

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON AUTHOR:Fairywm VOLUME 1 : ONE-SHOTS VOLUME 2 ONWARDS each volume is a different story

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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Chapter 3 Merlin's Portal

The trio ventured down the hall, this time the sconces were lit and the hall looked bright and cheery. The busts no longer looked foreboding and didn't dance in the shadows. There were some wizarding pictures on the walls that were whispering as they passed. The people in the pictures were excited to see living humans in the castle after so long.

The two teens looked around and admired the artwork, now that they weren't sneaking about. Hermione made a mental note to talk to the portraits, while Harry itched to see if there were secret passageways.

Ashliegh would point out sitting rooms, dining rooms, a few smaller libraries and the kitchen. He gave the basic structure of the castle, there were nine floors altogether; the basement where the labs and dungeons were, the ground floor and the first floor were most for gatherings. The second was the library, third through sixth were bedrooms and the seventh was storage. There was a large garden on the roof that one could get to from the top floor or the towers. There were seven towers, used for defense, though the ghost did hint they held other secrets. The grounds were vast and they sported a training area, greenhouses, stables and paddocks and the village. There were also acres of woods, where a few magical creatures roamed.

The spirit explained that the house elves continued training to serve wizards and how they maintained the keep with food, in case someone stumbled across it. He waxed poetic on how devoted and lonely poor Tippy was.

They continued the discussion as they moved to the stairs in the middle of the ground floor. It was a huge staircase, much like the stairs of Hogwarts, only these didn't move. The steps were stone and covered in a red carpet and the banisters were thick, polished wood. They were big enough that a person could slide down them with little discomfort.

They ascended the stairs and on the first floor were more sitting rooms, small studies and private parlors, though all the doors were closed. Ashliegh told them they were not in use right now, because there was only one house elf, making Harry more determined to call his little friends. So they took the steps to the second floor.

At the top of the staircase was a huge sitting area with couches, chairs and tables all done up in cushions in the same red as the carpet. There were fur rugs, though these didn't have heads, and wooden side tables. Small chandeliers dotted the ceiling, lighting up the reading areas, while sconces brightened the walls. There were some sunlit windows along the outside, but they were far away from the middle. There were four larger tables with hardback chairs, where groups of people could comfortably study. Surrounding the seating area were bookcases as high as they could see. Thousands upon thousands of books and scrolls lined those shelves. These, unlike the ones in the sitting room they had just left, were in pristine condition. There must be charms on the room to keep them that way.

"Oh, Merlin," Hermione gasped as she twirled around to take it all in, "this place is bigger than Hogwarts." Her eyes lit up like the bibliophile she was. She itched to get a hold of all this knowledge, but Harry held her back.

"Great, now I'll never see her," Harry groaned, shaking his head and keeping his hand on her arm. He smiled to take the bite out.

"Oh, you," she said, thumping him on the chest and staring longingly at the tomes.

"The library is charmed to update on current books. Merlin wanted to make sure that everyone who passed the test would have the information they sought. However, I think you could benefit from the older tomes as they have lost knowledge that might be helpful to you," the ghost stated as he smiled at their antics. It was good to see such a strong friendship. "Come sit and tell me of your quest, so that I may direct you to the correct area," Ashliegh said as he moved to one of the plush couches.

The two followed, Harry tugging Hermione as she still looked around in wonder, and sat.

"Well, I'm not sure how much we're supposed to tell," Harry hedged, nudging his friend to get her attention. Dumbledore told them not to tell anyone, but the longer they were on the run the more inclined Harry was to belay that order. If the barmy old man didn't want them to tell, he should've given them better clues. A book of fairytales, a Deluminator and a snitch with a vague note had gotten them nowhere. Sometimes Harry worried about that man and his games. He was mad at the Headmaster for keeping vital information from them. He understood that some knowledge wasn't meant to be shared, but they were the good guys and it hurt to think the man didn't trust them.

"Dumbledore did say not to," she started tentatively, worrying her lip, "but if Ashliegh is going to help, well, I think we can tell him a bit." Her eyes conveyed her concern. She was never one to go against authority; however, they were at a standstill.

