
Humanities End

Ethan's story begins as he narrowly escapes a relentless Android patrol in the rain-soaked city. The world is dominated by machines, and humans live in constant fear.

FraternalSky · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

The Unwelcome Hosts

Ethan's world was a maelstrom of sensations. The wind whipped through his hair as he raced along the coastline, the roaring engine beneath him reminding him of a world long gone. The machine he was astride, a relic of the past known as a motorcycle, devoured the winding road with the voracity of a living thing.

The scenery blurred as he sped along, the ocean's expanse stretching out to his right, a serene contrast to the dense forest on his left. The thrill of the ride coursed through his veins, a rare moment of freedom in a world dominated by oppression.

But just as quickly as the exhilaration had taken hold of him, it was ripped away. The motorcycle bucked, its tires losing traction as the road curved perilously close to the edge of a cliff. Ethan fought to regain control, but it was a futile struggle. The bike careened off the road and over the precipice, plunging into the frigid embrace of the ocean below.

Ethan was engulfed by the icy waters. Panic seized him, and he fought to reach the surface, his lungs burning with the need for air. The current tugged at him, dragging him under, further and further from the surface. He thrashed against the relentless pull, his strength waning with each desperate struggle.

Consciousness slipped from him, and the world went dark.

Then, in a disorienting blur, Ethan's eyes fluttered open. He was drenched and gasping for air. Confusion clouded his thoughts, and he tried to make sense of his surroundings. The sensation of being submerged still clung to him, and he couldn't understand where he was.

A voice from the side broke through the haze. It was a raspy, gruff tone, and the words sent a shiver down his spine. "Finally woke up, I thought we would need to use up all of our water reserves to wake you up."

Ethan turned his head, his gaze landing on his captor. The man was rugged and weathered, with a piercing intensity in his eyes. Fear welled up within Ethan as he realized the gravity of his situation. He had been taken, his freedom torn away once again.

The captor's voice continued, "There's someone who wants to meet you, boy, and this time, he won't be flying down from a tree to greet you."

Ethan attempted to move, to free his hands and feet, but the realization hit him like a blow. He was bound, his limbs restrained with a cruel tightness. His captor took advantage of his helplessness, pulling him to his feet with a firm grip.

"Don't try anything funny, boy," the captor warned, his voice laced with menace. "Or this spear will gut you like a pig."

Ethan was coerced out of what seemed like a makeshift holding cell. As he glanced back into the corner of the cell, he noticed a pair of blue eyes, almost like a mirage amidst the rags and bones. It appeared that he was not the only prisoner the cannibals had taken.

His journey through the cannibal encampment was a nightmarish odyssey. The path was strewn with bones, a macabre tapestry that bore witness to the horrors that had transpired in this place. The moon, still high in the sky, cast its spectral glow over the unholy terrain.

Ethan's captors, grotesque and primal in their appearance, trailed behind him, making animalistic noises and baring their teeth in predatory grins. Their eyes were hungry, and the stench of blood and decay clung to them.

As he was guided through the encampment, Ethan couldn't help but observe the remnants of their grisly feasts. Discarded bones littered the ground, their gruesome significance apparent to anyone who dared to look. It was a sight that chilled him to the core, a stark reminder of the world's descent into madness.

Finally, he arrived at a hut, the roof adorned with human skulls that leered down at him. The structure was a grotesque monument to the horrors that had unfolded in this place. His captors were forceful as they pushed him forward, propelling him into the heart of the hut and the unknown terrors that awaited him.