

[GACHA ROLLING... CONGRATS ON WINNING: GODHOOD] The above never happens lol. --This is a AU and a crossover-- --Don't own any characters or shit like that--

cheelzy · Movies
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14 Chs



A: Hermione ill be honest and say i only fucked you for the pleasure and you and the kid can fuck off.

B: Hermione will you marry me?

C: Hermione you should be proud to be the sole mother of a potter heir.

D: Ill keep the child but you can fuck off for all i care.]


Harry keeping his expressions in check as the challenge randomly gives him options. 'so this is the test... hmm option A is what ass would say not a Chad so thats out... B is a good option since... like damn look at that ass... ok ill come back to this once i finish checking the rest' Harry thinks while continuing to check out Hermione... and noticing she seemed to be frozen...

'no time limit? cool, okay now option C... yea that sounds like a straight Malfoy answer and malfoy IS NOT a Chad and option D is a straight up no. fuck im not dropping this grade A ass for literally no reason.' After thinking it through harry knew his answer.

"i choose B" he says with confidence and with that the options disappear and everything goes back to normal.

harry seeing Hermione start moving again picks up his confidence and starts talking.

"Hermione look, you're extremely beautiful and id love to take responsibility but i will not take your shit lying down, if we want to have a good fucking life you'll tone down your anger issues." As harry was about to continue speaking Hermione interrupted him.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN ANGER ISSUES?! IM MAD THAT YOU FUCKING GOT ME PREGNANT AND HAD THE GAL TO GO ' oh what's your name again? sorry but after a quick fuck i forgot who you were.' " Hermione angrily responds as she mimicks his voice as she glares at him.


'anger issues...'

"ok i did not say that... look Hermione you screaming as if you already had it confirmed i wouldnt take responsibility for the child pisses me off... you of all people should know how much id love to start a family Herms..." harry not knowing where the last bit came from just said what felt right... as if guided by something.

Hermione hearing that goes stock still gaining a sad look she opens her mouth to apologize but before she can harry continues.

"look Hermione if you can removes the stick up your ass for just a second i wish to ask you 1 question." deciding to finish up as harry felt he was starting to say shit he didn't want too, he goes on his knees and asks something that would look romantic if it wasnt for the other party being tied up with bright pink handcuffs to bedposts.

"will you marry me Hermione Jean Granger?" harry asks and as he didnt have a ring with a bit of quick thinking uses his earth bending to make a small gold band out of... the door handle?

'the fuck they have gold handles? do i have gold handles in my castle? the fuck that's such a waste.'

Hermione hearing that completely blocks off Harry telling her to remove a stick up her ass, but focuses on what was a dream come true for her.

"I- I do..." Hermione awkwardly says trying to move around the handcuffs restrictions to look at Harry.



[showing status:

NAME: harry j. potter - SKILLS:(ACCIDENTAL MAGIC)(cosmetic - freeze walk)(elemental control) - GACHA TOKENS: 0 - BLOODLINE: (EXPERIMENT 8 BODY)(CHAD DNA) INVENTORY:(hydro silk robot - IT)(Aframax oil tanker - IT)(Discord mod fedora - IT)(kink handcuffs- IT)(RT600 android- IT)((30 pig balls)(Potion of chad) - SUMMONS: (Wendy Blerble corduroy - SU)