
HTTYD Modern

Follow the journey of Hiccup, his family, and friends as they are constantly getting into trouble, being betrayed, and more. Hiccups family consists of Him, His father Stoick, and his Younger sister Hannah. Jake is Hiccup's best Friend. They have one Older brother Hunter and one Younger Sister Emma. The other characters are Astrid, Snotlout, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, and a few others from HTTYD. My own characters like Jake and family are also in here. Note that once they become old enough in the story, this will turn into R18 and become 18 and up. Note that this will update to 17 and up when the first R-18 event appears. This setting was inspired by "In The Archipelago's Secret Service" by Harrypanther, Rest In Peace, but do not in any way think that R-18 events happened in that because they did not. If anyone does I will completely remove this section when I first see it. Note that Harrypanther is not someone I knew, I found out about them after their death and is not the one I am currently mourning. Note that I enjoy HTTYD and will create other Fanfics when I have time. I had this already done and figured I would release it so I have some time to grieve about the friend that passed away. 1/11/2024

Night_Survivors · Movies
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Chapter 34

Chapter 34


Hiccup Pov:


 We head into the Administration building, which is slightly populated. People tend to run late instead of early. Yesterday you would have had those who wanted in as soon as possible. There were two reasons for that. The first reason being they wanted to get out of their parents house. The second was they wanted to prepare fully.


 That day, and the last 3 days before classes would be the busiest, whereas today would be the shortest. From what we had gotten Jake was not going to make contact. He was at some risk, and he had a paranoia from being shot in the back. So he would be sticking to just him and Emma, only coming into contact if other people started it. He was not a people person, but online he loved to game with others.


 Looking around, there were a few others like us, but there were some that stood out. You had a kid with spiky red hair, and scars on his face with some face paint, definitely Berserker. But the girl standing next to him did not fit with him at all. They had green eyes and black hair down to her mid back. But, judging from the insignia, any island in the country of the Archipelago, had an insignia for tribes. They were the same as the one next to them.


 In the Archipelago each tribe managed a different thing from their island. If we Berkians were the intelligence organization that watched for threats. The Berserkers were the ones to deal with those threats. But, there were some others that stood out.


 In the distance at the desk, there stood a hulking woman, seemingly a student. The female worker at the desk was slightly intimidated by them. Beside the person stood 2 more women, the first being a few inches shorter, and the next about a foot shorter, my height.


 The first was around 7 feet tall currently, they had Dirty-blonde hair and Blue-green eyes. The hair was all the way down to their waist. They had E size assets. The second was around 6'9 feet tall with similar hair and eyes. Their hair though was cut short, around their ear. They had E size assets. The third had auburn hair and emerald green eyes, stood 6 feet tall, and also had E size assets.


 They got their forms and left the administration. As I did I took note of the symbol of a Wolf on their insignia's. I was not familiar with it, plus it looked to be more than just a wolf. I then noticed a person from the bog burglar tribe. To my understanding, they love to steal things.


 Eventually it was our turn and we went up to the desk. "Welcome to Berkian High, how may I help you?," They ask us kindly.


 "We are here to register for our dorms," I inform her.


 "I see, you must all have your registration forms already prepared then?," She asked and we nodded. "If I could please have those and I would get you into the system," The reply. We nod, all handing ours over, for a total of 6.


 "What do you think the rooms will be like?," I hear in the background. I turn my head slightly, watching the Red headed kid and the black haired girl next to him. I also make sure that I am not noticed while also watching the person putting our stuff in.


 "I honestly don't know, but from the rumors it will be nice. Apparently, at least from what I heard, this may just be a special, each dorm has 3 sleeping quarter rooms. Inside each room there are 2 bunks with desks for the lower half. It is meant to save space, but yeah," The girl responds.


 "Alright, Fury, Freya, Ulgerthrope, Elmia, and then, Shtuffnut and Cackleffnut?," The person in front asks, a bit confused at the names.


 "Yes, those are all correct," I say, making her know she was not misinformed.


 "I see, they are just unusual, the last ones that is," They respond.


 "Yes, I know," I answer.


 "Well, here are your dorms and such. Wait a moment, Camicazi! Stop pickpocketing or you will be expelled! Dagur, no fighting! Heather, watch your brother!," The desk attendant yells at the bog burglar, and the Berserkers. She then proceeds to hand us our stuff before we leave.


 "Lets check what our rooms are," I say once we get to a park bench. We sit down and each look at our forms, they also have our classes. "I am in dorm 224," I inform them.


 "I am also in dorm 224," Snotlout says. That is just great, I am stuck with Snotlout.


 "I am also in roomo 224o," Tuffnut says reading his out. Wait, Tuffnut too! This is just effing great.


 "What about you girls?," I ask Astrid, Mia, and Ruffnut.


 "I am in room 400?," Astrid starts out surprising me.


 "Wait a sec, room 400 is the highest and most luxurious room for each Dorm!," I point out.


 "I guess I am lucky then," Astrid responds.


 "Hey, I am also in room 400," Ruffnut says with glee. Astrid is not going to like that one bit. We then all look over at Mia.


 "Mia?," I ask, startling her.


 "What, oh, sorry, I am also in room 400," She says sheepishly, and quietly to. I guess this is what happens when you all sign up for rooms on the same day.


 "Well then, lets go to our dorms," I respond to all.






Astrid Pov:


 I sulk along, going towards my room with Ruffnut and Mia following me. Of all people, why did I have to get stuck with these bumbling idiots.


 The Dorms are connected to the mountains for easy access during the winter. Room 400, is the only Dorm inside the mountain. Only those who got top marks on the entrance exam are allowed in. So how in the world did Ruffnut get in? Mia I can understand a bit, but not Ruffnut.


 We arrive at the Dorm and I use my Student ID card that was printed at the desk to enter. Inside I hear yelling and as I turn the corner into the living room, I run into the two hulking women from before.