
HP: Second Chance

Once enemies, now united by circumstance, four wizards face a critical decision. Having lost faith in those close to them, they embark on a perilous journey. Rewinding time, their lives become solely their own. Donning masks, a new game begins from this moment onward. Playing: HP/FD, DM/DG, NL/MB, RW/AG, BC Jr/BL. Support me at: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Harry, Ron and Neville headed off at a run towards house four, while Draco, holding the box of boggarts that Weasley and Longbottom were moving together, made his way to Malfoy Manor. Barely had the blond had time to hide the box when the elf reported that his father wished to speak to him through the fireplace. Draco rushed to his room to conceal the blatantly Muggle clothing with a robe. Ten minutes later, the Malfoy heir, out of breath, flew into his father's study.

- Where the hell have you been, son? - Lucius was immediately indignant, looking at his child from the flames of the fireplace.

- 'Father, good night,' Draco greeted him, panting slightly. - I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but I was just about to go to bed.

- I'm glad to hear that you remember the rules of our house. So, tell me, how are you doing?

- I'm a Malfoy, Father. I don't forget the rules," Draco said proudly, to which he received a nod of approval from his parent. - 'Everything's fine at the manor. So am I. My homework is almost done, all that's left is to prepare the potions that my godfather assigned to me individually.

- Very good," Lucius said. - If you prepare everything correctly and can learn to use the spells I left you before your mother and I left, I'll buy you a new broom.

- You will, father. I'll do it. Tell me, how are you? How's Mum? Is she all right?

- Yes, son, Narcissa's fine now. Her health is improving. The local healers say she'll be fine by August.

- That's just wonderful news," Draco smiled. - When will you be back?

- Three days before the Championships," Lucius replied. - 'Well, son, as long as you're fine, you can go rest. If anything, you know how to contact me. Good night.

- Good night, Father. Kiss mum for me," Draco said goodbye and Lucius' head disappeared from the fireplace flames.

- It's okay, I'll do my best this time and mum will live for a long time and no Parkinson's is going to stop that. Evil creature," he muttered under his breath and walked out of the study, heading for the lab.

After taking the necessary potions there, Draco apparated to Harry's house. While Draco was at the manor Neville and Ron had been tidying up the ground floor of the Dursley house. There were too many broken or just plain broken things there after their entertainment. Harry was drawing a pentagram in the attic so that his red-haired friend could perform a simple ritual. In fact, he had previously unknown data popping up in his mind all evening. But it was quite understandable. After all, a part of Voldemort's soul dissolved in him, therefore, the knowledge of the Dark Lord, received before October 1981, became his knowledge. So Harry was not worried, but, on the contrary, he was glad that now he and his friends would have another weapon, which they would use against their enemies. Finished with the pentagram, Potter went downstairs and made his way to the closet. Opening the door, he cringed at the pungent stench. N - yeah, I should have taken them to the loo after all.

- Come out," Harry ordered, stepping aside, and after a few seconds of thought, he added. - You have five minutes to take a shower. Time was running out.

Petunia was the first to emerge from the closet, with the distinct imprint of the edge of the board on her cheek. Squinting, the woman made her way uncertainly to the ground floor bathroom. Vernon emerged from the closet, looking wrinkled, his liquid hair standing on his head and a black eye. He struggled to straighten his back and waddled on stiff legs to the stairs. Dudley was the last to emerge from Harry's former place of residence. The younger Dursle looked frankly lousy. A pig's tail was sticking out of the back of his jeans, just like the one Hagrid had given him in 1991. With a frightened glare at Potter, Dudley waddled towards the stairs, just like his father. Harry gave his cousin a disapproving look and made his way to the living room.

- We have to do something about them," Potter jerked his head uncertainly towards the stairs to the first floor.

- We'll think about that later," Ron nodded. - Tell me about the ritual.

At that moment the lock on the front door clicked and the three boys ducked behind the sofa.

- Harry, where are you? - Draco's soft voice came from the corridor.

- In the living room," Potter replied, exhaling in relief when he recognised his friend's voice. Malfoy entered the living room, holding a small box of potions.

- Oh, I see you've already cleaned up," he groused.

- Yes, Nev and Ron did their best. We're running out of time, so sit down and listen," Harry said.

It took about ten minutes to explain how to do the ritual and what to say. Ron had an easier time than Draco and Neville. Since his birth gift was now unlocked, it was enough for him to read or listen to the principle of a ritual once to memorise it forever. He could also create new rituals on his own.

