
HP: Second Chance

Once enemies, now united by circumstance, four wizards face a critical decision. Having lost faith in those close to them, they embark on a perilous journey. Rewinding time, their lives become solely their own. Donning masks, a new game begins from this moment onward. Playing: HP/FD, DM/DG, NL/MB, RW/AG, BC Jr/BL. Support me at: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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- So, Mr Griphook, my mother is considered a pureblood? - Squinting his eyes, Harry interrogated.

- 'Yes, Mr Potter,' the goblin nodded.

- And I may, by accepting the duties of a lord, be considered of age?

- Yes, Mr Potter," the goblin attorney nodded again.

- Will anyone be able to challenge that? - Harry asked another question.

- No, Mr Potter.

- Good. In that case, I agree to lead both families," the green-eyed wizard said coldly.

Harry was not in the best of spirits at the moment. He had just learnt something he hadn't even known in his previous life. As it turned out, Lily Evans at the age of 17 had undergone the ritual of the formation of a clan, so that the parents of her chosen one gave their consent to the wedding and blessing of the young family. The formation of new clans was a very rare event in the magical world. And not only because one had to be a strong wizard for magic to confirm his right to do so, but also because one would have to lose one third of his power, which would form the basis of the clan. And most of the mages were not ready to do that. But the muggle-born witch Miss Evans was not afraid to take such a step and founded the Evans family, thus becoming a pureblood. Harry was a little apprehensive about taking on the responsibilities of the head of the two clans, but realised that it was the only chance he had to get out of Dumbledore's control at the moment. It was a good thing that the old manipulator wasn't his guardian, because he couldn't get around the order in Lady and Lord Potter's will that specified Sirius Black or, in the case of the Potter heir's godfather, Remus Lupin. The will was promulgated by the goblins in front of the full Wizengamot. Unfortunately, the old man was able to insist that the young victor - He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named - be put into the care of Lily's sister. He reasoned that Lupin was a werewolf and Black was imprisoned in Azkaban for killing 13 Muggles and Peter Pettigrew, as well as turning the Potters over to the Dark Lord.

While Harry was pondering what the goblin had told him, Griphook brought out a box containing the ringlets of the heads of the Potter and Evans clans.

- Mr Potter, please drop a drop of blood on this artefact, it will show if you are wearing any restraints. It is necessary to do this so that when you accept the obligations of the head of the clan, your clan gifts will not be blocked," the goblin said, holding out a small silver dagger to his client.

Harry nodded. Slashing his index finger, he dripped blood into the notch on the ball of the artefact. A reddish smoke began to seep out of the side and drifted across the parchment lying nearby. When it cleared, there were a few words on the sheet. The goblin slid the parchment towards him and began to read.

- Active gifts: mental magic. Active since 1983. Inactive gifts: artefacting, animagic. Activity blocked since the second half of 1981. Hmm... Mr Potter, you will need to undergo a purification ritual before wearing the birth rings.

Harry frowning more and more, nodded. He was beginning to not only understand, but to realise how many mages were being pulled like puppets by the 'great and bright' Dumbledore.

- I want you to check on my friends," Harry practically ordered, nodding at the three boys sitting on the sofa by the wall, but remembering that it was more expensive to fight with goblins, he added, "please.

Draco, Neville and Ron silently approached the solicitor's desk. Griphook was surprised to note that the three young wizards were obeying the Potter heir without question. And the biggest surprise was that among them was young Malfoy, who, as the entire magical population of England knew, was not on friendly or even friendly terms with the Boy-Who-Survived. But still the goblin managed to hide his surprise and held out his dagger towards the boys. The first to take it was the heir to the Longbottom family. The artefact showed that Neville had only one gift - plant mage - and it was in an active state. With Malfoy, history repeated itself; his gift - potions - was also active. But the Weasley couple's youngest son, to Griphook's very great surprise, also had a gift, albeit one that had been blocked in 1983. Ron turned out to be a mage - a ritualist. After a few seconds of silence, Griphook summoned a Pruett family attorney through the through mirror. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and the goblin Griphook had summoned entered. After a few more minutes of conferring in his own language, the Potters' solicitor turned to the boys.

- You, Mr Weasley, have been discovered to have a gift inherited in the Pruett lineage. Since your mother was banished from the family, the gift has not awakened because of it. But she and her children are the only living descendants of the family. Since the gift of the ritualist has awakened in you, I am sure you can claim to be the head of the Pruett family. The magic of this family has accepted you. So, what do you decide?

- Uh - uh - uh," Ron looked back at Harry, getting nods of approval from his three friends, "I agree.

- In that case, you also need to perform a purification ritual," Griphook grinned satisfied.

There was nothing surprising in the fact that the goblin was pleased, for if the gold worked, the goblins would become richer. The Potters' solicitor asked Draco and Neve to wait in the study while Harry and Ron went through the ritual.

* * * * *

Half an hour later the boys, along with Griphook, returned to the study and Potter put on both rings, which he immediately recognised, thus making him the head of both families.

- I wanted to ask you something else," Harry said, looking at the Evans' ring. - Is there any chance of getting something in the other clan's safe?

