
HP: The Boy Who Indulged

''This... This is the boy who lived? Savior of the wizarding world, and they leave him like this? Pathetic fools... You know what? Let's see what hell you'll stir up... Blood to Blood, you will be my proxy.'' Harry Potter. 'The Boy Who Lived' but was left with muggles who hated anything 'abnormal', freakish, wrong. Who hated magic above all else. The 'Freak' that is Harry Potter. A traveling deity, just a passing God of 'Blood' decided that this was no way to treat the 'Savior' of the Wizarding World, and decided to change Harry's fate, by gifting him the gift of 'Blood' a power that if used correctly... Could turn the wizarding world on it's head. This Fanfic is 'Technically' a Vampire Fanfic! Creative liberties were taken to make it not so, sunshine=ash/sparkles type vampire! This world of Harry Potter is an AU. Things to note! Hogwarts now starts at the age of 18, and is considered a 'College' This change makes the difference between 'mud blood' and purebloods much worse, as they have had 18 years to cultivate their magic and strength while making it so the half-bloods have more wits to them, as they have all attended up to at least highschool education! This is not an Evil Dumbledore fanfic, whereas I like them, I feel there are too many. Hello everyone! Bulo here! This will be my first official Fanfic! I will try my best to make it a good one, I can't promise an upload schedule but I will try to do the best I can, and if it gets popular I will set time aside to get an official schedule! Looking to support me? https://ko-fi.com/bulodolu Buy me a coffee!... Even if my doctor told me to stay away from caffeine!

BuloDolu · Movies
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14 Chs

Rattling some 'Bones'

''Thank you Madam Bones for agreeing to meet me so quickly, I admit I was surprised for Gabriel to return with a letter already written.''

Amelia chuckled softly as she sipped at her tea quietly before setting it down... It was good, refreshing tea for her, having been out working for so long, she would need to remind herself to ask where he got it from...

As long as this meeting remained positive that is.

''Mr. Potter, you are the most sought-after wizard, let alone right now you have been for many years now, denying a request from you when even I share some interest in meeting you, and please. Call me Amelia, no honorifics needed.''

Harry smiled as he nodded. ''Then please call me Harry, Mr. Potter was my father.'' He waved it off softly as she nodded in response.

''What sort of interest do you hold in me, Amelia?'' He asked out of simple curiosity.

''Well, I assume what everyone would hold, where have you been, why is it you look different than what the stories describe? Apologize for my wandering eyes, it comes with the job but you are a far cry from the... Meek Teenager who wears glasses.'' She stated, taking another sip of her tea, noticing it filled magically whenever she was almost finished.

With each new 'pour' it seemed richer, and more enticing each taste. She remembered from a friend of hers who enjoyed tea much more than her, that each pour for tea was different, and it seemed Harry took great care to make sure each sip was refreshing.

He sipped his tea as well as she did, letting a moment of silence pass before he continued.

''Well, I will not give... 'exact' details of my life from birth to now, but I will let you in on a secret. The Quibbler has interview rights, and in their next edition you are sure to find a whole article about me describing my past and the events that lead up to now.''

Amelia nodded, she always enjoyed the Quibbler every now and then, some things made no sense and it got quite a few chuckles out of her, especially if she could make sense of the 'nonsense'.

''Now... To the reason I wished for this meeting, I will not sugarcoat this Amelia. I am furious.'' Harry stated as he spoke, raising his hand he blatantly showed off wandless, chantless magic as he caused a folder to lift off the table from across the room and float towards him.

Amelia was impressed, he was either lying about his anger, or it was well concealed...

She could spot a lier from a mile away. So she knew it was the latter.

He also performed a magic feat very, very few wizards could do, and with the control that even fewer wizards could boast. In which she didn't even feel a fluctuation of magic, so he made sure to keep even that in check.

Harry leaned forward to set a single folder down, and it confused her as there seemed to be nothing in it as she leaned forward and turned it around to look at it.

Her heart quickly came to a stop as she read the name on the folder's tab.

'Sirius Black Case File.'

