
Chapter 134

The sword arched in the air and brushed passed his hair even as his eyes widened and he moved his head back to avoid the blade which might as well have moved in half the normal speed due to his high reflexes.

But with his great reflexes, he could not defend himself against something that was faster than him.

And Varko, with his twin blade was far faster than him. Mostly because of the heavy weights he had wrapped around his hands and legs.

He knew that despite his greater physique, he was still not good as he could be due to the not having enough training or experience as a swordsman.

The other reason why he was training was that ever since his victory over Varko, he had started to like the way of the warrior.

The adrenaline rush he got when he finally defeated Varko was far better than any that he got by defeating his foes with magic. Defeating someone with a piece of metal truly woke something primal in him and he wanted more of that.

So here he was. Getting his ass whooped by Varko so that the next time he finds and defeats a bunch of bandits, he won't feel like he was only able to do so because of the enhancements but because he had some actual skills.

Varko didn't gave him the time to get a better footing and continued to send a flurry of sword strikes his way that were fast even for his enhanced mind.

He did not even lasted a second before he was on his ass once again.

For all that Varko hid his emotions, Varko didn't like him taking that one cheap victory in front of everyone and was acting out of pettiness and taking a preverse joy in kicking his ass.

"You're defending too much." Varko told me "It's good if you're doing it every now and then. But a person who keeps on defending and doesn't attack will lose sooner or later. You need to take more risks. Be more proactive."

He nodded and got up once again.

Before they could go on for another round of sparring, he heard footsteps behind him and turned to find Tyrion coming his way.

He gave a look to Varko who silently nodded and stepped out of hearing range.

"Tyrion." He said without any emotion in his voice.

Tyrion reeked of wine and sweat. His hair was all over the place. His clothes filled with wine stains and some vomit and the man looked like he had not had a proper sleep in weeks. A half empty wine bottle on his left hand.

"Bolton." Tyrion murmured, stumbling a little before he corrected his footing.

He remained silent so Tyrion continued "I'm going to Kings Landing."

A frown took place and his forehead but before he could say anything, Tyrion continued "I will talk with my brother. Find out if he truly betrayed. If Tysha was really innocent. Deep down in my heart, I always knew that she was. I knew but… believing that she was a whore dulled my pain so that's what I chose to believe."

Tyrion frowned and took a swig from the bottle "I… I want to hear it from Jamie. I want to hear him say it. How that sister fucker allowed my wife to get gangraped in front of me." Tyrion's voice broke and tears formed in his eyes. He wiped them away quickly and continued "Once I'm done with him. With all of them… I'll come back… For Tysha. She might not forgive me. She might never forgive me. And that would be alright. This time… I'll act the husband that I should have a long time ago."

At that point Tyrion broke down and started sobbing in front of him.

He ignored the smell coming from Tyrion and pulled him in a hug.

He patted Tyrion's back and secretly put a calming charm on him.

"Very well then. I'll send Titanic to escort you to Kings Landing."

"Titanic?" Tyrion asked, looking confused.

"My flagship." He said with a proud smile "You'll definitely like her."

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