* * * * *

Forty minutes later, all three Dursleys were sent to Malfoy Manor and put in the dungeons so they couldn't interfere in any way with the boys. Potter had cut strands of hair from each of the relatives for the reverse potion that Draco, Neville and Ron would have to drink if old man Dumbledore came to Number 4. Right now, the three boys were trying to separate their consciousness and the consciousness of one of the Dursleys, obtained through the ritual they had performed. Draco was the first to succeed. He, breathing heavily, leaned back in his chair.

- What a load of crap your pig-like cousin has going on in his head," Malfoy said in a slightly hoarse voice.

- I don't doubt that," Harry snorted and then asked seriously. - Are you going to be able to take it for twenty-four hours?

- It's okay, I can take it. Don't worry, we've been through more than this.

- You're right," Potter nodded.

- Great darkness! - Ron spat out in disgust. - Your aunt is such a wretch. You'd have to be jealous of your sister's abilities to do such a thing. Do you know the old bastard paid her a hundred pounds for every time you humiliated her?

- No," Harry shook his head, "that's news to me.

- So she enjoyed it too? - Draco asked, squinting his eyes.

- 'And not just her,' Neville answered him huskily. - 'That hog, too.

- But the overgrown pig wasn't enjoying it. He genuinely thought it was the right thing to do to Harry. That's what the skinny pole taught him," Draco twitched a strand of his hair thoughtfully.

The boys were silent for a while, each thinking about their own things.

- By the way, Draco, is your elf, the one who took the Dursleys away from here, going to tell Lord Malfoy anything? - Potter asked, breaking the silence.

- No. My father gave him to me for my eleventh birthday, and he answers only to me. If I told him not to tell anyone, he won't, and he'll hide the prisoners from the other elves," the blond replied.

- Merlin, I'm so sleepy," Neville yawned.

- We can't all sleep at once. Nev, Ron, you go to bed now. Draco and I will wake you up if anything happens. And then you'll be on duty from five o'clock onwards," Harry decided.

The two named boys got up and walked towards the stairs.

- Take the potion with you," Malfoy said to them.

Neville and Ron each took a vial of werewolf potion and a few hairs of the older Dursleys and went off to bed.

- Shall we talk? - The blond asked, looking at his friend shrewdly.

- 'Let's talk,' Harry sighed heavily.

- I wouldn't mind a snack, though, because all this wandless magic is exhausting.

- Let's go to the kitchen then," Potter nodded, standing up.

Twenty minutes later, there was a light dinner on the table. It consisted of vegetable salad, smoked chicken, hot cheese sandwiches and tea.

- Bon appetit," the green-eyed boy said, cutting off a breast of chicken.

- You too," Malfoy nodded.

They ate in silence for a couple of minutes, but then Harry spoke.

- It was only at the bank that I realised how many people that old prick manipulates. I used to wonder why Dumbledore always asked me if I wanted to tell him anything. I didn't understand why he asked. And when I found out he was a Legilimens, I figured he could sense my emotions but kept out of my head because he was too noble for that. But now I realise that he just couldn't get past my innate defences. Remember when I told you that he had Snape practice occlumency with me? Well, I believe, or rather with the knowledge that became mine when Voldemort's Horcrux dissolved in me, I know it, he ordered Snape to break down my defences. I was in unbearable pain then, almost crawling out of your godfather's office. There should be no pain when you're learning occlumency. And Snape did everything he could to get me out of that class. He even dared me to watch his memories of the-- Well, whatever, it's his secret and I'm not at liberty to tell. Anyway, he left the memory maelstrom on the table and walked away. He knew I'd get into it. Snape threw a jar of dried cockroaches at me... But more importantly, he got us to stop our lessons. You know, your godfather's one of the most loyal people I've ever known. He went through Hell like us, but he kept his loyalty to the one he loved, the one he once swore to protect her son. Before he died, he never spoke a word about who the Elder Wand served, even though he knew he had only moments to live.... I admire him, I really do. I'm even glad he died without knowing what a bastard Dumbledore was. I mean, he thought of him almost as his father. I could see it in the memories he gave me in his last seconds of life... Imagine how he felt when he thought he'd killed him. All he got from him was evil, but he died hating himself for his death. Dumbledore just took his life and broke it. How many others have there been? Draco, I don't want a repeat. I don't want...

