
Chapter 9 : First flying lesson

Snape had tried to get into Adam's mind without his consent and his wand by some means still unknown to him, had pushed him back very violently causing damage to his mind, which explained his very pale look.

- Because... Due to unforeseen circumstances, the course ends today. Write me an entire parchment on the effects of the undead potion. he finally said.

The students looked at each other; it wasn't Professor Snape's style to stop his class, it had never happened before. But they didn't argue and put their things away quickly, lest he change his mind.

- Adam Potter, stay here, I've got a few words to say to you.

Adam sighed but did as he was told, calming Harry with a look, his younger brother watching him with concern, he'd just experienced Snape's filth and wanted to do what he could to get Adam out of this quagmire.

After the young wizards had all left, Snape looked at him scrutinizingly for a few seconds, before going to sit down at his desk with trembling steps. He then beckoned Adam to come closer.

- Do you know what just happened? he asked, staring into Adam's face.

- I have no idea, sir! 

He sighed again.

- Get out then, get out," he said wearily.

Adam hurried towards the exit.

Once outside, his neutral expression turned to fury. He'd forgotten that Snape and Dumbledore were old hands who would do anything for the greater good, even violating a student's mind seemed normal to them.

- Occlumencie hein, fortunately my wand is here, I'll have a look around the room on request to see if I can find anything. I need to increase my financial capital at all costs, knowledge is knowledge and if I want to progress, knowledge is an indispensable first step.

Ruminating, he headed straight for the on-demand room, Snape having released them earlier, he had time before the next class, so he might as well not waste it.

- I want books to teach me about the arts of the mind," he repeated three times, back and forth. 

A door suddenly materialized in the middle of the wall and Adam immediately stepped inside. Inside, a single shelf with three books.

Adam took them.

- Ocumencie for starters, feeling emotions part 1 and how to hear superficial thoughts. that's something at least. he sighed, opening the first impatiently.

The book essentially described how to access his mind and how to prepare his mind to alert the sorcerer when someone penetrated his mind. It also described how to prepare his first line of defense, which, though fragile, would have to hold out until the sorcerer escaped or found a way to commit suicide...

So Adam followed the steps to access his mind once he'd found a comfortable position.

But no sooner had he reached the superficial layer of his mind than he was attacked by a huge bird, bringing him back to reality.

- FUCK! It really existed! This wasn't just an extremely realistic dream.

Adam immediately pulled out his wand, which made its welcome sound.

- Where are you really from," he said, staring at every detail. Something tells me you're not so ordinary. I hope I won't get in trouble because of you.

The wand made no sound in return, remaining silent as a grave.

- Tempus. said Adam, looking at the time that had just appeared. Well, it's time for the next class.

He stood up quickly, he hadn't made any progress, but seeing that the thunderbird wasn't a small fry, he felt his anxiety diminish at the thought of his secrets being revealed.

- Let's go for the flying lesson.

Arriving at their lesson location, he saw Harry and Ron deep in conversation.

- Ah, it seems they've come back and seen the news of the Gringott burglary," smiled Adam.

But Harry's expression quickly changed to one of concern.

- So, brother, ready for our first flying lesson? Engaged Adam, approaching the duo.

Ron winced at the sight of a Slytherin near them but said nothing as Adam was Harry's brother.

- I've got a bad feeling about him... Very bad..." he replied, his expression revealing itself to Adam.

- It'll be all right, it's in our blood," Adam smiled at him.

- What do you mean??? Ron interjected.

- I passed a display case with lots of trophies and saw a best seeker badge with our father's name on it.

Harry's expression changed this time to amazement.

- You'll take me there!!!" he exclaimed, grabbing her arm.

- Ahaha calm down, of course I'll take you there even if there's nothing exceptional to see.

Madame Hooch then entered the field and the discussions stopped. 

- What are you waiting for?" she barked. Everyone stand in front of a broom. Come on, hurry up.

Adam glanced at his broom, it looked old and not in very good condition but its melody was quite playful, like a child, it emitted a very strong desire, excited at the idea of flying.

Adam smiled.

- Hold out your right hand over the broom, Madame Bibine ordered, and say, "Get up!"

- STAND UP, they all shouted in unison except Adam, who concentrated on sending a spike of magic towards the broom to indicate his intention, and the broom immediately jumped into his hands, vibrating a little under the excitement.

"Ahah looks like he's conscious."

Apart from a few rare kids like Harry or Malfoy, the rest were a disaster, Hermione Granger's did a spin on itself, Ron's rose so vit he caught it in the face and Neville's didn't even get up.

"So these are the wizards of tomorrow?" thought Adam, holding his face in his other hand.

Madame Hooch then showed them how to ride their brooms without slipping and passed in front of each of them to correct their position. Surprisingly, Harry and Adam were perfectly positioned, unlike Malfoy who was crimson under the remark.

- And now," she says, "when I blow my whistle, you'll kick the ground to launch yourself. You'll hold your brooms straight up, rise a metre or two, and immediately return to the ground, leaning slightly forward. Watch out for the whistle. Three, two...

- That stupid boy," Adam growled as he saw Neville rise into the air before the whistle.

The boy was already at three meters, climbed to six meters and slid off his broom...


There was a thud, then a horrible crack, and Neville found himself face down on the ground, his nose in the grass.

His broom continued to rise higher and higher, then drifted slowly towards the Forbidden Forest before disappearing over the horizon.

Madame Hooch leaned towards Neville, her complexion as pale as his own.

- Broken wrist," she said. Come on, my boy, get up, it's not serious.

She then turned to the other students.

- Nobody move while I take this boy to the infirmary," she said. And you leave the brooms on the floor, or I guarantee you won't stay at Hogwarts, even before you've had time to say the word "Quidditch". 

They both moved away and the little altercation between Malfoy and Harry began, but Adam was focused on something else. 

His broom was emitting a now very sad melody, a melancholy so pure that even Adam was touched by it.

- Why is it that the more time I spend with this broom, the stranger I find it?

The more time passed, the sadder the melody became.

Adam sighed.

- Come on, just one little trick.

He picked up the broom he'd put down, looked around, saw that everyone's attention was on Harry and Malfoy, and mounted his broom.

- Adam, stop! Theodort whispered to him.

- Don't worry, my friend, I'm doing it for the common good," he smiled.

He took off silently without anyone noticing. The melody of the broom had now changed completely, shimmering with joy and resonating with the euphoria Adam was feeling.

He forgot all about his surroundings, flying faster and faster, doing loops and acrobatic tricks that gave him more and more thrills.


It wasn't until he heard McGonagall's scream that Adam came to.

- Shit! was his only word, he'd forgotten all about the outside world and everyone was staring at him open-mouthed.

Seeing the fury in McGonagall's eyes, he knew he was dead. Even though he knew that with Harry having done the same stupid thing, he wouldn't be expelled.

Hi reader! New day, new chapter !

Sorry I'm late, but I had a lot of work to do ! So to apologize, the chapter is a little longer !

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Happy reading !

Henry_Parquetcreators' thoughts
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