
HTTYD Modern

Follow the journey of Hiccup, his family, and friends as they are constantly getting into trouble, being betrayed, and more. Hiccups family consists of Him, His father Stoick, and his Younger sister Hannah. Jake is Hiccup's best Friend. They have one Older brother Hunter and one Younger Sister Emma. The other characters are Astrid, Snotlout, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, and a few others from HTTYD. My own characters like Jake and family are also in here. Note that once they become old enough in the story, this will turn into R18 and become 18 and up. Note that this will update to 17 and up when the first R-18 event appears. This setting was inspired by "In The Archipelago's Secret Service" by Harrypanther, Rest In Peace, but do not in any way think that R-18 events happened in that because they did not. If anyone does I will completely remove this section when I first see it. Note that Harrypanther is not someone I knew, I found out about them after their death and is not the one I am currently mourning. Note that I enjoy HTTYD and will create other Fanfics when I have time. I had this already done and figured I would release it so I have some time to grieve about the friend that passed away. 1/11/2024

Night_Survivors · Movies
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Chapter 51

Chapter 51


Hiccup Pov:


I have always known that Jake hides something at all times. But what is it this time. "Dammit," Jake says and I look up.


 "What is it?," I ask.


 "We have a tail, are the twins good shots and do they have a license to shoot? Same for you Charlie," Jake asks.


 "The Twins are surprisingly great at shooting, but they don't have licenses," Snotlout informs him.


 "I have a license since I am in the army and I am a great shot, why?," Charlie asks, eyes narrowing.


 "Have the twins climb in the back seat, cram if you have to. Then I want you to wear this paper-mache hamster mask, don't ask why it is a hamster, climb into the bed and shoot out their tires. Then let me know once we are out of sight," Jake informs Charlie.


 "Alright, Twins, get in here," I yell over the wind.


 "Why? did we do something?," Tuff asks.


 "I don't think we did, maybe they just want to blame something on us," Ruff responds.


 "Just get in here," I yell.


 "Fine... Tyrant," Tuff says.


 "Ok," Ruff says exasperated. Once they are inside, Charlie puts on the mask and goes outside. "What is with the Hamster mask?," Ruff asks.


 "It was something my sister made during her early years," Emma responds.


 "Emma!," Jake says, not wanting her secret out. I guess I shouldn't bring it up then. I look back and watch Charlie take the gun Jake had given her and shoot out the tires. Where did Jake get a gun, her glove compartment. As the car slides off the road from loss of traction we wheel out of sight of it.


 "We're good," Charlie says as she clambers back inside.


 "Alright, sadly my truck is a bit unique but if the plates are different and the color changed they can't charge us, especially since they didn't see the shooter, and because they won't find the gun. Give," Jake says and Charlie gives it back. He then puts it in the glove compartment.


 "They are going to find that," Astrid points out.


 "No they won't," Jake says, opening the glove compartment to reveal nothing.


 "Huh," We all say, flabbergasted.


 "It needs a specific print in a specific spot for it to drop down. Even if they do find it, you have a license and government ID, and you used it in self defense," Jake informs us.


 "I see," I respond. We continue down the road as we hear sirens and I am sure we will end up arrested. An ambulance goes by us, and then police cars, who turn around and pull us over. By this time the twins are hiding on the ceiling so we are not over capacity, how, no clue.


 "Good night officer, how can I help you?," Jake asks. By the time we had left campus, the sun had set.


 "You and everyone in this vehicle are under arrest for shooting a car and crashing it," He says as other police cars come up and surround us.


 "What color was the car and what was the plates?," Jake asks. It is obvious, ours.


 "It was Gold with plate FMME1A, 3 axles, so on and so forth, yours," The officer says.


 "I'm sorry, can you say that again, because this vehicle is blue with plate AF41W8. So I see no way that this is the supposed vehicle. But if you want you can search the entire thing, spray it down, check under the plate, go ahead," Jake says, getting out, as do we.


 As the officer comes around the vehicle and guns are trained on us, the twins ninja into the forest without being seen. "Why are there guns on us if we are not the suspects?," I ask.


 "Because you also match the description of the ones who stole from the disciplinary committee and shot up the school," The officer replies. At that we all burst out laughing. "I don't see what is so funny.


 "You should hear yourself, arresting the head of the disciplinary committee, student council president, and the entire disciplinary committee for stealing from themselves and shooting up the school, you should hear yourself," Emma laughs. The officer gets flustered and the other ones back down, realizing something is off.


 "Go ahead and search the damn truck. But when you are done you will put everything back where it was and we will be on our way. The main reason being we are not the suspects," Hannah tells them. They back up a step.


 "But you have the hamster mask the shooter used," The person says pointing to the mask Charlie was holding and forgot. With that, the guns are trained back on them.


 "No, I lent that to her. I made it during my elementary years, hardly mask material. See, there are no eye openings. How can we be your shooters if we could not see through this," Jake says, showing them the mask. He fools them by hiding a piece of paper in his hand that is black and covering the eye lids as they look it over.


 Just then, another car pulls up. "Please leave, this is a scene," A officer says, but the people flash a badge as they get out and the officer backs up.


 "I find that hard to believe, these kids are extremely trustworthy and law abiding. I know for a fact that they are not involved in the school shooting and actually were the ones who informed us of the event. They can't possible have been the shooters because for one they all are not old enough. Even if they had, there is no car in that gun, and there is a government agent among them. Even if you had known and kept it secret, they are trained martial artists and they had friends watching them," The person says as they watch forward.


 The light eventually shows them, a giant, not as tall as Jake and Emma, but definitely above 7 feet, around 7' 4. The are buff and wide enough for two seats and and full muscle. My father, Stoick the Vast Haddock.


 "Why did you let them through," The officer questioning us asked.


 "Because he outranks all of you and is in charge of all security on this island," A second person says. This time they are missing a right leg and left hand, Gobber.


 "I am Stoick the Vast Haddock, Chief of Viking Command," Stoick informs them.