
Hub life

Cassie, a recovering addict sent to leave by herself away from all the friends she had, given a job at a coffee shop just next to Party Strip Club. Matthew, the manager of the club has a crush on Martelli, the daughter of Guella, Guella succeded Once Coffee Spot from her husband, Frank, a South African based lawyer. Cassandra, is always on Guellas side to take Martelli back to school just so that Matthew would quit having frequent stopovers and sending one gift to another. Cassie is still overcoming the demise of her girlfriend Mellissa, but also despises John, Matthews best friend for constantly eyeing her every time they cross each others path. Cassie is now two years clean, finished her probation two months ago, had I mentioned she was detained? She feels responsible for being there for Martelli and guide her as she transition from high school to college and to life, her biggest goal however is to not go back to her precious ways, lifestyle. Amidst her battle she finds love again and figures out life is just but a roller-coaster.

Joy_Gitonga_7361 · Urban
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9 Chs

Unraveling Secret

Cassie's heels clicked against the pavement as she hurried through the dimly lit streets, the echoes mingling with the distant hum of traffic. It was late, but she couldn't shake off the sense of urgency gnawing at her. The events of the evening had left her restless, her mind consumed with questions and suspicions.

Earlier that day, as she left her office, Cassie had caught a glimpse of Martelli, her boss's daughter, stepping out of a sleek SUV. The sight had stirred something within her—a flicker of concern masked by curiosity. Martelli had always been a wild card, her rebellious streak often leading her into precarious situations.

As Cassie neared her apartment building, lost in her thoughts, she suddenly felt a rush of wind and a blur of motion. Instinctively, she stepped back, narrowly avoiding a collision with the sleek SUV she had seen earlier. Heart racing, she watched as it sped off into the night, leaving her standing on the sidewalk, shaken but unscathed.

Taking a deep breath, Cassie composed herself and continued on her way. But the encounter lingered in her mind, fueling her determination to uncover the truth behind Martelli's mysterious visitor. She knew she had to act fast before things spiraled out of control.

Inside her apartment, Cassie paced back and forth, her phone clutched tightly in her hand. After much deliberation, she finally dialed Martelli's number, her fingers trembling with apprehension. The phone rang once, twice, before a voice answered on the other end.

"Hey, Cassie," Martelli's voice sounded cheerful, oblivious to the storm brewing in Cassie's mind.

"Martelli, I need to talk to you," Cassie said, her tone firm and urgent.

"Sure, what's up?" Martelli replied, the hint of curiosity evident in her voice.

Cassie hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts before plunging into the heart of the matter. "I saw you earlier today, getting out of that SUV. Who dropped you off?".

There was a brief pause on the other end, followed by a nervous laugh. "Oh, just a friend," Martelli replied, her tone evasive.

Cassie's brow furrowed in frustration. She could sense Martelli's reluctance to divulge the truth, and it only fueled her determination to uncover the secrets shrouding her boss's daughter.

Determined to get to the bottom of things, Cassie embarked on a relentless pursuit of the truth. She spent countless hours poring over surveillance footage, tracking down leads, and piecing together the puzzle of Martelli's mysterious visitor.

With each clue she uncovered, Cassie's suspicions grew deeper. It seemed that Martelli's "friend" was more than just a casual acquaintance—there was something clandestine about their relationship, something that hinted at a darker underbelly lurking beneath the surface.

But as Cassie delved deeper into the investigation, she found herself treading dangerous territory. She stumbled upon a network of shady characters, each more elusive and menacing than the last. It became clear that Martelli's association with these individuals posed a serious threat not only to herself but to those around her.

Armed with evidence and fueled by determination, Cassie finally confronted Martelli, her heart pounding with apprehension. She laid out her findings, exposing the truth behind Martelli's dangerous liaisons and the risks they posed.

At first, Martelli was defensive, denying any wrongdoing and brushing off Cassie's concerns as unfounded paranoia. But as Cassie presented irrefutable proof of her claims, Martelli's facade began to crumble, revealing the vulnerable girl beneath the bravado.

Tears welled up in Martelli's eyes as she confessed to her reckless behavior, admitting that she had been drawn into a world of drugs and crime by the allure of excitement and rebellion. In that moment, Cassie saw not the defiant heiress she had once perceived, but a lost soul in need of guidance and redemption.

In the days that followed, Cassie became Martelli's steadfast ally, guiding her away from the dangerous path she had been treading and towards a brighter future. Together, they navigated the challenges of recovery and rehabilitation, forging a bond that transcended their roles as employer and employee.

With Cassie's support, Martelli emerged from the shadows of her past, determined to make amends and reclaim her life. She enrolled in rehab, attended counseling sessions, and embraced a newfound sense of purpose and resilience.

As the months passed, Martelli's transformation was nothing short of miraculous. She emerged stronger and wiser, a beacon of hope for those who had once doubted her. And through it all, Cassie stood by her side, a silent guardian watching over her as she embarked on the journey towards redemption.

