

[GACHA ROLLING... CONGRATS ON WINNING: GODHOOD] The above never happens lol. --This is a AU and a crossover-- --Don't own any characters or shit like that--

cheelzy · Movies
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


--last episode of lord potter--

Vernon seeing them leave becomes enveloped in extreme rage, turning around to the source of his rage he screams. "YOU LIL SHIT, YOU'VE RUINED MY TICKET TO MY PROMOTION!" Vernon screams while grabbing a kitchen knife nearby, holding it Vernon completely in rage runs towards harry and grabs hold of him before he could run and starts what would be harrys death.

--in another location--random pov--

waking up a group of 15 house elves turn simultaneously towards what would be harrys current location of Surrey privet drive.

"young masters magic be sayng young master be dying!" jorby the house elf says in deep worry.

"i be the only battle elf left so i be going to save young master!" weaky the only house elf that looked like he'd fight a lion and win announced urgently, with a snap of its fingers he disappears.

--privet drive--

"VERNON! PLEASE STOP!" Weaky hears a shrill screams, turning around he finds what he could confuse as a jiraffe.

Deciding that the jiraffe hybrid wasn't it's main concern weaky looks at what the jiraffe was screaming at and finds a huge troll trying to kill what weakys magic told him was his young master.

"YOUNG MASTER!" Weaky screams as he throws a modified sweeping spell strong enough to push vernons fat body across the room, running towards harrys bleeding body weaky quickly throws a stasis spell on harrys body managing to stop the blood.

"AHHHH A MAGIC CREATURE! A DEAD BODY!!!" screams petunia as she passes out... somehow ontop of vernon who was very much not close to her.

weaky ignoring the jiraffe hybrid grabs harry and hopes the stasis spell holds long enough to be healed by proper healing elves.



"MASTER BE NEEDING HELP!" weaky screams as he appears in the potter emergency room, putting harry on a nice white covered bed a small elderly elf appears with potions and weirdly a elf sized nurses outfit.

"weaky must remove the stasis spell from young master on the count of three, 3... 2... 1!" the elderly elf says and quickly executes to quickly heal harry.

weaky hearing lumpys commands quickly removes the stasis spell when lumpy finishes her count down.

lumpy quickly and methodically uses her magic to get spells and switch the contents inside harrys stomach with the potions contents causing harrys body to quickly heal and with the last blood replenishment potion she finally sighs in relief.

"sigh... young masters finally out of danger." lumpy says happily, while patting weaky who was still very worried for harrys health.

"thankfully i got to young master in time." weaky says with still a hint of worry.

"all we can do for young master is to make the castle good enough for young masters welcome." lumpy says with conviction to weaky.

"I be telling jorby to make the castle extra pretty for young masters welcoming!" weaky says excitedly for potter castle will finally have its young master back.

--harrys pov--

waking harry looks around confused and disoriented.

"where am I? agh" harry says confused but as soon as he moved his body a bunch of new memories flood his head... of harry potters life, youd wonder why harry received harrys memories? well harry wasn't harry his name was alex and he was born on earth... and now he was reincarnated in this body.

"IVE BEEN REINCARNATED!" harry yells happily for he had gotten the dream of many weebs.

Leaving the beautiful bed harry looks around and finds the room he's in to be very beautiful, way to beautiful and he doesn't remember ever being in a place this fancy.

"Where am I... my memories don't show where or how I got here, all I remember is... unc- vernon coming at me with a knife and then blank... HELLO IS ANYONE HOME?!" Harry yells hoping someone would be around... or maybe he shouldn't be screaming it might be that dumbledore found out about his uncle attacking me and is planning to erase everyone's memories and reset everything.

Deciding to sneak around he opens the door hoping nobody heard his idiotic yelling, leaving the room he comes face to face with a extremely jacked green creature that looked like a what he'd imagine what a viking would look like.

"YOUNG MASTER BE AWAKE! WEAKY BE GETTING EVERYONE TO CELEBRATE!" Harry hears... weaky? Scream happily as it disappears with a pop, the wizardry world is honestly full of common sense negletion thinks harry.