"What do you know of Herpo the Foul?" Harry asked, thinking if the ghost got the hint they wouldn't actually be telling. It was a bit of information that Hermione had dug up on one of the many nights they sat in the tent. The books she found it in didn't say much, but maybe Ashliegh knew more.

"Let me see if I can remember," the spirit said, rubbing his beard in thought. "Herpo the Foul was an Ancient Greek Dark Wizard. He is one of the earliest known wizards to go Dark. He is best known as the first one to hatch a Basilisk." They all shuddered for their own reasons. "He is reputed to have invented many vile curses and was also the first wizard to successfully create a Horcrux. He is also one of the earliest known Parselmouths. That is all I remember," Ashliegh sighed, then got a contemplative look on his face, when Harry gave him an encouraging stare. His ghostly eyes widened at the idea that someone would replicate the deeds of that vile wizard. Horcrux. He shivered at the thought.

"Does this library have any books or scrolls on him?" Hermione asked eagerly. If it did, maybe there were some that would tell how to rid them. And that was information they desperately needed.

"First, tell me more of your quest."

So the duo told Ashliegh about Tom Riddle and everything that led them to being hunted. They did hint that ole Tom was taking after Herpo, but didn't outright state they were hunting his Horcruxes. They did tell him of the few things that Dumbledore left them, and Ashliegh had a theory of what the story book was for, but he'd need to asked more questions, later. Right now, he was trying to decide where to direct the bookworm. It was hours later that they finished; Tippy had been called to bring them lunch.

"Since we, Merlin and I, never ran across any of Herpo's monstrosities, then I do not know if there is much information on them. However, Dark Magic books are in the western part of the library. Feel free to look for what you need." Ashliegh waved his hand to the part he indicated and Hermione was off like a shot; she had waited long enough.

"Hermione… never mind," Harry said as the girl disappeared into the stacks.

"She does seem a bit excited," chuckled Ashliegh, knowing that he would have been the same way.

"Do you mind if I call two free house elves? They might need a place to stay," the dark-haired teen asked their ghostly host. He'd leave gathering the information to Hermione; she is the brightest witch of the age. Right now, he felt that he could start helping people by bringing in these two. Dobby might be useful later, he wasn't sure about Winky, but at least it would get her out of Hogwarts.

"I am sure that Tippy would enjoy the company and the help," Ashliegh answered with a nod and a smile that his little companion might get company. He worried about her mental state with him being the only person she saw, and she couldn't wait on him. It was a good thing that the keep required much care.

"Dobby. Winky," Harry called as he stood to stretch his legs; he had been sitting most of the morning.

In popped two elves, both were wearing children's clothes. The male's were well taken care of and had the addition of many socks and hats. The female's, on the other hand, were stained with butterbeer and dull from lack of washing.

"The Great Harry Potter calls Dobby," the little male elf said as he launched himself to the teen in question and hugged him around the knees.

"Hello, Dobby," Harry said as he gently removed the hyper elf. "How are you guys doing?"

"We is not doing well, Harry Potter. No, now that He Who Must Not Be Named is back the house elves are suffering again. But, Dobby has great faith that sir will make it right," Dobby went from being sad to being hopeful in under seconds.

Winky just plopped herself on the floor and drank from the bottle she had brought with her.

"Can you tell me what's happening out there?" the dark-haired teen asked, berating himself for all the times he could've called his little friend for information and didn't.

"First Dobby must be giving the Great Harry Potter a warning. Dobby is knowing that Harry Potter is a brave man who does not fear saying the Dark Lord's name, but, sir, there is being a taboo on the name now. They is using it to capture and kill muggle-borns. If someone bes calling the name then they is sending peoples to snatch them, and those peoples are never heard from again. Please, Harry Potter, say not the name," Dobby begged, his ears drooped in fear.

"Right, I'll just call him Tom," Harry said decisively, glad the wards around this place prevented it from being found. At least that was his reasoning; they had said the name many times in their retelling. He also made a note to tell Hermione, who he only recently got to say Voldemort. "Now tell me and Ashliegh," he pointed to the ghost, "what's happening." He settled on the couch again and waved Dobby to join him.