In the end, their shared ordeal brought them closer together, forging a bond that would withstand the test of time. And as they looked towards the future, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their determination to overcome adversity and embrace the promise of tomorrow.

Before Cassie was fired and surrendered for rehabilitation she had lured Martelli through her Madams manipulation, Gracie was one kind of a mother to her only daughter, Martelli. Her second husband loved his daughter with his whole spine and skull, Martelli was Guerreros' left hand, all profits and assets coded his daughters DNA.

Gracie would go berserk every millisecond she couldn't get the ticket to her luxurious life.

(one year ago)

Cassie glanced at the clock, longing for just one day off from her demanding job as a personal assistant to the formidable Gracie. Her boss's desires were always paramount, yet today Cassie yearned for respite. Grace's step-daughter Martelli, struggling with addiction, loomed in the background of Cassie's thoughts, a constant reminder of her own familial challenges. As the day progressed, Cassie navigated a delicate balance between fulfilling her duties and grappling with her own desires for autonomy. With each passing moment, the tension mounted, leaving Martelli pondering the elusive concept of freedom amidst the constraints of her world. She received a call from Bella, "hello, Cas, are you there?". Cassie was reluctant for a minute then released a whisper, "yes Bell, what's up?". Bellas giggled, "was just reminding you about our upcoming to Kilifi Lounge at 8pm, all reservations are packed for us, all kind of dope will be there, don't miss." Cassie, her eyes rolling in a manner indicative of her harboring a sense of foreboding, suggested that she had a bad feeling about this." Okey Bella, thank you. "

Gracie, the boss, swaggered into the room with an air of undeniable authority, her presence demanding attention. Every eye turned towards her, unable to resist her magnetic pull. With a confident stride, she owned the space, making it clear who was in charge, leaving no doubt in anyone's mind.

Trepidation gnawed at Cassie's resolve as she approached her boss's office, a cacophony of doubts swirling within her mind. Uncertainty loomed large, casting shadows over her meticulously crafted excuses. Had she rectified the missed shifts, sanctioned or otherwise? The weight of impending scrutiny bore down upon her, a relentless reminder of her precarious position in the eyes of her authority.

Cassie was standing at one of the tables when, Regina, her colleague, informed her that Gracie called her in. She saw it as a perfect opportunity to take off a bullet but was shaking wondering what could have made her timid boss to summon her five minutes after her entrance, "did she need a favor because I'm not managing this circus for the day, damn, hope it's not to manage for the night shift."

Cassie's thoughts wandered, uncertain of her boss's intentions—were they to scold her, grant a favor, or issue a command? The ambiguity hung in the air, leaving her intrigued yet apprehensive about what awaited her in the impending conversation.

Cassie stepped into her madam's office, her mind buzzing with uncertainty. Grace, her Madam, had a task for her with convincing Martelli, her daughter, to embrace rehabilitation. Amidst this, Cassie summoned the courage to request an exhilarating weekend off.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, Cassie sat at her desk, pondering. Martelli, her dear friend and confidante, seemed resistant to the idea of rehabilitation. It weighed heavily on Cassie's mind, for she longed to see Martelli embrace the opportunity for change and growth.

Her thoughts drifted to her mother, whom she yearned to visit over the weekend. Yet, her loyalty to Martelli was unwavering. They shared a bond that transcended mere friendship; they were partners in crime, companions in laughter, and pillars of support for one another.

Gracie, Martelli's stepmother, played a significant role in their lives. Unlike many stepmothers portrayed in stories, Gracie was not a villain. Instead, she saw potential in Cassie and treated her with kindness and respect. Even when Cassie missed a shift, Gracie would assign her extra duties, understanding the importance of responsibility.

Gracie's acceptance of their friendship bolstered Cassie's resolve. She knew that Martelli's stepmother trusted her judgment and valued their bond. This trust was a precious gift, one that Cassie vowed to honor.

Their outings together, whether for dates or shopping excursions, were moments of joy and laughter. Cassie cherished these times, knowing they were building memories that would last a lifetime. Martelli's stepmother, Gracie, encouraged their time together, recognizing the positive influence Cassie had on Martelli.

Despite their close relationship, Cassie knew that convincing Martelli to accept rehabilitation would not be easy. It would require patience, empathy, and understanding. She would need to find the right words, the right approach, to break down Martelli's walls and open her heart to the possibility of change.

As the evening wore on, Cassie formulated her strategy. She would appeal to Martelli's sense of loyalty, reminding her of the bond they shared and the support they provided each other. She would emphasize the potential for growth and transformation that rehabilitation offered, painting a picture of a brighter future.

With determination in her heart and a plan in her mind, Cassie prepared to face the challenge ahead. She knew it would not be easy, but she was ready to fight for Martelli's well-being and happiness. Together, they would navigate the journey of rehabilitation, guided by love, trust, and unwavering friendship.