
HP: First Light

{A Harry Potter Fanfic} Henry Pearce (SI-OC) wakes up one day and is transmigrated. He realises that he is in the world of Harry Potter. He starts using his magic to stay alive and not be controlled by anyone. Henry acts the way he thinks is right, but fate has different plans for him. I look forward to your comments, evaluations, suggestions, and support. I hope you enjoy reading. *** I write the novel in my native language and then translate it. If you find grammatical mistakes or parts of the novel that you don't understand, please comment and I will correct them. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character other than my OCs. *** 20.02.2023 Hello, I decided to take a break from the story. Even though I know how to progress in the story, I have difficulty writing. I will not leave the story unfinished, but I plan to write another story for now and finalise the novel after completing it. Thank you for reading and for your support.

MCOverse · Movies
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51 Chs

End of the year

"Finally, the exams are over. They weren't as hard as I thought," Padma said. Henry looked at Padma and smiled. When he was young, he had experienced a lot of stress during exams.

"All exams are easy as long as you study enough. The exams are based on average students, but it is important to remember that the best way to learn is through experience. So don't spend all your time studying," Henry said, looking at Padma.

"Uh, why did you hit my head?" said Henry, rubbing his head. "Easy for you to say, dummy. And when did you start thinking you could give me advice?" said Padma, smiling.

Henry looked at Padma and rolled his eyes. "Women," Henry muttered. While Henry and Padma were talking, Ron, Harry, and Hermione walked past them. Harry was holding the scar on his forehead. Henry watched them go to Hagrid's hut.

Padma pulled Henry's arm and took him to the Great Hall. After having lunch together, they went to the common room of their house. Henry sat alone in his dorm room, staring at the map in front of him. Tonight was the night when the events would take place. Voldemort was going to take action to steal the philosopher's stone.

Henry would follow all the events on his map and try to understand Dumbledore's plans. He knew from his experiences in this world that Dumbledore was not the man he saw in the movies. But he did not know for what purpose he was acting.

In the movies Dumbledore was the leader of the light. Although his decisions were open to debate, he was acting for the greater good. He guided Harry in such a way that he could sacrifice for his friends and loved ones. So that the world could be rid of the dark lord. Henry's reality was different from this.

He compared what he experienced, after he died in this world with what he experienced before he died and realised that it was exactly the same. He was sure that after Dumbledore killed him; he did not go to a distinct reality. So Dumbledore was still the same. When Henry thought about his first experience of life in this world, he did not blame Dumbledore for what he had done. He would make him pay for torturing him, but he understood his imprisonment.

At the age of eleven, he had the awareness and strength that no one should have. Knowing that Voldemort was still not out of danger, Dumbledore's vigilance was normal. When he had recognised the anomaly, he had not acted, but had studied it. Thus, he realised that not only could he not access Henry's mind, but that he had knowledge he should not have.

He then kidnapped him and did what was necessary to read his mind. After reading his mind, Dumbledore began to show signs of madness. Anyone who learnt that his reality was a source of entertainment for others would have gone a little mad. After Henry had recovered from his trauma, he had thought long and hard about his experiences.

He could understand Dumbledore's actions, but he could not forgive what he had done to him. He didn't need to forgive. He wanted revenge and he would get it. Although he understood Dumbledore's actions, he did not know his general purpose. Henry needed this information in order to take revenge on Dumbledore.

Time passed quickly and dark skies fell over Hogwarts castle. Henry went down to the Great Hall for dinner. He looked at the golden trio sitting at the Gryffindor table. They were talking amongst themselves and making plans for the evening. Henry finished his dinner and went to his dormitory room early.

He prepared his map and started to follow Dumbledore. Everyone thought he had left the castle. But Dumbledore had never left the castle for a short time and then returned. He made sure that Quirrell saw him as he materialised. That's how he convinced Voldemort that he could act.

Later that night, Dumbledore made his move. He materialised on the third floor of the castle. Henry had locked the tracking feature of the map to Dumbledore. He lay on the bed and cast a wandless Wingardium Leviosa spell on the map. With the map suspended in mid-air, he lay watching Dumbledore.

Harry and his friends were at the third barrier. Looking at the map, Henry was lost in thought. What was Dumbledore's purpose if not to educate Harry? According to Henry, Dumbledore was not in the dark, though he was not in the light. Although he could read and manipulate the minds of young children with Legillimency, it didn't matter much unless it was done in depth.