The goblin looked at the boy carefully and answered firmly, shaking his head.

- No.

- What if a blood relative of one of the clan's spouses asks for access?

- No. Unless he has officially certified authorisation from the owner of the safe.

- What if I told you that one of the vaults contains an item that, if used properly, could lead to another war? - Harry asked another question.

- 'We are not concerned with the possibility of war amongst mages, Lord Potter-Evans,' Griphook shook his head again.

Harry was silent for a moment.

- 'So if war breaks out you goblins will take a neutral stance?

- Quite right," Griphook nodded.

- Well, in that case, we should be going. Good day.

- Good day, gentlemen.

* * * * *

Before leaving the bank, Harry went down to his vault to get some money and to update his wardrobe. He was tired of transfiguring old clothes every day. Oh, and Ron needed clothes too, since everything he'd taken with him from Nora wasn't enough for him anymore. And since he couldn't claim the title of Lord Pruett until he was of full magical age, he could only rely on himself and his parents. In the last Lord Pruett's will, it was stated that only those who had reached the age of twenty-one and had awakened their birthright could claim the title and inheritance. Harry had therefore decided that he was capable of providing for his friend's needs up to that age. All the more so since it would do no harm to his condition.

The goblin accompanying Harry, seeing that the young mage was taking quite a lot of money, offered him a credit card. Potter only mentally slapped himself on the forehead for forgetting about such a useful service of Gringotts. The credit card could be used in both the magical and Muggle worlds.

* * * * *

The boys spent the rest of the evening shopping, mostly in the Muggle world. Ron was at first indignant and embarrassed at the fact that Harry was spending his money on him, but after a while he calmed down and swore that when he inherited the inheritance he would pay his friend back all the money he had spent on him. The shopping trip ended at a restaurant where the boys had a hearty dinner. After that, all four of them travelled by portal to the Longbottom mansion.

- Listen, mate, won't your relatives starve to death in the closet? - Neville asked, sitting on the sofa in the small sitting room.

- Nah, they've got plenty of fat reserves. They'll be fine if they starve for a day or two. I've survived, even though I haven't eaten in five days," Harry said, looking away.

- Five days?! - Draco's eyes darted up to Draco, pushing himself forward.

Potter didn't answer, and the boys decided not to pursue the subject, inwardly seething with indignation.

- And your... uncle seems to be working. Won't they be looking for him? - Ron decided to ask a little later.

- No," Harry shook his head, "he's on holiday.

- What if the neighbours get suspicious if they don't see them for a while? - Draco questioned.

- Malfoy, don't tell me you're feeling sorry for them all of a sudden," Potter smirked.

- Merlin forbid me from feeling sorry for the dregs of society like that," the blond man grimaced. - I just suspect that Dumbledore will hear soon that something strange is going on.

- Mordred and Morgana! I completely forgot that Miss Figg, that manticore-bitten cat lady, was assigned by him to keep an eye on me! - Harry exclaimed, jumping up from his chair.

- Well, let's eliminate her," Neville suggested calmly.

Potter turned around and looked at his friend carefully.

- 'Nev, where does this cruelty come from in you? You weren't like this before," Harry stretched out in surprise.

- Maybe I was supposed to be like this. Just like you weren't supposed to be like you were THERE? My friend, I learned one thing in THAT life. If you don't want to get stabbed in the back, stab your enemy yourself. Then at least you'll know why you were thrown to rot in Hell," the boy's voice was cold and his face was an evil mask. Potter shifted his gaze to Draco, then to Ron and was surprised by their nods of agreement.

- 'That's the rule we live by in Slytherin,' Malfoy spoke softly. - 'Understand, the games are over. We have three strong enemies - Dumbledore, Voldemort and the Ministry. The more of their supporters we remove, the easier it will be for us to win. Harry, stop being a Gryffindor, fair and square. Show your Slytherin side. Look at Ron, in THAT life, to get you out of Azkaban, he, a true Gryffindor and light wizard, unashamedly let six Avadas go in a row. He killed six of them for you. And he didn't know the dirt back then. We've changed, Harry. They made us that way. Stop living in old stereotypes.

Draco stopped talking and leaned back in the second chair he was sitting in. Potter, sinking to the floor, covered his eyes. He began to rethink his life for the umpteenth time. Slowly the rightness of Malfoy and Longbottom's words began to dawn on him. With each second of reflection, the thread that held his present and past selves together grew thinner and thinner. Finally, it melted away completely. Draco, Neville and Ron witnessed a truly unprecedented sight. Potter was enveloped in a cocoon of magic, helping him to accept his not new, but true identity. Submissiveness, imposed worldviews, emotions and stereotypes not inherent to his true nature were separated by dark clots, dissolving into the protective field of the magical cocoon. The three boys, mouths open, watched their friend embrace his true self.

Harry opened his eyes and the cocoon dissipated. Crimson sparks blazed in the emerald green colour. It reeked of power again. The young man's shoulders straightened, as if he had thrown off the weight that was pulling him to the ground. Though, in fact, he had. Harry just hadn't noticed these days how his true self was struggling with the imposed one, trying to displace the unnecessary and destructive. And now she found herself free.