She watched the folder for a moment before looking up to Harry, who despite his eyes having sharpened slightly, was still keeping himself calm.

''May I validate this is the copy from the magistrate?'' She asked, getting a nod from him she took out her wand.

She placed it against the folder and channeled confirmation magic through it, and when she received the very real confirmation magic back, her mood began to quickly sour.

''But... Why is it empty? There isn't even a warning charm, stating that there are missing, or tampered files. A case his large should have a folder bulging out, and I would know. I've had to sort through lesser cases with mountains of paperwork.''

''It is empty Amelia Bones, because Sirius never received a trial, nor was any evidence gathered... No interviews, no witness reports, no oblivate records... Nothing.''

Ah, the full name meant he was talking business now, her eyes looking over to the folder he held in his hand still, it was about an inch thick.

''Now, see something real interesting happened when I visited the Public Records office, and I will not deny the fact I had to get creative to obtain that folder, despite it having nothing in it... If I remember correctly, each person who commits any crime, ever. Has a folder, no matter how small, or large the crime is... But we both know who my Uncle is Amelia.''

He set the folder he was still holding onto the table, letting her take it.

''A trickster, a Playboy, a petty thief, having even once painted dicks up and down Diagon Alley, yet... No records, of any of his crimes? It is almost like someone purposely removed all records of his existence, as if they wanted him to fade into time.''

Amelia began to look through the folder, her face growing more twisted in anger as she did.

It held a lot, evidence of some petty crimes he did, some general tomfoolery that would have definitely landed him in a cell for a night or two.

As she reached the end of the folder... it began to get a lot more serious, as it covered the evidence that SHOULD have been covered over his trial before he was sent to Azkaban.

The lack thereof at least.

''I... I don't know what to say, I wasn't the Head of the department yet, just another beat cop.''

''But, you are the head now... I am a concerned citizen, a very famous, and very wealthy concerned citizen. Who has brought proof of wrongdoings of the Ministry and the Wizengamot... Proof that my Uncle, Sirius Black was not the Secret Keeper of the Fidelius charm that was held over my Parent's home, so that means he was in fact not in a position TO be able to betray MY family.''

Amelia sat back into her seat, continuing to double check all the evidence as the gravity of the situation slowly began to set in.

If Sirius Black didn't get a retrial...

Harry Potter would tear the entire Ministry down around them, and they wouldn't be able to stop it.

Power, and money alone he could do it... Let alone the evidence he had against the Ministry for blackmail that she didn't know of.

The fact that with a few favors, a few debts, and a few meetings. Harry could have over half of the Wizengamot on his side at the drop of a hat.

Amelia wasn't aware of it, but Harry believed in a simple line of thought.

If you have an enemy, be prepared to crush them, physically, socially, mentally, to even grind their soul into dust. So to say he wasn't prepared to do so would be an amusing joke.

Especially since he had a fanbase dedicated to his every word, and a House Elf far more powerful then any other House Elf, able to silently, and stealthy enter almost 98% of wards most wizards used.

Harry leaned forward, taking his tea again as he took a quiet sip.

''I will leave that folder in your hands Amelia, I hope to hear good things from you, especially the date of my Uncle's Retrial... I will be personally attending my seat at Wizengamot, and all seats that I own by proxy.''

She nodded a bit, gathering the folder and herself before she stood, heading for the fireplace before she stopped as Harry called out.

''Pokka!'' With a snap did his house elf appear, illusioned to look like her old self.

''Yes Mastah Pottah?'' She beamed to him, ready for her order.

''Please provide Amelia here some of the tea we used for today's meeting, she looked to enjoy it, and I wish to gift it to her.''

Pokka grinned before she disappeared, only to reappear moments later holding a hefty bag up to Amelia, who took it with a small smile.

''Thank you... Harry.''

He chuckled a bit, leaning back in his chair as he turned to look out the window, sipping his tea. ''Consider it a bribe not to charge be with breaking into a Ministry owned facility to retrieve a empty folder.''

Amelia snickered a bit, nodding before she turned. A few moments later she was gone into the fireplace with a mystical burst of green flames.


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