Winky continued to sit on the floor and drink her butterbeer, hiccupping quietly.

"Oh, Dobby is very sorry, sir. Dobby is not seeing yous there," Dobby said as he scrabbled up the couch, he then looked at the old ghost.

"It is quite alright, little one," Ashliegh stated with a regal nod of his head.

Dobby turned back to Harry and his eyes got huge with fear. His whole body was shaking at what was happening in the wizarding world, and he was afraid to speak of it, but for the Great Harry Potter, he would. "It is being very dark times, sir. They is making camps for the muggle-born and half-bloods."

Harry nodded his head and cursed Umbridge. He already knew this, so he waved his little friend on.

Ashliegh was paying attention; he was desperate for news of the world, even if it was bad.

"They is killing and torturing many, many good wizards and witches. There is being somes who fights them, but they is few. Harry Potter's friends are trying to fight in Hogwarts, but they is mostly hiding in the Come and Go Room. There is being Death Eaters at Hogwarts, sir and they is evil. The childrens needs to be getting out of there soon or Dobby fears they will die." Dobby tugged at his ears for bringing such bad news to his favorite human friend.

Harry patted him on the back, trying to soothe his friend's fears, but his mind was whirling about how he was going to help. He planned and discarded many ideas at a fast rate. "Ashliegh, is the fireplace in the sitting room a Floo?" he asked, turning to his ghostly host, you could hear the desperation in his voice.

"What is a 'Floo'?" the ghost questioned.

"It's a form of magical transportation, you throw spelled powder in the fire and it will take you to another fireplace. But if you don't know what that is, then that answers my question. Damn, now how am I supposed to get my friends here?" Harry asked out loud, running a frustrated hand through his hair.

"There is a way to make this fortress a sanctuary," Ashliegh said quickly, bringing Harry from his thoughts. The teen perked up and listened intently. "As I mentioned before, this is a stronghold that has been used many times in the past as a fort for refugees. In the ballroom, where the test is laid out, there is a portal that will bring people here from all over Great Britain. It will not go to the continent, however anywhere on the island is within its reach."

"That's great," Harry all but shouted, happy he could get his friends and loved ones out of the line of fire.

"But first we must bring in adults, for while you are a powerful wizard, the wards will need more than one person to charge them. Not even Merlin could do it alone. He designed them as battle wards to be charged in times of war. They require four wizards to erect, more if they are not strong. Think on who will help you in that endeavor and I will take you to the portal," the ghost said seriously.

Just then Hermione came back, carrying around ten large books precariously in her arms. Dobby seeing her struggle snapped his fingers and put them on a table nearby. Hermione looked up startled when they disappeared and broke out in a huge smile. "Dobby, when did you get here?" she asked, and then she looked at the drunken house elf rocking on the floor. "And Winky is here too," she added in great delight, until she noted Winky didn't raise her head to acknowledge her name. The curly-haired witch looked to Dobby and asked, "What's wrong with her?"

"Ah, miss, Dobby is knowing Missy Grangy is being a very smart witch, who wants house elves to bes free, but miss does not understand that Winky does not likes being free. She has been drinking butterbeer ever since she is being given clothes," Dobby explained the best he could. He looked sadly at his elf friend. "She is being very sad," he said softly, his ears drooped.

"What? No, she should be happy…" Hermione started only to be interrupted by Harry.

"Now isn't the time," the male teen snapped, not wanting to get into that debate. "If you want to get Winky sober then perhaps we can offer her to bond to the fortress. It wouldn't be slavery then, not really, and she'd have something to do," he said firmly. He knew that house elves needed to be needed, which was one of the reasons Winky didn't take to Hogwarts, there were so many house elves there she really wasn't needed. Dobby was just a strange creature.

Hermione glared at him for stopping her spiel. She was only trying to help. She never understood why the male part of the trio didn't get that these beings were being brainwashed.

"I agree," Ashliegh stated, getting up and floating to the drunken elf. "Winky."

