
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Infiltration Preparation

Attempt after attempt went by, as Benson, Aria, Human Hunter, and Aurora all considered separate possible methods to approach this situation. Every single one though, was trumped.

Human Hunter paced back and forth, thinking. "Every time we figure out how to eliminate an enemy, another appears. Even if we manage to take out the ground Sapient, something else could show up."

Halt barked, and ran over to his master, grabbing his speared chain with his jaws.

Noticing this, Human Hunter glanced down at his signature weapon.

"Although.. I think I just came up with something."

Standing up, Human Hunter entered the aircraft. This caught everyone's attention. "Lets go." He said, "I'm done watching these predictions, if we don't take action soon, the enemy will shift positions, completely screwing up the layout we have mapped."

"Oh really?" Aria sassily stated, "Well that sucks because I'd rather deal with having enemy placement changed than getting killed and torn to pieces by Sapient freakazoids!"

"That won't happen." Human Hunter calmly said, starting up the aircraft. "Because I have a plan now. A real one."

"So what? Last time we listened to your suggestion your head ended up EXPLODING!"

"Nnghh, that's why I said that I have a real plan now. One that I'm fairly certain will work."

Benson gulped. "F-Fairly certain..? As much as I love your plans H.H. I'm not sure I like those odds. Let's just quickly check the crystal-.."

"No." Human Hunter said in a cold manner. "If we watch it play out on the crystal ball, and it's successful, then our actions will change because we'll have knowledge that our crystal ball counterparts didn't. We'll mess up trying to replicate what we witnessed. So we need to execute this without it."

Aurora hopped in. He stored away his crystal ball, and placed his cane under the seat. "That is something that I didn't think of. Heh heh, Human Hunter is a smart one indeed."

"Ugh." Aria groaned. "Whatever, I guess he has his moments once in a while. I'll take Benson's advice and trust him on this... partially." She sat in her seat as well.

"I did not say to trust him partially I said to trust him fully!" Benson exclaimed, also getting in. "And with that being said, I take back what I stated about the odds earlier and place my full unbridled faith in our leader!"

Halt jumped onto Human Hunter's shoulder, and they took off.

The aircraft shook a bit due to the wind. Aurora leaned over, and asked Human Hunter in a low voice, "So, where are we headed?"

"We're jumping out. During the crystal ball session, while you were all suggesting ideas near the end, I trained Halt to fly this thing. He'll be able to safely land it without us."

"Y-You're serious..?"

"That's right. Why would I be joking?"

"Because teaching a damn dog how to fly a vehicle, especially one as weird as this, is hard enough on its own, and you managed to do it in 30 minutes!"

"He's a Wolf. And it's because Halt is smart, and can understand what I'm saying pretty easily. Teaching him was simpler than making pancakes."

"Huh.. what an odd reference." Aurora thought to himself, "Gah well if you say he can do it then fine I trust you, but where are we supposed to jump out at, the place is packed! And the staff users are still a threat you know!"

Human Hunter adjusted the placement of his hands on the wheel. "Two of us will jump directly in front of the staff users, distracting them. The other two will land behind, prying open their mouths. The prying will probably need to be done by us, Benson and Aria's aim is solid enough to get the job done on the other end. Once the staff users have been eliminated, as we noticed on the crystal ball, taking out the remaining Sapients is simple. The problem arises when the giant land monster comes up. But I can handle it."

"Yes I was hoping you'd have a plan of action for that, otherwise I don't see why we'd be preparing to strike right now. So tell me, what is this masterful idea of yours?"

"Heh.." Human Hunter couldn't hold back a smirk, "I'm going to dive into its stomach."

"YOU'RE WHA-.." Aurora stopped himself, and touched his temple. "You know, I would ask if you're kidding, but I know you aren't.."

Human Hunter was silent for a few seconds, before giving more information. "I was originally planning on sending my chained blade down it's throat in order to pull out it's stomach, or whatever I could latch onto. But if I happened to miss.. we'd all be screwed. Going in there completely will allow me to at least move around a bit. If it's stomach is as big as it looks from the outside that is. And if that's the case, I can make for certain that my target is killed."

Shaking his head, Aurora said, "You are one crazy son of a bitch Human Hunter. Even crazier than I was at your age."

Human Hunter ignored the old man's words. He tilted his head back a bit. "Benson. Aria. Did you get all of that?"

Benson took this opportunity to scream in a terrified fashion. "H.H., I beg you to reconsider!"

Slamming on a button, Human Hunter aggressively stood up, setting his feet on the ends of his seat. He was inches away from falling to his death. The button he pressed had disabled the aircraft's forcefields. He then fully turned around to peer down at Aurora, Benson and Aria. Halt still sat atop his shoulder.

"Reconsidering this is the last thing I should do. We have the perfect plan, and it's the plan that's going to finally kill these bastards." Human Hunter clenched his fist, and held it close to his body. "My plans may have not been successful in the simulations, but things are different now. Aria, Benson, Aurora, and all other living things in this world.. I made you promise. A promise to eradicate those who took this planet away from you. The Sapients are now an enemy of that promise. Mark my words, they will be eradicated by our hands. And when we're finished.. the planet which used to be so balanced will return to its natural state. Sapients.. you've made a mistake. Sapients.. you're going to be eradicated. Sapients.. it's not you who's coming.."

Human Hunter's already dark and grim voice, seemed to become far more intimidating when he uttered these two words. "It's us.."