
Humanities End

Ethan's story begins as he narrowly escapes a relentless Android patrol in the rain-soaked city. The world is dominated by machines, and humans live in constant fear.

FraternalSky · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

The Cannibal's Lair

Ethan's entry into the hut was a reluctant step into the heart of darkness. Candles cast flickering shadows across the room, illuminating a morbid decor of death. Human skulls were scattered about, their empty sockets bearing silent witness to the horrors that had unfolded within these walls. Paintings adorned the hut's interior, eerie reminders of a civilization long lost.

In the center of the room, a grotesque throne of brown wood, encrusted with skulls, stood as a sinister centerpiece. On that grim throne sat a man with blond hair and piercing blue eyes, filled with a malevolence that seemed etched into Ethan's very soul. He exuded an air of intelligence and a ruthlessness that sent shivers down Ethan's spine.

The man's first words sent a jolt of fear through Ethan. "What is this device, and what does it do?" The question hung in the air, a noose waiting to tighten around his throat.

Ethan's mind raced, but the truth was simple. He didn't know. The device was a mystery to him. It had appeared in his life like a phantom, a tantalizing enigma that he couldn't decipher. He had no choice but to play it safe, to guard his words carefully in this den of savagery.

"I don't know," he replied, his voice steady. "I found it a few miles away while running from some robots."

The cannibal leader's gaze bore into him, and his thoughts remained a well-guarded secret. He reached for a severed hand in a bowl beside him and began to gnaw on it, the grisly display meant to unnerve Ethan.

"We were all looking forward to having women meat," the leader mused, his eyes glinting with madness. "It's delicious, but here in our humble community, we love nothing more than eating the tongues of liars."

Ethan's heart sank, and he realized the dire nature of his predicament. He was treading on a precipice, and the consequences of his words could be lethal. The cannibal leader gestured to the guard who had brought Ethan, signaling that he should take Ethan away.

"Show him what happens when someone refuses to help us," the leader commanded, his voice cold and merciless. "Don't kill him just yet."

As the guard began to escort Ethan away, a blow landed on his head, jarring him but not enough to send him into unconsciousness. The darkness remained at bay, and he found himself being carried toward a hellish pit of fire.

Upon reaching the pit, Ethan bore witness to the gruesome spectacle of a poor soul suspended on a makeshift barbecue rack. The lifeless figure dangled above the roaring flames, its eyes and mouth frozen wide open, caught in a grotesque final expression of shock or agony. Ethan's gut told him that this unfortunate soul had met his end at the hands of the cannibals before being burned alive, to avoid those mechanical horrors from knowing the location of this horrifying community. He felt a deep well of sympathy for the victim, a cruel reminder of the fate that might soon befall him.

As he was dragged back to his cell, the pale moonlight revealed a glimmer on the ground, something sharp and shiny. The guard paid it no mind, focused solely on his task. But Ethan's desperation and determination were his allies. As the guard continued to move forward, Ethan summoned the last of his strength to grab the shining object.

In an instant, the guard did not realize Ethan's true intentions, and anger flared within him because he though that Ethan was just trying to stall for time. With a cruel thrust, he slammed the spears dull part against Ethan's back with the leader's voice fresh in his mind, advising not to kill Ethan. For Ethan, the pain nearly unbearable. The guard's voice rose in a furious rebuke, ordering Ethan to cease his movements.

Ethan's hands secretly clutched the hidden object, a sharp bone that had been buried in the ground like a forgotten relic. It was his only hope in this living nightmare.

The guard, after throwing him into his cell like a lifeless doll, departed, leaving Ethan alone with his newfound, desperate weapon. As he gazed upon the bone, he knew that it held the key to his survival. His thoughts raced as he contemplated how he might wield it to escape the clutches of the cannibals.

The blue eyes in the corner of the cell remained fixed on Ethan, a silent witness to his every move. Their owner was a mystery, and the significance of those eyes weighed heavily on Ethan's mind. In this gruesome theater of horrors, he knew that his every choice could be a matter of life or death.