Most pureblood families did not touch the minds of their children, but used coercion charms on the minds of muggle-born or half-blood children. In Henry's analysis, there was nothing harmful about these charms. It was about staying away from dark spells and turning towards the light side. The only questionable aspect was that it gave them an extra respect for Dumbledore.

Dumbledore was doing it to increase his influence, but even that was understandable when you think about it. Henry didn't really care, even though the gesture could have gone either way. But these actions showed one thing for certain. Dumbledore was not on the light side. He was pretending to be. Although it was more likely that he was on the dark side, Henry was beginning to think he was more on the grey side.

He believed he had his own agenda. As Henry drifted in his thoughts, Harry finally reached the last room where Quirrell was. Dumbledore continued to follow Harry. Next to Quirrell's name on the map was the name Tom Riddle. This meant that Voldemort had finally revealed himself to Harry.

Dumbledore was still in the room watching the events. "So Dumbledore knows that Voldemort is in the castle, but he needs him for his purpose. What is his purpose if not to educate Harry?" thought Henry.

Harry moved slowly towards Voldemort and stopped. Henry was thinking as he watched them on the map. After Dumbledore got a little closer to Harry and Voldemort, he stopped again. Harry then tried to run out of the room. Quirrell stopped him and started to approach him. After a while, Quirrell's name disappeared from the map. Voldemort's name began to move rapidly and fled from the castle.

Henry was still watching Dumbledore. Dumbledore approached Harry after a while and then materialised in his room. "Was his purpose to protect the philosopher's stone? I don't understand why he would let Voldemort into the castle and use the Philosopher's Stone as bait unless he was trying to train Harry," Henry thought.

He was still watching Dumbledore, thinking. He stood up and sat on the windowsill in his room and looked at the moon. "His aim is not to educate Harry, not to catch Voldemort, so what could be the reason for letting all these events happen?" thought Henry.

His hand rested on the moulding on his chin as he stared at the moon and thought. Suddenly, understanding reached him, his pupils dilated, and his eyebrows went up. "Don't tell me!" he said and quickly reached for the desk in his room. He picked up today's Daily Prophet on the table and read the front page.

"Flamel couple don't want to live any longer!" Henry read the headline aloud. "So their goal was to get the Philosopher's Stone?" Henry thought. His thoughts started to line up one after the other and he started to combine them with the fiction of the movies he knew. He was analysing Dumbledore's past and his predicted future actions to understand him.

"The only reason I can think of for wanting the philosopher's stone is immortality. I remember his relationship with Flamel as a student and teacher, but I don't know much about it. But the Philosopher's Stone certainly looks like a dark artefact. If Nicolas created it, he must have been the dark lord of his time. It's hard to believe, even though the news reports say they've decided to die. As I recall, the method of immortality they achieved was flawed, but they had plenty of time to fix it," Henry mused.

"Anyway, the Flamels are not my concern. If Dumbledore's goal is immortality, it makes sense for him to be interested in the Philosopher's Stone. But why go to all this trouble? He could have examined it after he got it, using Voldemort as an excuse. Wait, if he got the mirror from Flamel's, then the stone was in him all along," Henry thought and sat on the windowsill again and looked at the moon.

"I mean, it adds some logic to the plot, but why would the Flamels be involved? Let's say Nicolas is a dark lord, he knows Dumbledore is on the grey side, and he took him on as a pupil because he saw potential in Dumbledore. He certainly has other motives for training Dumbledore, but it's beyond my understanding. Anyway, it seems that Dumbledore persuaded them to give him the stone, but he took it indirectly." Henry nodded and continued to think.

"I mean, Dumbledore's goal is to achieve immortality, a demand I can understand, but I don't think the Flamels would want to be in the situation in the movie, so he would want to improve the method. Of course, all this shows one more thing. Dumbledore must also know the Horcrux method. The fact that he is not interested in Voldemort makes sense if we assume that he believes in prophecy and knows the Horcrux method. The fact that he's so interested in Harry is more like he's trying to turn him into his tool than to keep up with him," Henry thought and got up from the sill and lay back down on the bed.

"He must have found the Horcrux method incomplete or flawed and turned to the philosopher's stone instead. Since he didn't help Harry much, even in the movies, he should be paying less attention, assuming he's on the grey side in real life. He just shouldn't be too interested in legillimency without pushing it a bit. That would explain the distraction in the second and third movie. For me, this is a good sign," Henry thought and smiled, closed his eyes and fell asleep.