
France; second part

Henry ignored the eyes on him as he entered the dark alley. He walked slowly down the narrow, poorly lit street. As he surveyed the street and the shops, he thought about what he had just experienced and its possible consequences. "Jarvis, did you erase the traces of the environment?" Henry asked in his mind.

"Yes, sir, I scrambled the surrounding magic to prevent tracking or detection spells. You used legillimency on two of the attackers, so you left no magical trace. The spells you and Axy used on the other attacker were low trace spells. I used charms that will accelerate the flow of magic in the environment for a short time to interfere with the spells used for tracking," Jarvis said in Henry's mind.

Henry decided that it was pointless to think about it now. He would have liked to spend more time in this dark alley with illegal items and materials, but he knew that he had to be quick because of the events that had taken place.

Except for a few shabby shops on the street, most of them were well-maintained with gothic designs. Henry ignored the magicians following him and let Jarvis guide him with the information he took from their minds. The first shop he entered sold blood for vampires. Blood of different magical creatures. Henry bought many different types of blood, ignoring the high bids the salesman gave him.

The second shop he entered was selling items that were cursed and tainted with dark magic. Henry continued his shopping, not caring about being swindled. After spending half an hour in the dark alley, he materialised without wasting time. The place where he materialised was one of the alleyways of the magical street. There was no reason why he specifically chose this place.

Henry's clothes changed again. He was back to his old appearance. Jarvis had made these clothes. He had also bought dragon skin during his shopping in Diagon Alley. The main feature of the outfit, apart from the comfort feature, was that it could take several forms.

As Henry left the alleyway, Jarvis used the charm again. Henry used his incomplete stealth charm to blend in with the small crowd on the street and made his way to his hotel. When he entered the hotel building, the receptionist greeted him and wished him a good night. Henry entered his room after greeting her.

Henry put the briefcase on the floor and opened it. After Henry went inside the briefcase, Axy greeted him. "My lord, Axy has done your bidding and put your enemies in your laboratory," Axy said as Henry ate the dinner Axy had prepared for him.

Henry rubbed Axy's head and said, "Well done, Axy," Henry said, smiling. While Axy was thinking about what a lucky house-elf he was, Henry was finishing his half-finished meal. After the meal was over, Henry went to his laboratory. The laboratory was not very advanced, there were a few patient beds and equipment to be used for experiments. In line with Henry's goals, Jarvis was trying to make technological devices work in magical environments when he took over control.

It turned out that the problem was not as difficult as it seemed. As Jarvis researched, he found that, through alchemy, many devices could be alchemically enhanced and improved to work in harmony with magic. However, his research did not end there, and after conducting several experiments, he found the reason for the failure of the devices as a result of interaction with magic.

Technology was not very advanced at this time, and the devices were not very sophisticatedly designed. It was easy to find the problem. The problem was that the materials used in the devices reacted with magic. The magic was causing the materials used to lose their properties and rotting the materials. The reason for this could be the process used during the manufacture of the components used.

Jarvis used runes to prevent this reaction. An example of this was the runes carved into the outer surface of the microscope in the laboratory. The function of the runes was to prevent the passage of the magic in the environment from the outer surface to the inner parts and to absorb the magic from the environment for the device and provide energy for the device to work. These runes the future of the wizarding world. Henry wasn't planning to use it. After Jarvis designed the rune, Henry wondered how it worked and how it was made. Jarvis had sent the information to his mind. After Henry learnt the information, he realised that the construction of the rune was not that difficult. A person competent in runes could easily design this rune.

Henry was not a bigoted wizard. He did not hesitate to use the inventions of Muggles. It was not only because of bigotry that the wizard community was so introverted and ignorant of the muggle world at a certain level. After his first death in the wizarding world, Henry spent his precious time to understand this world better.

There were many reasons why the relations between Muggle and magician society were so disconnected. Although there are many examples in history, the main reason was not enmity. According to Henry's thoughts, the reason was the ability of muggles to adapt. Muggles, wizards, giants or other humanoid species were members of several homo species created by evolution. They were nothing more than species with different abilities.

Henry's hypothesis was that magicians, after acquiring magical ability during evolution, became less adaptable. The wizard society had tried to merge with the muggles many times. Looking at the recorded history, each time ended the same way; wizards were hunted by muggles. The processes of unification were always similar. At the beginning of the process, wizards would take power, enslave the muggles, or use them as servants. As the process progressed, the muggles would find a way to neutralise the wizards and hunt the wizards.

Although there were different approaches, every history book Henry studied reported that it was the same. Most of those who started this process were muggle-born wizards. There was a reason why pureblood families despised muggle-borns. As a result, the wizard society lost contact with the muggles over time and went into hiding. As a result, the muggle society developed rapidly.