Harry fell silent, staring into his mug of tea as if trying to find the solution to all his problems in it. Malfoy was silent as well, mulling over what he had heard. He had always, ever since they had been in Azkaban, known that Harry had had it the hardest. But he couldn't have guessed the pain his friend was really feeling.

- None of us want to," the blond said quietly. - Remember what we decided before we did that ritual? That we would change everything. And we will. You know, I realised almost immediately that I had chosen the wrong path, and it was only when I was in Azkaban, in the cell next to yours, that I realised, I don't know how, but I realised that we still had a chance to change everything. Remember, before we escaped, when Nev and Ron were asleep, you said: "Let's change our lives"? I remember it well. That's when I decided I was finally ready to call you my leader. And even here I won't change my mind. Draco was silent now. It was unusual for him to speak so frankly, but he realised that what he had just said would not be heard by anyone else. No matter what the green-eyed wizard's true nature was, there was no taking away his nobility towards those he really considered friends, those he respected.

- By the way, have you had any changes? - Potter asked, after a couple of minutes of silence.

Draco sighed and removed the illusion. Amongst the platinum-white hair, two black strands symmetrically placed on the sides were visible. Malfoy clenched his fist and the grey of his eyes changed to - black.

- It's an outward appearance. I'm also the same strength as a werewolf.

- It's not a bad look," Harry smiled slightly. - I'm sure you'll need your strength. An extra trump card in a dirty game.

- Yeah. No one would expect anything like the Dementors' abilities from you either, by the way.

- What do you mean? - Potter wondered.

- Didn't you realise that? Back THERE in the asylum, I read a couple of interesting books. Are you even aware that you absorbed the magic of Azkaban?

- Yes," Harry nodded.

- Well, here goes. The magic of Azkaban is imbued with the magic of the Dementors. That's why, even when they were destroyed, Azkaban still had the feeling of their presence, most of the positive emotions were gone, and it was freezing cold, even though the walls of the cells had originally been covered with warming spells. And now you can make a dementor's presence felt at will, just as you did the first morning in this house when the pig knocked you down.

- N - yeah, here's a present for you," Harry stretched out.....

* * * * *

At five in the morning Neville and Ron replaced Harry and Draco. Both boys, without even changing their clothes, collapsed into bed. But the long-awaited rest didn't last long. Four hours later, they were awoken by the howling of police sirens. As it turned out a little later, Miss Figg's neighbour had gone in to get salt, and the door was unlocked. Seeing the woman lying on the floor with no signs of life, the neighbour immediately called the police. And now law enforcement officers have been canvassing the homes of all the residents, taking statements. Miss Figg's death looked like an unlucky fall down the stairs, but the unlocked door and the broken vase led the police to believe it might have been murder.

Ron and Neville, in the guise of the elder Dursleys, calmly gave their statements and said they hadn't seen or heard anything suspicious. Draco, disguised as Dudley, and Harry said the same. The guards took notes, apologised for the disturbance, and left Number 4. The boys were left to wait for Dumbledore's arrival. There was not an ounce of doubt in their minds that he would be arriving soon. During the breakfast Harry had prepared, Ron proudly announced what he had come up with. As it turned out, while his friends were asleep, the idea had occurred to the redhead that Dumbledore might be in the house for more than an hour, and then the boys' disguises would be blown to smithereens. So he came up with the idea of tucking the werewolf potion into the capsules of pills he'd accidentally found in the cupboard. And he and Neville filled the capsules with hourly doses of the potion, having previously cast an enchantment to increase the internal space on them.

* * * * *

At eleven o'clock in the morning, Neville heard the clapping of apparitions. The three boys immediately swallowed a potion capsule each, and sat around the television Harry had switched on for them before retiring to their room. There he had cast a powerful illusion of his former appearance on himself. Barely had he finished with that when the doorbell rang, followed a minute later by Vernon's screams, completely indistinguishable from the real thing. Another five minutes later came Petunia's shout for Harry to come downstairs. Potter took one last look in the mirror and left the room. As soon as he entered the living room, his heart skipped a beat and went straight down. Behind the back of the armchair in which Dumbledore was seated stood Snape. Alive. With his neck intact. With that painfully familiar, wry smirk on his thin lips... and still just as loyal, to the old bastard.... His nose suddenly stung and he had to swallow convulsively and shift his gaze to the smiling old man, so that he could justify the desperate joy that flashed in his emerald green eyes....

I already have the whole story: buymeacoffee.com/fanfictionforge

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