Draco was the first to notice that the scar on his friend's forehead was gone.

- Did you destroy the Horcrux? - Malfoy asked.

- I didn't. It dissolved into me. The magic did it on its own," Harry replied a little confused.

- Well, minus one, then," Ron smiled.

- That's minus two. And soon it'll be minus a couple more," Neville smiled.

- I see you've finally come to your senses," Draco said, stretching his vowels in a mannered manner. - So I'm expecting a minimum plan for this summer.

- A minimum plan? Well, listen. By September, the Hufflepuff cup, the Slytherin locket, and the Goth ring must be destroyed. We need to get Narcissa, the twins and Charlie out of here, talk to Sirius, get Bellatrix out of Azkaban, find Crouch Junior and get those two on your side, get that thing Skeeter and Figg out of here. Is that clear? - Harry finished his speech with a question.

- Yes, Commander," Ron saluted jokingly with two fingers.

- Now I see the Potter I decided to go after in Azkaban," Draco smiled happily.

- The plan is clear," Neville exhaled in relief. - When do we start?

Longbottom was glad that his friend had finally become the person he had always seen him as. And now he could breathe freely. There would be problems, but with Harry like this, the real Harry, they would solve them. And it didn't matter how, the main thing was to survive, save their loved ones and avenge the past Hell.

- When? - Potter interjected. - Now. We don't have much time.

- Shall we start with your minder? - Draco asked in a businesslike manner.

- With her," Harry nodded. - Any suggestions?

- Plenty.

* * * * *

- There's no defence on the house," Draco said, snipping leaves off the hedge.

- She's a squib, how would she deal with her," Ron shrugged.

- It's only to our advantage," Harry nodded. - Draco, did you get everything?

- Naturally," Malfoy pouted.

- Stop pouting," Neville tugged at a strand of his hair. - After all, you're a ferret, not a hamster.

- Chickenshit," Harry tsked at Longbottom and Weasley, who giggled. - 'Draco, calm down. It's no one's fault it's your aniform. Do you all remember? Then let's go.

One by one the four boys made their way into the house, opening the lock with a simple unlocking spell. Neville and Ron walked last, carrying a rather large box. Draco made his way into the kitchen and poured a vial of the attractant potion onto the floor, to which he had previously added an extract of valerian root. After that he went under the stairs where his friends were hiding. A few minutes later, when the odour had spread through the house, three cats appeared on the stairs one after another. The boys held their breath, waiting for the cats to hide in the kitchen. Then, after casting a locking spell on the kitchen door, Harry threw a light smashing curse into a vase standing on a shelf in the corridor. The shards sprinkled to the floor, creating a noise. Meanwhile, Ron and Neville had set up a box at the foot of the stairs. After almost a minute, shuffling footsteps were heard, and Miss Figg herself appeared at the top of the stairs.

- Who's there? - The woman called out in a trembling voice and began to slowly make her way down the stairs, holding onto the banister with one hand and clutching the collar of her old, faded dressing gown with the other.

Draco swung his hand and the lid flew off the crate. A bloody man began to emerge, with a piece of pipe sticking out of his head.

- Ah-ah-ah-ah! - squealed Miss Figg, frozen in place.

The man came closer and closer to her. The woman wheezed and pressed her hand to her chest, in the area of her heart. A few seconds later she collapsed and rolled down the stairs. Harry barely had time to put the crate away before Miss Figg swooped down on it and smashed it. The woman landed on the floor just beyond the first step. Her left leg was apparently broken in several places, as was her right arm. Draco walked over to her and squatted down and cast a diagnostic spell. Harry on the other hand, while the blond examined Miss Figg, drove the boggart back into the box with a spell. Neville and Ron went into the kitchen and removed all traces of the potion, levitated the potion-insane Knizzles to the couch, cleaned up the residual traces of the spells they had used, and returned back to the boys. Draco was at this point recounting the diagnostic results to Harry.

- She had died of a heart attack caused by severe, nervous shock. Left leg broken in two places, right arm in three. A rib broken and a lung punctured. And to top it all off, his neck was twisted. In short, she had no chance of survival. In fact, she could have been pushed down the stairs. Calcium deficiency makes her bones brittle. So... - Malfoy spread his hands.

- It's time to get out of here. My heart feels like it's going to be crowded soon," Harry said with a fleeting glance at the dead woman.

- Then let's go," Ron nodded and picked up a box of boggarts from one side.

Just then Neville took up the other side. Draco and Harry brushed away any residual traces of magic in the corridor, and followed their friends out.

- Well? Where to now? - Neville asked, looking back at Potter.

Draco suddenly froze. His eyes widened and he tugged Harry by the sleeve of his t-shirt.

- 'Something we hadn't thought of. If Dumbledore shows up here in person, he might come to you as well. To check on you, to make sure you're at the Dursleys' and no one's kidnapped you.

- What a load of merlin's balls," Harry sighed irritably and thought about it.

- This sucks. I think the old goat's bound to turn up," Ron kicked the hedge angrily.

Potter squinted at the hedge and said:

- I've got an idea of what to do...

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