
Evolving Technique

Katania's heaving chest slowly returned to normal, her heart rate even as she sat up amidst the upturned dirt and twisted grass. Her eyes were exceedingly calculating as her thoughts spun in her mind.

She felt it, there, on the edge of her consciousness. Enlightenment, and her features were suffused with a brilliant glow as she grasped it. "Sword Form: Awakened Dragon Breathes." Katania felt immensely giddy, having reached this transformation in her technique, impatiently, she got to her feet and raised her rapier once more.

She closed her eyes as she prepared to execute the technique. 

Katania exhaled a quick breath and flames exploded beneath her feet and her eyes filled with an intense flame as they shot open. This didn't last long, however, as the flames soon sputtered and died and her rapidly increasing aura blinked out of existence.

Katania felt despondent and a little frustrated at the failure, but she was nothing if not persistent. Breathing quickly, Katania felt the flames rise and dissipate over and over again, taxing her spiritual energy to its limits. Kicking the ground in frustration she let out a long breath with a scream as she desperately sought to ignite the flames within her spirit and as if it had heard the desperate cry of her soul, brilliant iris flames roared to life beneath her feet, rising until it shrouded her in a thick cloak of flickering flames that licked and scorched the earth.

Katania could not help but gasp as she felt it well within her but she quickly regained focus, her rapier flicked in swift motions as she fell into the motions. Muttering softly "Sword Form,"  as she found her rhythm, her rapier made no audible sounds as it stabbed the air, she performed no unnecessary movements as her body moved seemingly of its own volition.

"Awakened Dragon Breathes!" she screamed in tandem with the final thrust and a tongue of amethyst fire shot out from her blade tip, the flames so intense it even consumed the surrounding oxygen. The tongue of flame illuminated the sky for 7 long minutes, the phenomenon attracting the attention of others nearby who had come to investigate. Exhausted, Katania stowed her rapier by her waist and blended into the rapidly growing crowd of arriving spectators.

Katania quickly made her way from the site with a singular thought in mind: Brag, she wanted to brag to Empress and Erik, and so, smiling happily, she set out in search of them.

Her giddiness didn't last long however, as the two proved more difficult to track down than she had anticipated.

"Whoops!" A clear, cool voice invaded her thoughts, and two rather large hands found themselves on either of her shoulders.

Her aura flared to life as she responded instinctively to being touched and she glared up into the smiling face of Mr. Alexander.

Calming almost immediately, she retracted the blazing aura before she could do any harm, it didn't pass unnoticed however as Mr. Alexander commented, "That's quite some strength you have there!" he remarked, beaming at her. Katania nodded and took a few deferential steps backward. "Sorry," she muttered. But Mr. Alexander waved his hand dismissively, "don't be, don't be," he said lightly, "No harm done after all." he said smiling, and it was infectious as Katania felt compelled to return it despite her current mood.

"Well then," said Mr. Alexander, "off you go." He prompted, and folding his arms behind his back, he stepped aside allowing her to pass.

Katania jerked her head awkwardly in a motion resembling a nod as she took a tentative step forward, walking slowly at first, then faster as she increased the distance between them. The man was an enigma and she found it strange how easily he put her off balance with a few words.

Katania traversed the space encompassing at least 10 percent of the school grounds in her search and she still had yet to catch an even a glimpse of Erik anywhere, there was however something that managed to draw her attention. She was currently quite far away from the main building in an area that seemed to be devoted to a sport as it was a field with markings on the ground. On it were 13 students, as she watched she began to understand the game somewhat as it held her fascinated. Two groups contested against a single player, the goal, apparently; was to wrestle for control of the field. However, this could only be done with enough power, and this single player held all of it in the form of energy seeds that were strewn about the small area he occupied. the teams launched coordinated assaults in an effort to steal these energy seeds to gain the power to contest for more territory. It was in this manner that Katania remained enraptured for the better part of an hour as she watched them battle back and forth. The energy seeds were consumable, and once exhausted would dissipate in a wisp of white light so territory was often stolen back after it had been won. Katania shook her head as she looked on, already seeing the flaws in the strategy but unwilling to point them out.

"That's enough!" A voice suddenly rang out, and the two teams ceased their actions. "Reeves, Pung!" The voice shouted these two names and Katania found it belonged to the player who had been hoarding the energy seeds. "Yes, Captain!" the two who had been named responded in unison, "Not bad!" he praised, the two looked at each other with self satisfied smiles, "Not good either." he continued and Katania watched the smiles melt from their faces as they opened their mouths to protest, but the man raised his hand to quiet them and shook his head. "Rest assured, I know what you want to say, but we do not play to draw, we play to win, return and reflect on how you failed to achieve this for the teammates you commanded today." the two immediately fell silent and lowered their heads after giving a slow nod, they turned and departed from the field.

"Samalge, Corvis, you two are in command next practice, prepare well." Katania watched two players give one another high fives after hearing the news and they and the others walked off discussing animatedly. Unable to restrain herself any longer, Katania made her way down to the field and approached the man who was in the middle of gathering up the remaining energy seeds in a clear, shimmering bag.

Katania cleared her throat as she drew near, the man however paid her no mind as he continued gathering the seeds.

Katania felt slightly annoyed but persevered, "Hello? excuse me?" she called but the man continued to ignore her as he busied himself with his task. "How rude!" Katania shouted, and the man jumped as he whirled about and arrived almost nose to nose with a fuming Katania and realization seemed to dawn on him as he took in her unfamiliar face and angry expression. He offered her an apologetic smile, "I'm deaf," he mouthed and Katania's anger evaporated like mist.

I really wanted to write Katania's story today because I've missed her so much. I don't know if you guys love Katania as much as I do but if there are any Katania lovers out there please let me know! :)

Asaiyllcreators' thoughts