Due to the prejudices of the wizard society, it resulted in the fact that they remained unaware of these developments. Since their evolutionary and adaptation speed was lower than the muggles, the development process of the society was slow. As a result of his analyses, Henry reached an understanding of the wizard society.

Henry was sitting in his chair in front of the wizards tied to their beds, drinking the tea prepared by Axy. "Jarvis, is there anything useful in the memories from those two?" Henry asked, pointing to the two magicians staring blankly at the ceiling. "Apart from information about the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and some rituals, there is not much useful information, Sir," said Jarvis.

Henry looked at the magician he was petrified while enjoying his tea. "Examine the information in this one's mind completely after the process is over," said Henry. The reason why the last magician did not occupy the entire mind with the legillimency attack was because it could have an effect on Jarvis' experiment on their bodies. After Henry was tortured to death, his moral boundaries were completely destroyed.

He would give hell to anyone who was his enemy and would not blink an eye in the process. Henry finished his tea and handed the cup to Axy, who was standing next to him in the air. "Axy, go work out and don't come in here until I call you," Herny said. Axy took the cup and went to work out, as Henry had told her. "Jarvis, take over and start the experiment," Henry said after Axy had left.

The experiment lasted six hours under Jarvis's fine labour. During the experiment, Henry watched the process in his mind. Jarvis would say the findings out loud so that Henry could follow the process in his mind. Since they had not yet experimented on a muggle, they could not make exact comparisons. Although Jarvis detected certain differences in Herny's memory and in every anatomy information he had read, there were no major differences.

The next day, Henry repeated what he had done the day before, travelling once more to the enchanted alley and searching for every scrap of information he could find. After finishing his work in the street, he started travelling around the muggle areas. He was both exploring the environment like a tourist, enjoying his holiday, and looking for subjects. Although Henry did not limit himself morally, he did not interfere with anyone who minded his own business. He was looking for criminals. He was not looking for a moral justification for his actions. Apart from the rational reasons for choosing criminals for his experiments, he also had respect for people who minded their own business. In his past life, he was part of the society of the damned world.

Even though he lived about twenty years later, society was the same garbage dump. Everyone had their own difficulties in life and the system was exploiting everyone. Even though people were aware of this, they could do nothing about it. Henry clearly remembered those who were resigned to their fate, and those who hoped that by struggling every day, they would one day be free from the shackles of the system. For this reason, he made a decision during his recovery.

He knew that he would have a lot of power in the future. Although he had no fear of corruption, he decided that he would not interfere with anyone who minded his own business. He believed that if he crossed this limit, he would become a tyrant or dictator. Although he did not consider himself superior to anyone, when he reached power, people's thoughts would be in this direction.

Henry was collecting information from the minds of every person passing around him as he walked around. With Jarvis' organisation, this information turned into meaningful things over time. Eventually, he passed a member of a gang. Henry continued on his way, unchanged. He entered an alley on his right and took out a potion bottle from his jacket.

He mixed the hair he took from the gang member into the potion and drank it immediately. While his image was changing, someone entered the alley. It was the gang member who had just passed by Henry. When the man witnessed Henry's transformation process, he froze in place. Henry slowly waved his hand after the transformation was complete. This time, the man was petrified with magic. "Axy," Henry muttered.

Axy appeared at Henry's side and led him to the lab in the briefcase. Henry cast a spell to change the appearance of his clothes to the clothes of the man he had kidnapped. As Henry exited the alley, Jarvis cast a spell to cover the tracks he had left behind. Henry's body had adapted to the process thanks to Jarvis's steady practice of wandless magic. Channelling magic required will and imagination. Although the requirements for wandless magic were the same, there was a gap between the requirements with a wand. If we were to give an example in units; the amount of willpower required to cast a spell with a wand was 10 and the amount of imagination was 10, the amount of willpower required to cast a wandless spell was 200 and the amount of imagination was 40. (the reason I wrote this part is to explain Jarvis' high level of use of wandless magic while Henry was in control)

Henry exited the alley and started walking to the position he had taken from the gang member. After walking for half an hour, he came to one of the gang's hideouts. Henry didn't want to deal with this gang. After taking a few subjects, he would never deal with them again. Henry entered the building and knocked on the door of the gang's flat. The door opened, and a man looked at him from inside. After closing the door and turning the lock, the man inside opened it.

Henry did not want to waste too much time here. Without a wand, he neutralised the four people in the house. Henry called Axy and told her to take the two men and one woman to the lab. He ran a legillimency probe deep into the mind of the man left behind. After the man became mentally disabled, Henry left the house. Jarvis had been constantly changing the flow of magic behind him with wandless magic since they left the magical alley. Fortunately, the cost of this charm was small. Once back in his hotel room, Henry handed over control again for the experiments.

With this chapter, the novel has reached 50k words. I thank everyone for their support and help.

Dyspromencreators' thoughts