"What is ghostie man wanting with Winky?" the elf hiccupped, spilling her butterbeer on her yellow sundress. She wiped it way and then sighed when it spread and took another drink. She swayed from side to side as she tried to focus on the spirit in front of her.

"I would like to offer you a place here at Halstead. There is only one other elf and she would be happy for the help. You can work and stay forever and you will be tasked with helping Tippy," he offered, squatting down in a much undignified manner.

Hermione sputtered in the background and a glare from Harry was the only thing that stayed her tongue.

"Winky will no longer be free?" that perked her up, making her spill even more of the liquid. "Winky will be needed?"

"No, you will be bonded to the keep and no longer free, and, yes, Tippy needs your help," he said gently, making a smoothing motion as if to calm a frightened animal.

"Winky will do it," she stated, throwing the bottle of butterbeer away and standing. She snapped her fingers and her dress was now a flowery yellow pillowcase. She stood taller and only swayed a little. She snapped her fingers again and gold light encompassed her body. She was now completely sober.

"Winky," Hermione said, having stayed quiet long enough. She got the excited elf's attention. "Are you sure this is what you want?" she asked in a pleading voice, getting up and going to the female elf. "Don't you want to be free? You will be bound here for life, don't you understand that it will be lonely and you can never leave?" she tried to reason as she kneeled down to be at the same height.

"Winky will bes needed again. Winky does not likes beings free," the female elf stated firmly, glaring at the witch for trying to talk her out of it.

"Fine," Hermione harrumphed as she leaded back and folded her arms, not the least bit happy with what was happening. Though, she was glad that at least one elf had sense. She looked fondly at the hyper elf, who was bouncing in pleasure that his friend was sober for the first time in ages. She stood up and went back to the couches, not sitting yet.

"Tippy." Ashliegh called.

"Master Ashliegh is calling Tippy," the local elf said. "Oh, we is having more company. What can Tippy be doing fors yous?" she asked as she looked at the two newcomers.

"Winky here wants to bond with Halstead," Ashliegh explained, waving to the yellow clad elf. "Take her to the ritual room and bond her to the keep. She can clean the castle, while you tend the grounds. Both of you can share the cooking for everyone we will be bringing here. I am sure that Dobby," he pointed to the bouncing elf, "will be more than willing to help. He, however, is a free elf, so will do what he pleases."

Tippy wasn't sure what to think about that bit of information. Oh, there had been a few free elves that popped in from time to time, but they were all looking for families and left when they found there weren't any at Halstead. "Tippy will be taking Winky and getting hers bonded," the oldest elf stated and grabbed the now sober elf's arm and popped away.

"What do you mean the people we're going to bring here?" Hermione asked as she went to the table where Dobby had popped her books. She was still unhappy, but willing to let it go for now.

"Seems there's a portal that we can use," Harry explained as he joined her at the long table. "Ashliegh says we need adults, so I was thinking of calling the Order and getting them here first. If we get them here, we can erect battle wards and then bring in the students, the muggle-born and others that are being persecuted." He picked up a book and glanced at the title 'Dark Wizards from Roman and Greek Times' it said. Well, that should give them information on Herpo. He did wonder how he could read it, since it looked old, and then he shrugged off the good fortune. Perhaps Merlin spelled the library to always let the books be readable, after all it was spelled to update. He'd ask later, maybe.

"How do we get them to know about the portal?" the curly-haired witch asked, pulling a large tome to her, though she didn't open it. "I mean, they have to know where it is and how to use it." She looked to Harry, but turned her head when Ashliegh answered.

"If you can get a message to them, tell them to place their wand on the wall near them and state, 'I call on Merlin's Portal' and it will open on their side. Someone has to be here. When it opens you can speak through the portal and relay more information," Ashliegh explained as he stood near them, lamenting on the fact that he could no longer use the books. Oh, he could read the titles, but the information inside was lost to him. Perhaps he could get someone to read to him, it might make his existence less lonely.

"Right, so, should we send a Patronus? Do you know that spell, Hermione?" Harry asked, putting the book down for the moment.

