(FULL HELGHAST EQUIPMENT): a full assortment of weapons that the military called the helghast use on the conquest to conquer parallel earth.
(M66-SD): a silenced gun used during stealth mission by the ISA in a parallel earth to fight helghast troops.
(MP3 WITH MUSIC): an mp3 player full of all earth's music made by a eccentric alien scientist to learn more about humans it has all music till year 2030.
(3-TRAVEL TICKET): sends host into a random world till the host wishes to return.
(LADY GREY COSPLAY DRESS-MALE): Cosplaying; the excuse to dress up in tight and revealing clothing. So go on, throw a curveball into the mix – wear this if you wish to look extremely stylish and for men to think 'It's a Trap!' when another man stares. Priceless.
(AMANDA DE SANTAS USED PANTIES): used panties thrown out after amanda de santa had a male prostitute over... better throw this away.
(POTION OF EXTREME STAMINA): potion made by a mad Wizard when told that Wizard are extremely slow and useless -caution causes effects as if you'd eaten a extremely strong aphrodisiac making you use whatever woman is nearby as if a sex doll-.
(APOLLO PACKAGE): apollos full power trapped inside a beautiful box waiting for whoever wishes to inherit his full power.