
HP: Magic Punk

[Congratulations. you just died !!!] He was just a normal teenager. Trying to make something out of his life. But everything changed when Truck Kun met him. Now there are new magical worlds to explore and a mentor who will teach him. But there is more, much more hiding in the darkness. Let's explore the Wizarding World for fun, shall we? Upload on :- Tuesday to Sunday. Bonus Chapter on Monday and Sunday. ******************************** (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) LINK: patreon.com/Kamidemond ********************************* I'm planning on keeping a stockpile of at least 20 chapters there. DISCORD Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4 *The Cover is not mine, tell me if you want me to remove it, just don't sue me!!!

kamidemond · Book&Literature
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300 Chs

Chapter 210 : Spain 3

As Orion and Javier ducked behind a crumbling wall, panting and trying to catch their breath, Orion's mind raced. The situation was dire, but an idea began to form in his head.

The idea was pretty simple but a little risky, there was no risk on his own side, he was confident that even when fighting with all these wizards alone he could get out of here safely, just like what Grindelwald did in Nepal, he even after facing so many wizards and even when Dumbledore himself was present there, was able to escape.

Even someone like Dumbledore or other dark lords can't stop him from escaping, so no risk on his part. 

The risk was on Javier's path. His idea needed Javier's help. But this put the only man who might have some information about vampires at Europe. 

"Javier," Orion said, his voice low but urgent. "I have an idea to reduce their numbers. We need to make them fight each other." Orion pulled out the oldest trick from the book.

"They already fighting each other." Javier deadpan. 

"No no... I mean we have to gather their entire force in one place. A centre so that they go on full-out war. This either will eradicate both sides, definitely will reduce numbers and above everything will free up those alleys for us and other innocents to get out of here." Orion said as a perfect plan was already building inside him. 

Javier looked sceptical but listened intently. "How do we do that?"

"We lure both sides – Grindelwald's followers and the Aurors – to a single point. Once they're all there, they'll be too focused on fighting each other to notice us. When they're exhausted and their numbers are down, we can take out the remaining wizards." Orion repeated. 

"No. I mean how are you planning on doing that..." Javier asked with a little irritation in his voice.

Orion glanced around, his eyes landing on a nearby alley that led to a small square. "We need to create a distraction. Something big enough to draw everyone's attention. Can you handle that?"

Javier nodded. "I can do that. What about you?"

"I would have set up a trap but there are too many people around for that. But don't worry, I will join the fight and take out wizards from both sides in the chaos." Orion smirk. 

He mostly plays the imposter here. 

"One minute, why are you talking like he is targeting both sides? Target the dark wizards. Not the Auror's you idiot." Javier suddenly realized what Orion was planning and almost shouted. 

"Don't call me an idiot, you are the one who is not thinking here. I know this is your country and all but remember, if those Aurors catch us then being imprisoned will be the last of our worries. 

You are an underground Informant while I infiltrated this country illegally at the worst time possible. 

I am not saying that we have to kill them. I won't use lethal spells against them so don't worry but reducing the numbers has to be equally done from both sides." Orion said with determination as even Javier knew what the man was saying was correct. 

"Got it." Javier nodded. 

"Good, now if you don't mind me asking. How are you planning on attracting attention from those wizards ?" Orion asked with curiosity. 

It's pretty impressive to say that in a battlefield where killing curses are flying every two seconds magical explosions are happening left and right. Javier claims that he can attract the attention of both dark wizards and aurors alike.

"You will know, don't worry I got this." Javier gave a charming smile before getting out of there. 

"Hmm fine..."




With the plan set, Javier darted off to create the distraction. Orion quickly set up several magical traps around the alley and the square, designed to corral the fighters into a single area. They are not intended to cause harm but more to keep the wizards from fleeing.

The sounds of the ongoing battle served as cover, masking their movements.

A few minutes later, a massive explosion rocked the air.

Even Orion who was waiting for something like this was wide-eyed as his first thought about the sudden explosion, which took out an entire section of the alley they were in, wasn't Javier's doing but rather a carpet bombing or terrorist attack. 

'Are Mugglers taking action? no! no! not possible. Gotta be Javier but damn.'

He looked at the huge cloud of black smoke after the shock wave which threw even him off balance. 

The noise was deafening, and it immediately drew the attention of both the Aurors and the dark wizards.

Orion make a mental note to ask the man how he did it. Orion could clearly sense that the explosion was of a magical nature and that was what amazed him the most. Weapons like this are common in the muggle world but the wizarding world doesn't have this thing. 

This was the first time he had seen the magical world have something like this. 

He now thinks of Javier in a new light somehow.

Shouts filled the air as they converged on the square, spells flying wildly as they assumed the other side had set the explosion.

From their hiding spots, Orion and Javier watched the chaos unfold. The narrow alley funnelled the fighters into the small square, where they clashed unknown to them that it was a setup. 

This was Orion's first experience watching a magical war like this. His heart pounded as he watched, waiting for the right moment.

[Impressive yet disappointing, inst it] Merlin seeing the fight stated. 

"Yes, they are skilled. But those wands really are holding them back. It's very restrictive on how they can use magic. 

Not to mention most of them are weak. With just level 3 power at best and no help from nature. These spells don't have enough power." Orion internally mutters. 

[Yes, that's why they rather apply magic directly than transform the magic before attacking] Merlin said and maybe others might not understand but Orion did. 

Merlin was talking about the application of magic itself. Something which most modern wizards didn't even ponder anymore as the modern system only focuses on one application or form of magic.

For example...

Let's say a wizard wants to use a cutting spell. Then there are two different types of cutting spells in their application alone. Though the Modern magical system only has one. 

One would be to shoot a magical attack right at the target, it will mostly look like a beam of light. Once it connects with the target the magic will active and the object will be cut in two.

This application of magic is the most common type in the modern wizarding world where magic is activated only after the the spell connects with the target. 

However, another way to do this would be to conjure an object a sharp object or shape the very magic into a blade and then throw it at the enemy. 

In this way, the magic will pretty much cut everything in its path as long as it connects and has enough magical power. 

There are both merits and demerits to both approaches like the former being more efficient magically but lacking power and also can be rendered useless by contacting an object with magical resistance like a troll or a dragon whose skins are highly magic resistant. 

The latter is also the same, it's powerful but takes use amount of magic to perform not to mention they are hard to perfom. 

"Wick, what are you thinking? Are you going in or not? I'll say that we get out of here now. Seeing how chaotic this place is, we have a pretty good chance to run away from here." Javier seeing John (Orion) not moving said with hurry. He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Ah yes, I am listening. And no don't be so optimistic. Do you really think that the Aurors won't set up any trap for those Grindelwald followers outside? There is no running without removing that ward.

You should go and wait at the exist however, I will quickly finish here and come for you. Once I take care of the wizard holding up the ward, I can easily break it and we can get out of here." Orion replied with full confidence. 

Pondering a little Javier just nodded.


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