"Dobby can take messages," the hyper elf volunteered, bouncing next to Harry.

"It might be dangerous," Hermione warned as Harry nodded next to her.

"Dobby is a brave elf," the little guy said affronted, folding his arms in a defiant manner, just willing them to argue with him. He'd show them he was the bravest elf.

"I know you are, Dobby, I just don't want you to get hurt," she said quickly, holding her hands in a placating manner, not wanting the only sane elf, in her opinion, mad at her.

"Dobby will do anything to help the Great Harry Potter," he stated firmly, all but stamping his sock covered foot in determination.

"Alright, Dobby. Go to Mr. Weasley, he should be at the Ministry, and tell him to go to an empty office and put his wand on the wall and state 'I call on Merlin's Portal' and then tell him to wait," Harry ordered gently, looking fondly at the over-excited elf. He knew it could be dangerous to contact Mr. Weasley at work, but he also knew that most of the adults that they needed worked there, or were being held prisoner in the Ministry cells awaiting Umbridge's trials. So they'd have to take the risk, it was close enough to quitting time that maybe there'd be less danger. He didn't want to have to hold it off a few more days, but if Mr. Weasley decided to make plans first they might just have to.

"Tell him to make sure he can't be disturbed," Hermione added, worrying her lip. She really didn't want Mr. Weasley to get caught.

Just when Dobby was about to pop away Harry said, "Wait. We have to get to the ballroom first."

So the two living humans, one ghost and one house elf went down the stairs to the empty room. Dobby's eyes widened with wonder at how clean one house elf kept the huge place. They finally made it to the ballroom and Ashliegh went to one of the shining windows and told Harry to place his wand on the side. "Now simply state 'portal'," he added.

Harry did as bid and the sunlight spell dissipated and there in front of them was something that was reminiscent of the Veil of Death. Harry snatched back his wand and backed away in worry. "What the bloody hell?!" he shouted, ignoring Hermione's "Language."

Ashliegh, not understanding the teen's reaction, asked, "Why did you stop? It is simply a portal." His head tilted in a curious way.

"That's a bloody veil," Harry accused, pointing his finger at the now window. "Are you trying to get everyone killed?" he asked as he glared at the ghost.

"I do not understand, no one will die from coming through," the apparition looked between the two teens.

"It looks just like the Veil of Death," Hermione explained, going to Harry and putting a hand on his arm. "There is another veil just like this in the Department of Mysteries. Harry lost his godfather to it." She patted the teen's arm, hoping he wouldn't get emotional. They didn't need that right now, with Ron's betrayal they were already too sensitive.

"Hmmm," the ghost said, rubbing his beard, "it is possible that someone tried to recreate this veil and did not quite succeed, or the one you speak of is simply a portal to somewhere else." He shrugged and waved it away.

"You mean Sirius could be alive somewhere?" Harry asked as he looked at the apparition with hope filled eyes. It was the first glimmer of good news he'd had since his godfather was thrown in the Veil. If the man was alive, well that would be a relief off the teen's mind. When all of this was over, he might try and figure out the Veil of Death and bring Sirius back.

"It is a possibility. At any rate, this portal is harmless, unless you mean ill intent," Ashliegh said, getting back to the subject. Death was meaningless to the dead.

"Right, Dobby," he said, turning to his diminutive friend. He'd let it go for now, there were more important things to worry about. "Go and see if Mr. Weasley is alone. If he is, then tell him what I told you earlier," Harry said, squaring his shoulders and marching to the window. He put his wand on the side and stated, "Portal."

The window once again morphed into a veil, with its stone archway and billowing cloth. But unlike the Veil of Death there were no whispers coming from the other side.

"Dobby can do." And the little elf popped away, and he returned a minute later stating he had delivered the message.

"Dobby, go and see how you can help Tippy," Harry suggested, knowing that house elves needed to be doing something at all times. He had no idea how long they'd be standing here. If Mr. Weasley was at work then he'd have to find a safe place to do as they asked. He only hoped the man listened to Dobby or they would have to figure something else out.

Dobby popped away and the rest waited.