
HTTYD Modern

Follow the journey of Hiccup, his family, and friends as they are constantly getting into trouble, being betrayed, and more. Hiccups family consists of Him, His father Stoick, and his Younger sister Hannah. Jake is Hiccup's best Friend. They have one Older brother Hunter and one Younger Sister Emma. The other characters are Astrid, Snotlout, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, and a few others from HTTYD. My own characters like Jake and family are also in here. Note that once they become old enough in the story, this will turn into R18 and become 18 and up. Note that this will update to 17 and up when the first R-18 event appears. This setting was inspired by "In The Archipelago's Secret Service" by Harrypanther, Rest In Peace, but do not in any way think that R-18 events happened in that because they did not. If anyone does I will completely remove this section when I first see it. Note that Harrypanther is not someone I knew, I found out about them after their death and is not the one I am currently mourning. Note that I enjoy HTTYD and will create other Fanfics when I have time.

Night_Survivors · Movies
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62 Chs

Chapter 43

Chapter 43


Narrator Pov:


 They drive off down the road from the highschool. They continue down the road and take a right away from the old school. From there they head out over the bay and continue straight towards the upscale neighborhood.


 "So do you mind telling me how exactly you all know each other?," Charlie asks since they are away from the school and inside a truck with the windows closed.


 "We were all part of a witness protection program," Hiccup informs her.


 "Were?," Charlie asks, confused.


 "We wanted to go to public school. So we did, the twins were the only ones who weren't apart of the program, they just ended up nearby. We lived at 700 Viking avenue," Hiccup reveals.


 "Wait, you mean," Charlie asks, thinking something.


 "Yes, we were the ones reported dead at that attack. We escaped and the only reason no-one was able to follow was because of this smart-alec. He was the one who created the explosives that destroyed the house and the tunnels. He also created our current phone and computer systems," Hunter reveals, gesturing to Jake who was driving.


 "I know you are gesturing to me, I only had those in case of an emergency, like that one. There was no link between the house and us escaping. The only link was that they happened soon after each other. So they assumed the ones who were on the mountains, me, my sister, and Hannah, and the one on the cliff, my brother, were people from the house. But he was shot in the water and he used food dye to fake blood, while I knew the exact trajectory to enter into the canopy of the trees, not without injury," Jake replied.


 "Yeah you smart alec!," Hunter yells back. They continue down the road, leaving the upscale neighborhood and having a casual chat since they were in the city. They then enter into the west side of town and arrive at the electronics store.


 "We're here, correct?," Jake asks back.


 "Yes, we are. Everyone, follow me," Hunter replies as he leads them inside. They go inside the electronic store, the gunshot in the wall still not replaced from when Mia had shot it. But there was a poster over it about the store to stop questions. "Jake, I am pretty sure you have the supplies in your truck. Last week, Elmia shot at Fish for pulling a shotgun on them. So I would like it if you would fix up the wall behind this poster," Hunter asks.


 "Sure, it can be done pretty fast actually. You will just need to repaint it. Also, if you want Fish to know, this is not the best place considering he is up on the second floor listening in," Jake reveals.


 "No, that i—," Hunter starts but then there is the sound of steps on the stairway.


 "Sorry, I just couldn't help myself," He informs them, poking his head out the doorway.


 "See what I mean," Jake tells Hunter.


 "Yeah, yeah, smart alex. Fish, what are you doing here?," Hunter asks him.


 "Well I overheard what you were talking about in the arena and I wanted to see if my hunch was correct," Fishlegs responded.


 "Which is?," Hunter asks.


 "Are you guys perhaps related to the event around 3 and a half years ago?," He asks.


 "Lets see, I can either answer truthfully or lie. If I lie then it is a stain on my name and if I answer truthfully it is not something I would not like. But just saying this confirms something. I am either related to it, aka the explosives, or I am unrelated to it. You take your pick," Hunter responds.


 "None of those," Fishlegs respond.


 "Then you got it correct. Now will you please leave us to our business. If you could go to the Viking Diner and get us...," Hunter starts to make out a list for Fishlegs to go get. "You will go get that with your own money, or you are fired for trying to listen in on a private conversation that your boss did not want anyone listening in on," Hunter informs him.


 Hunter had told him his, Charlie's, Jake's, Emma's, Hiccup's, Hannah's, Astrid's, Snotlout's, Mia's, Tuffnut's, and Ruffnut's, orders. The total amount went up to $300. Everyone's cost around 20 dollars, except Tuffnut and Ruffnut's cost 30, and Jake and Emma's cost 40, if Fishlegs was included it was 300. That was due to the amount they had ordered. Jake and Emma ate more than the rest, and the Twins were just plain out ridiculous with no reason for the amount.


 "A-a-alright sir," Fishlegs said, and left to go get the food.


 "Now that he is out of our hair, lets get down to business. How exactly do you all know each other and how come there is no record of any of you in the others profiles. I did a double check and not even your islands have heard of you," Charlie informed them. She did it on the way there.


 "There is good reason for that," Mia responded.


 "We were never on those islands to begin with. We simply used them as a disguise so we would not be suspected. It used those as they fit our backgrounds perfectly," Snotlout informed her.


 "As for how we know each other, we were in 700 Viking avenue together, the twins though were next door. They were not involved but since they knew us we took them with us. We don't know much that happened other than those who tried to leave the road were killed on sight. So out best guess is that happened to prevent the word from getting out," Astrid continues.


 "According to the world, we all went missing as children, assumed dead. That was when we entered the witness protection program. I am going to be using our actual names, so if there is any objection, speak up now," Hiccup told them.