
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasy
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36 Chs


"H-Human Hunter.." Silva gasped from her lips. Without seeing him in action previously, Silva wasn't sure if Human Hunter would come out of this battle victorious.

"I'll be fine." He said. "On my way here, I did a couple of push ups. That should be more than enough training to surpass this amateur. Plus, I don't think she's nearly as strong as my previous opponent anyway."

"Oh?" Phina giggled at the confidence of Human Hunter. "Hehe.. that's quite the bold statement for someone who's about to begin serving this 'amateur'."

"Not likely. For me to do that, you'd need a clone. And I don't intend on allowing someone of your status to gain my strength. Try me.." Releasing the speared chains from his wrist armor, Human Hunter let them clank against the ground. He waited for Phina to make a move.


"You think defeating a cautious person such as myself will be that easy..?" Tigal asked, reaching for his curved blade with the only arm he had left.

"I do actually." The odd assassin replied. "From what I've seen on the cameras we implanted within the leaves, the cautious.. no, paranoid nature of your personality is usually your downfall."

"I-.. I-." Tigal began. "I KNEWW ITTTT!!!" Slashing his heavy sword against the ground, the air blown away by the brute force of the swing was manipulated to knock the stranger off his feet. "You're not the only one who has a manipulative ability! With this sword, I can force the air surrounding us to do whatever the hell I please!"

Tigal stomped and beat his opponent deeper into the ground as the air he controlled pushed the stranger down even further. This only worked for so long however, as after about thirty to forty blows, the red energy user formed a ninety foot long spear, which knocked Tigal away without the stranger even needing to touch it.

Launching himself into the air, the red energy user slashed and hacked at Tigal with the elongated spear. The user landed on his feet with a thud after a multitude of slices. Tigal.. grabbed his chest in agony.

"My name is Flowe by the way." The user revealed. "Flowe Somnous, hence the name of my ability. And I am the one who will be responsible for your inevitable demise. As I've said before, you're all quite capable. Quit while it's still an option and maybe I'll-.."


Flowe simply enveloped himself with Overflowe, making Tigal's attack useless. Tigal screamed and hollered, repeatedly swinging his sword for basically no reason whatsoever.

"Right.. I forgot that you're a completely hopeless moron. Though I thought due to your overly paranoid nature there might have been a slight chance for you to make the right decision. Hm. Oh well. In that case, I'll dispose of you, the rest of your group Proel, and then collect the sum of cash Phina promised me in return for her protection." Flowe morphed a katana into his hand. He was prepared to permanently finish Tigal off.

All of a sudden, from behind, Lock was standing. "NO!! THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!! I REFUSE TO ALLOW ANY OF US TO BECOME DECEASED JUST YET!" Aggressively opening his book, Lock began absorbing the red energy that had morphed around Flowe.

"What's this? A little spring left in your step, is there?" Flowe questioned, glancing over at Lock.

"That is correct, fool! It takes much more than a mere flesh wound to eliminate one such as myself!"

Alant was back to his feet as well. "Heheh.. glad to see you're all good Lock. Takin this guy out should be fun now with you!!" He smiled joyfully.

"Grr.. Alant! Now is certainly not the time for such childish discussions! If you'd like to emerge from this battle as one of the victors, I suggest you act at once!"

"Yup! Kay!" Alant chuckled to himself, and burst at nearly light speed towards Flowe.

Tigal also pulled himself up, and took a swing of his own.

Lock continued his absorption of the red energy of Overflowe until the perfect opportunity to strike arrived. Charging, very similarly to Alant and Tigal, he went to release the energy he had absorbed from his book as a finishing blow to Flowe.

All three Proel members's attacks were about to simultaneously connect.

Flowe had other plans however.. he stomped his foot onto the ground, spreading a gargantuan overflow of more red energy all around where he stood. The red energy released by Lock returned to Flowe's body. He could not be attacked by his own power.

This negated every single attack coming Flowe's way. Blowing the three Human Hunter's away. They each tumbled to the floor. Steam rose from Flowe's foot.

"A valiant effort, but one that was pointless in the end." Flowe stated. He stood in the center of a damaged circle of land caused by his stomp. "I call that move.. Overcharge. It occurs when I release a large portion of energy I've accumulated over a battle."

Lock gritted his teeth. He thought about Faed, and what her life would be like if Alant, Tigal, and himself weren't apart of it. How they had found her all those years back, and given her a home when no one else would. They had raised her to become a Human Hunter. How would she handle that title if her inspiration was deceased?

"What's wrong Lock?! We're gonna beat him, ya know that right!?" Lock heard Alant yell from the side.

"He's right.. Lock." Tigal agreed with Alant. They were both already back on their feet. "This ridiculous man would cause a great deal of issues for our planet.. too many for me to list. Do you seriously think I'd die and allow him to stay? Hmph.. no way."

Flowe's hand slightly trembled.

After looking back and forth at his two teammates, Lock closed his eyes, and smiled. "Hm. In that case, I suppose my assistance would be appreciated."

"Nahh." Alant responded. "It's needed. Heheh.."

Lock pushed himself up. He wiped his hands together, cleaning the dirt, and opened his book. "Very well then.. Alant. What is the strategy we will be using?"

"I don't gotta single clue buddy, just go all out I guess."

Tigal screamed, sprinting directly towards Flowe.

"Usually I'd advise against that strategy, but for once I believe that I've come across an opponent that is indeed worthy of my full strength" Lock removed his glasses, and tossed them to the ground. His eyes exploded with some type of blue aura. "I AM PREPARED. ALANT, TIGAL! I JOINED PROEL AND ACCEPTED YOU AS MY FAMILY FOR A REASON! AND THAT REASON IS FOR MOMENTS LIKE THESE! MOMENTS WHERE YOU PUSH ME TO USE ABILITIES I'VE KEPT CONCEALED FOR AN EXTENSIVE PERIOD OF TIME! Thank you both.. THANKS TO YOU, THE FULL EXTENT OF MY POTENTIAL WILL BE UNLEASHED! GOODBYE... FLOWE!"

The final stretch of the battle between three Proel members and Flowe began.