse one another I can't help those are to deep into the mind the is broken but I can help the ones I can to see them evolve and be better.Can a human learn to be Loved and valued and cared for without being consumed by there own ego and nature that it allows him to conjure disturbing ideas and tactics that will only feed into his own deceiving chocies and mistakes? Must those choices be dissponting and dangerous to his own mind and heart within himself will it damage the chocies that were once inside his mind? Will those chocies learn to be in control and influenced by his own mind by being more careful in what's he's saying ? Is what he's saying destined to be true or is it influenced by older philosophers not being relevant in his own mind and confused weither or not these ideas and concepts could work and make peace with the heart he has inside himself? Will the heart and love still care and not being wounded from previous relationships as if those realizations didn't teach certain aspects about himself that were also very hypocrital and disturbing and disgusting ? A human still learning how to be human allowing criticism to be placed on others when he himself has done and said things he didn't mean? Must he himself learn to take responsibilities and reflect on the ideas and morals and values and love he has so proclaimed to be and become? Must he connect with himself and love the wounds and flaws and darkness inside of himself or will the feelings shape and scatter through the mind surrounding itself with fears from previous experiences ? Some things I feel deserve such forgiveness in the mind that is wondering if that is safe to feel but he mustn't forgive those who wish madness on one another that is only backwards from the words he wishes to proclaim and speak and embodie for the flaws he has seen and learn to live with his can wish to communicate and express what he can or can't allow due to his own nature and who he is for he is is a human who sees himself in loving and caring nature but he sees there are things holding him back from his own mind his mind that he loves and cares for and wishes it be loved and cared for as well for what he is as a human

Love and desire share pieces and puzzles that crumble in between the lines that crawl deep withing the nature of the world that is around us creating humans who forget the meaning and purpose and love of what they never thought they could be or become because what they see and feel is upon through True nature and being that is forsaken and not require to have humanity and morals that seem understanding nor seem reasonable but any means of uncertain messages displaying in there minds witnessing and foreseeing every piece is said with such ignorance and judgment and evil do they decied to walk up to themselves and see the words choosing to be said do they realize what could happen if those words be told the nightmares and misery and negative masquerading as speeches as if such speeches justify all that is being said damaged create more damaged damaged creates more despair damages creates humans who don't understand and feel and love and express one another without mind games must I feel and understand the damaged ones minds to wonder if any humanity is still left to be explored is everyone damaged and not worthy enough to help is everyone not worthy enough to create a better person for themselves without losing what made them human in the first place is the love the morals the empathy the desires is the human gone and forgotten is what is lost can never be found again is what is forever is misplaced and wounded forever or must I love the ones I can and cherish the connections I can make and choose who I can be apart of wisely instead of foolishly

Doesn't the world feel trapped in despair without ever feeling alive in the thoughts they once had what kind of thoughts did they have were those thoughts seen or understood by others were those thoughts misguided and misrepresented were those thoughts not open and delivered with clear intentions were those thoughts not rembered and carried in the love they were thinking of having but never had due to wounds from past relationships dealing with the thoughts that might have broken or changed the way they say and said things in miserable and haunting ways do the thoughts and words they will say cause emotional affects on the humans spoken to will they be deliver with promises love and heart and caring or will those words be gone and lost and forgotten from the inability to understand if those thoughts and feelings were the move that were included could those thoughts be judged and thrown away and controlled with no reason to but to fill the void and wonder if things will remain unseen and unheard from the human imagination could the human mind belive and hear and understand another human mind if not served and loved and cared with good intentions are the intentions there real or are the intentions there not feeling thoughtful are the intentions here not realzing and obtaing what could it benefit from due to the heart being confused on where he deserves to gain such attraction and affection from humans themselves do human themselves wonder the feelings and thoughts they can process and guide to without feeling like a glass of water ready to empty all its pieces till it can gain the closure and respect it claims and wants may the thoughts someone can process and keep serve as ideas and concepts training to be explored in correct ways and not being explored in egotistical sacrifice we as humans can process and serve thoughts while being truly guided by how we want and why we want and will the want give someone the opportunity he never once learned how to have