
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Silva’s Grief

Dust from the crash covered Silva's body. She struggled to stand up, but somehow did it, only to be greeted by Phina herself, sitting across from her.

"Finally one of you managed to crawl your way here.." Phina uttered. "I was hoping I wasn't dealing with a bunch of overrated garbage. Hehehe.."

"Overrated garbage huh? What exactly do you mean by that?" Silva asked, a little confused. She patted herself down, causing clouds of dust to momentarily form around her. "Are you implying that you already knew about us darling? If so, I may have to give little ole you at least a bit of credit. We hadn't a clue about your presence until our leader let us know."

Phina chuckled a bit in her chair, and crossed her legs the other way. "That's right.. hehe. I've been spying on your group for weeks on end now.. and I've absolutely LOVED every second of it! You're all such strong, special, unique, and one of a kind humans for me to clone!! It reallyyyy gets me going just thinking about it.." she touched her thigh, playfully. "Once today ends, I'll have an army of you all to control... yeah.. each and every single one of Proel's members will be mine to command, duplicate, and produce! I'll be invincible... hehehehe..! Soon these Sapients will become nothing more than useless mice to me." Phina gestured towards the guards who stood behind her.

"You're quite the messed up girl, and the government thinks we're the bad ones. Tsk tsk tsk. What a shame. Let me tell you something, Phina. The fact that you have been cloning humans, increasing their population, is unforgivable. Humans are nasty little creatures. They lie, they steal, they kill, and they commit unspeakable acts. Back when I was younger, I used to have the most adorable little puppies. I took them out into my garden on a daily basis so that they could frolic around. They loved it so much.. not a care in the world. That is until one day.. the humans did what they do best. Ruined... everything."

Silva attempted to keep her cool, but couldn't. She had a bit of an emotional breakdown. "They set my garden aflame, burning the gorgeous flowers to ash. What happened to my puppies? Well, heh.. the neighborhood teens found it funny to kidnap my little beauties for their own experiments. Limb removal was fun to them, I guess.." generating her whips again, Silva spun them around and paced as she spoke. "So I took matters into my own hands. Returning the favor to those naughty boys. The survivors.. now wish they were dead. The government didn't seem to agree with my methods of revenge however, and neither did the public. They all wanted me to suffer for what I'd done to people who had it coming. So I concluded that the entire race was at a loss. They were irredeemable monsters who supported monstrous acts. Is it wrong to think I was justified?"

"Yes." Phina stood up. "Yes it is wrong. Because those humans could have become my glorious cloned slaves!! Ahahahaha! Sapients, take this bitch out! As precious as she is, I'm tired of listening to her stories of servants she's wasted, even if they were most likely weaklings! We need to clone her immediately, and give her the one true mindset she deserves.. the one where she bows down to the perfect goddess Phina!"

"Hm. I should have known that my story wouldn't have effected you in the slightest. You're a human after all.. and humans other than Proel are heartless beasts." A grouping of eight Sapient guards drew near Silva. The stomps of their feet shook the room. Finally, they got close enough to surround Silva in every direction. The only way out of this for her, was to fight.

Luckily for Silva, her energized whips were stronger than some of the most powerful blades on earth, even surpassing Alant's who's sliced Human Hunter's upgraded swords to pieces.

"Let's play a little, shall we?" Silva thwapped her whips, slicing through two of the eight Sapients guards. One was cut in half, killing it, and the other lost a hand. The remaining six who were left undamaged pinned Silva against the wall.

"Target has been captured, Miss Phina." One of them said.

That Sapient never spoke a word again, as he among a few others were impaled by Silva's newly formed cloud. Only three remained, including the handless Sapient.

Now that the Sapients were aware of the cloud threat, they did their best to dodge. This distracted them from Silva herself however, who leaped into the air, twapping her whips again in several different directions. She landed into a kneeling position. "Mm. I have to agree with you for once, Phina, those Sapient whatever's were quite worthless. Ahaha." Pieces of the Sapient's bodies fell all over the ground following this sentence.

Silva rose back to her feet, and pointed to Phina with a whip. "I'm waiting for you now.. darling. Either grow up and fight me yourself, or I'll just slice whatever mechanism you use to clone these people without a struggle. Actually.. option two would be much more convenient love. Do consider it will you?"

