
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Crystal Predictions

Aria couldn't hold back the wide grin displayed across her face. She was finally able to take the spotlight for a while.

"Okay so, for one, I don't understand why we can't just fly directly over the place and dive in? I mean, this aircraft is practically invincible right??"

"That is quite a good point!" Aurora realized.

Benson touched his chin. "Yes yes.. but I'm certain Human Hunter has a reasoning for not taking that route."

Human Hunter looked up, "Yeah.. I just thought charging in would benefit my combat skills." He paused, "And it would be more fun."

"You're not serious, are you??" Aria yelled, "Fun isn't something you think about for important things like this you heavy armored idiot!"

"You don't think?"


Looking surprised (as surprised as a masked man could look), Human Hunter said, "Either way, we'll still need a strategy for taking them out. According to Aurora, my weapons won't work. I brought some of his but I doubt they'll do much damage either."

"Ya, I know that." Aria flipped her hair, "That's why we use the aircraft's missiles or whatever. It does have weapons, right..?"

"Come to think of it, yeah it does." Human Hunter glanced at the control system. "I've never used them, but they should be reliable. One thing to note though is that we shouldn't have to completely rely on vehicular weaponry. We should have a way to eliminate them on foot. And that's if the weapons on here are even effective."

"Ah! I have an idea!" Aurora raised his hand like a student.

Aria made an annoyed face. "Yes child I call on you, what is your probably stupid idea?"

"Aria!" Benson yelled.

"Not the time Benson I'm the boss for now so keep your mouth shut!" Glaring, Aria continued, "Now let's go old man tell me."

"Well you see, we can use my crystal ball. It is able to tell the future."

This caught Human Hunter's attention. "Wait hold on-.."

Aurora continued, "We can plan on testing out different methods, and watch the results in the crystal ball each time. Heh heh heh. Just be prepared to watch yourself die around twenty or so times at least!"

"That doesn't bother me in the slightest, as long as it works." Aria stated.

"The same goes for me Aurora sir!" Benson saluted.

"Bark!" Halt insightfully added.

"Fine then.. we can do that." Human Hunter prepared to park the aircraft somewhere secluded. "But we're watching my method first."

The group landed a few miles from the crater, far enough away to avoid detection. Aurora unveiled his crystal ball.

"Now, all of us must imagine a scenario where we.. uhh.. charge directly towards our enemies at the front gates."

Everyone closed their eyes and imagined such a strategy. Aurora rubbed the crystal ball, and after a while, it shocked everyone.

Demonically looking at Aurora, Aria yelled. "Hey geezer it would've been nice to have been told that I get electrocuted by this stupid thing!"

"M-My apologies, but before you keep yelling take a look!"

Pointing to the crystal ball, he showed that a playback.. or more so a playforward, was displayed.

It showed Human Hunter charging in first, attempting to take on the first two guards who protected the front gate. An epic battle occurred. These definitely, or at least hopefully were the stronger members of the Sapients. If not, our group of human killers were in trouble.

The first guard attempted to electrocute Human Hunter, summoning a bolt of lightning from the sky, but to no avail. Human Hunter's armor absorbed it.

"Rookie mistake. Electric attacks are ineffective against me." Present day Human Hunter stated as he watched.

After this, crystal ball Human Hunter rocketed one of his blades towards the second guard. It clanked off of him, falling to the ground. Halt tried biting the first, but nothing happened. The Sapients armor was too powerful.

An exciting and evenly close exchange of blows occurred between Human Hunter and the first guards of the crater. It seemed to be leaning towards being in Human Hunter's favor, until an 8 foot tall staff wielding Sapient crashed in front of him from over the gate. He pointed his staff, which was long and had a circular shape at the top, and just stood there. Human Hunter tried to attack.. and his head exploded. Current Human Hunter didn't even flinch seeing this, and crystal ball Benson sprinted over to Human Hunter's corpse, sitting next to him and screaming for him to stand up. The vision ended after that.

Everyone instantly looked at Human Hunter.

"Real great plan you had there." Aria sarcastically told Human Hunter. "We'd be dead if we followed it. Thankfully I of course was here to save us all."

Benson lifted his hand, which was shaking. He gulped. "H-How about we test out the aircraft weapon theory now, just to see if it'll work."

"It was my idea so it most likely will, though I'll admit there's a small chance that it could maybe.. possibly fail." Aria admitted.

As Aurora rubbed the crystal ball again, everyone imagined a scenario where the Sapients were attacked by Human Hunter's aircraft.

Intitially, this was an extremely successful method. The large bullets used by the aircraft were powerful enough to incinerate the Sapients. That was until, yet again, the staff wielding member came along. He created a forcefield durable enough to negate the blasts. Then, a second staff wielder grabbed the aircraft, and crushed it to pieces.

"Impossible." Human Hunter stated. "That thing must have a grip more powerful than a small nuclear blast.."

Benson chimed in. "So far the biggest dilemma we've been faced with is dealing with the staff users. The aircraft is able to take out the regular members, and Human Hunter may be able to find some way to defeat them on foot, however, I don't see how we could possibly take out the staff users if not even the aircraft is able to damage it."

"Maybe.." Aurora thought. Aria interrupted.

"Just throw a bomb down their throats or something, that should do the trick pretty easily."

"You think getting one, let alone multiple of those things to open their mouths will be easy?" Human Hunter questioned.

"Erm.. well-.."

Benson placed his hand on Aria's shoulder. "You know what, why not give it a shot. As much as I dislike her rather disrespectful approach, Aria has had some amazing ideas. In fact, she even saved our lives from.. um.." He looked a Human Hunter.

"From what?" Human Hunter calmly asked.

"N-Nothing nevermind just-.. lets see what the crystal ball has to say!"

Going through the same routine, the group watched as they managed to get one of the staff users to open its mouth by luring it out from behind the gate, and prying it open with a sneak attack. Once the explosive was placed in its mouth, the Sapient was surprisingly killed.

"Yeeeeahhhhh!! See I told you Aria coul-.. uh.." Benson calmed himself down. "Ahem. The method was successful! Now let's see if we are able to eliminate the second."

Following their victory, the group managed to kill the second staff user once he left base to look for his missing comrade. "We must act quickly." Crystal Benson said, "Otherwise, the entire facility will notice that their seemingly most powerful members have not returned."

Coming up with a plan on their own, our present day characters watched as their crystal counterparts used the explosive method on a majority of the remaining standard Sapient warriors, except with a far more direct approach. Each member maneuvered their way around a Sapient as they battled, before shoving an extremely powerful explosive into their mouths.

"Well my god, just how many explosives do you have?" Current Aurora looked at Human Hunter with a shocked expression.

"482. Most are stored under the aircraft. The others? They're somewhere in my armor."

The vision continued, until every last member had been eliminated.

"And there you have it! We have cracked the code on the third attempt!" Benson triumphantly yelled. However, he was far from correct.

Just moments later, a monster burst out of the ground, and ate everyone in a single gulp.

Benson slowly lowered his hand. "Or.. not.."

Hand placed on his knee, Human Hunter gazed at the screen. "Something tells me that this is going to be a lot harder than we thought.."