
School Start

Harry watched through the window of the door into his Uncle's room, he was currently sleeping in the trauma ward of Saint Mungo's, he was currently going through a multitude of tests to make sure he was healthy, and if he wasn't this would be the place he would receive the best medical treatment.

Harry took some precautions of course, going around and taking a few 'sips' from some of the older nurses, doctors, and anyone else worth the feed here, now amassing his medical experience beyond just that of muggle and their science.

But of that of wizards, witches, and magic. Enough knowledge, and experience that he personally could look after his uncle if he so wished, but keeping him here under the watch of trusted...

Scratch that, he didn't trust them, but they wouldn't be able to go against him anyway as he bent them to his will, only for the time they were watching over his uncle, he didn't hurt them, or make them do things against their will, he simply made sure that anything that involved his uncle was also notified to him directly, so nothing would happen to his uncle with out him knowing.

He also had a new house-elf, one taken under his wing and into his blood that would act as 'protection' against any threats to his uncle directly.

There methods to heal his uncle were... Effecient, but Harry used his abiltites to assist, making sure his Uncle received the best treatment, as he was now preparing to receive his Aunt as well.

He growled a bit beneath his breath when he thought about his Aunt, she was forced to her knee before the so called 'Dark Lord' and threw his skilled use of mind magic forced her to commit terrors.

The whole family had a wand turned on them during the course of the second wizarding war against Voldemort, originally.

The Black's did not care about blood purity, it was about power. Raw, and primal power, through body, mind, and magic.

It mattered not to anyone of the Black family if you were pure of blood, or half blood or even a squib. As long as you were strong.

He worried for the Black House Elf, Kreacher. If they turned their wands on the family itself, what of their faithful servants?

Sadly he couldn't directly summon Kreacher to him without the current head of Black allowing him the rights to do so.

Said head was barely able to speak coherent sentences so for now Harry left a magical signature into Sirius' Blood, allowing him to 'monitor' the strength of Kreacher's link to the family, it was still strong, but dark and tainted with hate at least towards Sirius.

He watched his uncle for a moment longer before he turned on his heel and began to walk away down the hall, vanishing into mist from the hospital as no one was around except in rooms.

Soon that mist leaked from cracks of the hospital and into the sky above it, where once he was out of the hospital and far enough away from it he apperated.

He could get through their wards as well, just as Pokka could. But some sicknesses within the hospital were caused by magic, and if he used his version of apparition that allowed him to pull himself through even wards undetected, it might harm them.

He had no reason to harm innocent lives who suffered so he was gentle when dealing with them.

His apparition took him all the way to the landing Zone at Gringotts where a Goblin decorated in full armor was waiting for him.

''Sir Potter?'' The Goblin asked, Harry nodding to him.

''Here is your pouch sir, all supplies for your year at school, along with all that you ordered as well are here as requested.'' The goblin growled out as he held up the pouch to Harry who took it. Dropping a few gold coins into the outstretched hand.

The Goblin grinned and bowed softly to him.

Ever since he had developed a working relationship with the goblins they had shown a different side to him, a 'Kinder' side at least.

Offering him his own private apparition area. Turns out if you give Goblins a mountain of money and let them play with it nets you not only more money in the long run, but a lot of friendships.

Tying the small pouch to his waist he summoned his wand into his hand, the wand that he had to be made for him. He still had the backup wands, not that he needed them.

But whereas Chantless magic wasn't that uncommon for first years, wandless magic was a whole new hurdle to tackle.

He released the transfiguration of his neat three-piece muggle suit and it began to mold back into the robes of a first-year without their colors.

Once he was in his robe he removed the over robe and folded it up, folding it again and again until it seemed to get comically smaller until he was able to drop it into the pouch.

Once he did that he waved his wand and apparated.

With a twist and loud crack did he appear on the landing zone of the Hogwarts train, the site he was greeted to was quite spectacular for just a train station.

He walked out of the landing zone, leaving it open for others as some apparated behind him as he walked.

He walked to the front of the train, examining the engine and looking out over the beautiful view of the rolling hills of still green grass and sparse trees.

Harry took a moment to take in the site before he turned, walking onto the train he found an empty compartment.

Shutting the door behind him he pointed his wand to it, prepared to lock it before he stopped.

Should he leave it open? He could meet a few people, possibly friends.

Despite is way of thinking, and maturity Harry still understood the gift that was friendship, as well as how he understood as an immortal who didn't age unless he wished to appear older, that a long life without friends would be a lonely one.

He held his wand and pointed to the door for a few moments longer before he took a breath and sheathed his wand into his dueling holster.

Once he was seated he took a breath and leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes.

Time he crack some of that cold mold around himself to try and make friends.

Harry sat there in his own little world until the door finally opened, Harry's eyes opening as he looked up to come face to face with someone he already knew.

Draco Malfoy, the cherry on top of royalty, Heir to the Malfoy family and Apprentice Potioneer.

Standing Harry offered his hand in greeting.

''Draco, a pleasure to see you so soon, how goes your recent Apprenticeship?''

Draco caught his hand, shaking it with a firm grip, it looked like Draco was traveling with both of his Squire's as well. Crabbe and Hoyle looked as rough as ever, their knight training showing through their chiseled bodies that matched Harry's own, though he had a few inches on all three of them.

''Harry, I pleasure to see you as well, my Master is strict but I am learning a lot, I was actually looking for you to deliver this parcel from my Father.''

Draco removed his hand from the grip and pulled a letter from his coat, handing it off to Harry.

''Thank you for your gift on my birthday, it baffles me how you were able to apply such magic to a cauldron to make it automatically brew potions, thanks to you I have been able to begin to sell potions for myself, earning me quite a bit of spending capital.''

Harry took the letter and chuckled softly, opening the letter before them as he read over it while speaking.

''Well, if this letter is about what I think it is, then you can look forward to more... Ah, yes right here. Your Father was able to get me the certificate I needed to begin selling these cauldrons through his shared interest.''

Draco grinned. ''Good, good. Means Father might be a bit more generous with my next months allowance, I'm currently saving up for a business adventure in Romania.''

''You mean a vacation?'' Harry joked as the both of them shared a laugh. Harry folded the letter up and placed it into his inner robe.

''Well, with that delivered and pleasantries shared I shall head to my own cabinet. Please, if you feel you want to join me, or others of our group please head to the front of the train, we've taken the whole second car over and changed it into a dining room for the long trip.''

''I will continue to patter with others a bit before I do so, please if you see Daphne, give her my greeting.''

Draco waved his brows in response before nodding firmly and turning to walk away.

Harry shared a firm nod with both Crabbe and Goyle, he would need to send congratulations to their family, both of them despite still in their training were doing a good job.

Once they left Harry closed the door and sat back down, relaxing back into his seat as he felt the train begin to warm up around him, its magic sending a tingle down his spine as the power and strength of the charms started to light up.

He would definitely need to do some research into the train, it might only be a train to some but to Harry.

It was a massive piece of machinery that was able to pass under, over, and around the heads of Muggles without them being none the wiser, the charms taken to hide it from the normal world must be incredibly powerful.


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