Sneaking around for what felt like ages through the confusing hallways harry finds himself in a huge hall with moving paintings of old men and extremely beautiful woman... like instagram level beauty... either potions or the moving paintings had alot of exaggerations while making them thinks harry.

Seeing a huge beautifully decorated door harry knew he was at whatever this building was called front door.

"Possible kidnapping escape is in sight." Harry mumbles to himself relieved, no matter what that small oddly muscular house elf called him he wouldn't trust it.

*POP* 15

Infront of harry 15 elves appear blocking his path to freedom, looking at them he sees the oddly muscular elf was there looking at him happily.

"YOUNG MASTER BE AWAKE!!" harry hears all the elves yell happily while seeing him.

Before harry could hide the 15 elves quickly surround harry and start dancing and singing. "Master be back, master be back!" Harry hears the elves sing with no cordination, deciding that his escape was practically a dream he just stands there waiting for the house elves to finish.

"So... what are you... who are you?" Harry finally speaks up when he notices the elves slowing down there dancing, funny dancing by the way.

"We be potter elves of potter castle! Unlike other potter elves we be taking care of the potter castle!" Harry hears a small elf speak up, looking closely at the elf he finds it wearing a cleaning outfit.

"Oh, that gives me 0 information, thank you for this life changing bit of information." Harry looks at the elf completely unimpressed, looking at the rest he had the theory he probably wasn't kidnapped by dumbledore or else he'd already be here to give his gospel or to wipe his memory.

"Young master be needing more information? What does young master harry be needing?" Harry hears the butler suit wearing elf speak up, looking at the elf gave harry the idea that the elf was in a position of power with all the elves seeming to quite down when he spoke.

"Exactly what I asked a minute ago...?" Harry reminds them the obvious, these elves seem slow harry thinks.

"We be house elves in the service of the noble house of potters, you being the last potter are the defacto heir makes you our master, sadly we couldn't find you for a long time until your magic took dangerous dips trying to keep you alive causing a big enough commotion on our servant bond with the potter line to show your location." The butler elf says in a tone that showed disappointment on himself. "I be head butler chimpy of potter castle and I was tasked on retrieving you if something ever happened to madam and lord potter but sadly I was to late and you disappeared, right now I am to old to retrieve you so weaky took the task of retrieval." Chimpy informs harry of his status.

So if everything they say is true during his 'death' his magic went code red and sent some type of signal causing these elves to find him and rescue him during his death, sadly they were late and harry died being replaced by alex(me)... reincarnation confusion he'll just go through the motions till everything becomes clear.

"So-" trying to ask more questions harry notices a very small almost transparent screen in the corner of his eye, looking at it he finds it being a percentage that gets bigger slowly.

[30%]... [31]...

"master harry be asking something?" Chimpy asks harry since he randomly got quite.

"oh... uh yeah so I'm your master?" harry questions still distracted by the growing number in his peripheral vision, looking at the small elf he decides to ignore the number for now and when It finishes he'll check what it is since he couldn't do anything right now.

[35]... [36]...

"young master harry should be our master but you aren't lord potter, which is wierd since you should be by wizard law, heirs of recently disease lord (or madams) should be made lords of there family by default.." Chimpy tells harry with a hint of confusion.

"young master should be lord potter but somethings stopping potter magic from fully accepting you , I was going to give you a full scan to check what was the issue but I need permission from potters to do invasive magic. " a elf wearing a nurses outfit speaks up, looking closely at the elf harry has deja vu with scrolling reddit and finding huge hulking men wearing the cutest cosplay. . . a small ugly elf wearing a extremely stylish nurses... truly reminds him of that.

"oh then I give you permission to check if I have something blocking the potter magic..." Looking at the rest of the elves that just looked creepily at him with stars in there eyes he gives chimpy permission hoping he could get away from the creepiness, he thought the thing blocking the potter magic was probably the Horcrux he had so he'd be hitting 2 stones with 1 stone.

"young master should follow me to the hospital wing of the castle, it's where young master harry woke up." the nurse? tells harry as she starts walking away.