The hands of the trap expert Phina touched the arms of her chair. A second later, she was in front of Silva. "I'll never let anyone destroy the only thing that brings me joy.. the machine that creates my slaves.. the slaves who will help me build a world where all bow down to and worship me! The goddess Phina!" With a fist to the jaw, Phina punched Silva through a wall. This led Silva into a rigged room. The floor of the room she was punched into began to light up, sort of like it was charging. "I wanted to clone you.. I really did. You're such a beautiful specimen, hehe.. but it's too much of a risk now! The only option I have to assure my pride and joy's safety is to shred you into an unrecognizable state!"

The floor charged up fully, and unleashed a barrage of yellow beams. The same type of yellow beams that attacked Alant.

Luckily Silva morphed her cloud around her body, sort of like armor, just in time. The yellow beams blew off of her and didn't even leave a scratch. "Faed effortlessly shattered my cloud with little to no effort.." Silva thought to herself. She climbed back through the broken wall, still taking hits. "She'd be able to defeat Phina in seconds. But she's not here right now.. it's just me. Me and this evil little women. And as a member of Proel, it's my job as the only one here, to take her out!!"

The energized whips of Silva were now several times the thickness and length they used to be. It's what happens when she transitions to her armored cloud form. With another thwap, she attacked the ground, which cracked it all the way up to Phina's feet.

"Trying to show off!? Listen to me dammit.. it's too late to become my slave. You might as well kill yourself because without that you have no purpose in life!!" Phina dodged, jumped over, and ducked under many of Silva's whip attacks as she ran towards the one who threatened her cloning device.

Phina pulled a string on her belt. It released a barrage of traps as she slammed her fist into Silva's stomach.

Silva was sent through numerous walls and rooms. Eventually, she skidded to a halt, still on her feet. The traps Phina released were all knocked away or incinerated by Silva's whips as they attempted to reach her. With a push of the foot, Silva shot forward. Phina had done the same, and both women blasted their weapons against the other's once they had reached each other. Silva's whips, and a large snake Phina had revealed which could harden itself on command.

This caused an explosion so massive, that it practically sent the entire warehouse facility to ruins. Bits and pieces of the walls, ceiling, and floor were all that held the structure up. Phina and Silva both lied within the rubble.. though Phina hauled herself to her feet pretty quickly.

"Dammit.. you annoying, stupid, fucking moron." she said between coughs. "You seriously messed up my home, hehe.. ahahaha! But it doesn't matter to me! As long as my cloning device is fine, I don't much care. Now where were we? Oh yeah, I was trying to kill you wasn't I!? Ungrateful freak! Learn to worship the goddess of this world in your next life, and maybe you'll have a better chance to lick my boots!"

With the press of a button, Phina opened up a hatch in the floor. It led down to a room filled with lethal traps. "The room I just opened is completely covered in traps. Ones that you won't be able to survive this time." She walked over to Silva and began dragging her injured body by the leg. "Ugh, this would have been so much easier if you just agreed to become my slave. You could have lived! You could have actually had a purpose! I really hope your friends aren't stubborn like this. Hmph, maybe I've been studying the wrong people.. hehe."

For Silva, everything was a jumbled mess. The impact of her collision with Phina had hampered the functioning of her body.

Then all of a sudden, Phina felt a pair of jaws lock onto her forearm.


She watched blood ooze from the wound, and drip onto the cement. Everything went silent.

That is until.. Human Hunter arrived.

From seemingly out of nowhere, he bashed his knee into Phina's jaw, launching her across the already heavily damaged environment. He reached a hand out to Silva. Halt pranced over, blood on his teeth, and licked her face. "That.. was a large explosion. I'm not sure what caused it, but if it had anything to do with you, you're strong. Too strong to lose. Without your assistance our future missions could be complete failures, which isn't an option. Plus.. I'm trying to build a relationship with my fellow Human Hunters. People I didn't know existed until recently. Now isn't the time to die. It'd seriously mess up my plans."

Slightly regaining her senses, Silva looked up at the man who stood over her with curious eyes.

Phina was back before anything else could happen though. She spit a few teeth to the floor. "Oohh goodie! Another rare slave is here! Too bad it's just the new guy.." Picking one of her teeth up, she examined it. "I guess I'll find out if you're strong by practicing against you in person instead of observing it from the cameras. But first.. hehe.. I'll need you to move. I was in the middle of killing that thing on the ground." Silva flicked her tooth over towards Human Hunter and Silva. It had been rigged with a trap that... well, nobody knows what it did, because the device didn't last long enough for its abilities to be shown.

It activated right next to Human Hunter, but he caught it and snapped the mechanism in half. He was ready. Ready to take out Phina and finish this mission once and for all. Too bad neither he, or Silva were aware of the situation Alant, Lock, and Tigal were in at that very same moment.