
Chapter 211 : Spain 4

With the chaos reaching its peak, Orion decided it was time to make his entrance. He quickly cast a few defensive spells on himself, he didn't need them as infinity was still there but still just in case and entered the clash between Aurors and Dark Wizards.

Thanks to changing his appearance when coming to Spain, there was no problem in hiding his identity at all, the only problem might be the wandless magic he use which might give up his real identity. Pulling out a fake wand as he was ready just in case. 

The square was a cacophony of spells and shouts. Aurors and dark wizards clashed fiercely, neither side willing to back down. Orion was even surprised by just how many dark spells were flying around the place, if he wasn't against senseless genocide he might have absorbed all this wizard long ago. After all, he can and this will give him a huge boost in his power right? 

But there are some lines which one shouldn't break, that was the line which keeps him human. 

Orion moved swiftly, using his knowledge of both sides to navigate the chaotic battlefield.

He ducked under a stunning spell cast by an Auror, retaliating with a non-lethal hex that sent his opponent sprawling. Well, it only looks like that he was casting normal spells but in reality, Orion hardly knows those spells. He for the longest time has only used Space of Law or Force as it was called earlier. 

What he was doing here was targeting those Aurors with Space Law and blasting them off like a telekinetic blast. It was harmful and dangerous but not lethal. At best they will be in Hospital for a few months. 

Next, he found himself face-to-face with a dark wizard who snarled and fired a powerful curse. Orion deflected it with ease, using a subtle wandless magic that went unnoticed in the pandemonium.

'No mercy for you sorry.' Orion's wand suddenly emitted light. 

"Chain LIghtning," Orion muttered under his breath and the next second bolts of thunder erupted from his wake wand and targeted not only the dark wizards he was targeting but also the wizards around him, the lightning looked like a chain as the name suggested as it hops from one wizard to another, connecting them all and electrocuting them. 

Still he went easy on them and didn't completely kill them.

"Who are you?" another dark wizard demanded, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. That one spell surely was a powerful dark magic but he never have seen it before. 

"I am the Boogyman," Orion replied, his voice masked by the charm. He jabbed his fake wand forward, sending the dark wizard flying with a well-placed force spell.

The next second Auror lunged at him, strangely cause Orion was targeting both sides, neither of the sides refrained from attacking him, firing a rapid series of jinxes. Orion dodged gracefully, even letting a few attacks connect just to test out his own infinity, countering them all with a powerful force rebound. The Auror's eyes widened in shock, clearly not expecting such skill from what appeared to be a dark wizard.

Well, not exactly a dark wizard, Orion disguised as John Wick was dressed too well for that. But a powerful wizard for sure. 

Orion suddenly felt like using some bigger spells. He was practically here to test out his spells and practice, so he didn't hold back. 

He was lying earlier when talking with Javier. He can take them out easily. After all, he has learned the Law of Space. Just needed time to break off the wards, which now he had enough of after all the wizards gathered in one place. 

"Reversal Red...

The attack unlike last year didn't take much time to form as a red orb form at the tip of Orion's fake wand. Making the very space vibrate. This alerted almost everyone present on the scene. 

The power of the magic was so potent that it was sending waves of powerful magical fluctuation across the area. 

"All Mighty Push...

And then like all hell broke lose, a powerful centrifugal force broke out from the place Orion was standing, engulfing and uprooting everything in its part and pushing it back like a raging elephant or a dangerous Hurricane. 

All the wizards, regardless of white or dark put up shields in time but the attack was just too much for their mere shields to stop. So they were flunt out with their shield.

Orion directed his attack in an entire 360-degree area and even made the attack as much as non-lethal as possible without making it lose its power. 

Once the commotion quieted down, only then it was visible that there was nothing around at a 10-metre radius of him, everything was flaunted out or destroyed by that extreme magic. 

Orion felt a surge of satisfaction but kept his focus sharp. 

The only wizards who were standing were the ones far away from Orion. Seeing his magic, they all internally stutter. This magical power either reminds them of Grindelwald or Dumbledore. 

For the second all of their fighting and any other movement stopped, as all of their attention was on Orion alone. 

Both sides looked at each other like there was a tacit understanding between them and nodded slightly. Though they didn't want to right now there was no other choice but to join forces. 

"Get Him." Leaders from both sides shouted as all the remaining wizards started to target Orion.

Orion's movements were fluid and precise. He weaved through their curses, using his wandless magic to create shields and counterattacks. Few spells connected but infinity blocked them from ever reaching to him. 

There were only a few curses which even infinity couldn't stop and Orion was giving them priority.

A flick of his wrist sent one dark wizard crashing into another, while a forceful push knocked a third off his feet.

The ground shook with the intensity of the spells being cast. Orion's disguise was holding, but he knew he had to be careful. 

Amid the confusion, he noticed an Auror pinned down by three dark wizards. Temporary alliance my ass, they are dark wizards and most of them are just thugs. Will do anything as long as they wish, only the strong can subdue them.

Orion saw an opportunity. With a swift, unseen gesture, he sent a burst of wind that knocked the dark wizards off balance, giving the Auror a chance to escape.

He just didn't want to kill an Auror but almost everything else goes.

That dark wizard turned to another, the one close to him, eyes blazing with fury. "Traitor!" he hissed, launching a series of vicious curses. Maybe the Idiot thought it was him who attacked.

Orion was still deflecting attacks with ease, using his fake wand as a distraction. He countered with a powerful stun spell that sent the dark wizard crashing to the ground, unconscious.

The plan had worked. The enemy forces were decimated, and it was time to move.

But to his utter frustration, just like usual the world has to throw curve balls at him. 

Suddenly he senses two powerful magical signatures in the battlefield.

'Oh shit.'

Orion immediately pulls back his magic to the point that no one can sense it. It was important as the two people who came were none other than...

Dumbledore and Grindelwald.


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