

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON AUTHOR:Fairywm VOLUME 1 : ONE-SHOTS VOLUME 2 ONWARDS each volume is a different story

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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Chapter 4 The Rescues

Harry and Hermione waited for ten nail-biting minutes, until a gust of wind made the fabric move. Taking this to mean that the portal opened on the other side, Harry softly called out, "Mr. Weasley, can you hear me?" a faint 'yes' answered his question. "Listen, we need you to get as many people as you can and then open this portal. Call what's left of the Order and bring them to you. Try and free as many of the prisoners as you can. We'll get the camps later. Bring anything you can on their layout." He hoped that the redheaded dad could do as asked. "I'll hold it open until you come through."

"Harry?" came the confused voice, in a whisper, "Where are you? Molly has been worried sick and Ron said you were starving." The man sounded frantic.

"Now isn't the time, Mr. Weasley," Harry argued, miffed about hearing Ron's name, yeah, he was still pissed. "Go and get everyone you can and open the portal. We have a safe place for them."

"Yes, Yes, but we will be talking, young man," Mr. Weasley said and then he must have removed his wand, because the wind and noise stopped.

"I'm going to go and start researching. We need to see what's available," Hermione said with a hitch in her voice. "Send anyone who wants to help to the library." She turned and left the room, you could see tears welling in her eyes at the mention of their wayward friend, and the two males let her go.

"Winky," Harry called, his wand still on the archway, holding the portal open.

The clean elf popped into the room, in the time she had been gone her appearance had changed. Her face lit like the sun and there wasn't any despondence in sight. Her eyes radiated joy. Her skin was still a bit sallow, but she looked healthier. "Master Harry is calling Winky."

"Yeah, can you float a chair here? I'm going to be here awhile," the dark-haired teen asked. He knew he was going to be tired, and he wanted to make himself as comfortable as possible.

"Winky can," the elf said and snapped her fingers. One of the soft red chairs from the library appeared next to Harry and she floated it to where he could sit. "Can Winky be doings anything else for Master Harry?"

"Maybe one of the books Hermione gathered," he suggested, thinking he might as well help while he waits. She snapped her fingers and the book he had been looking at earlier fell onto his lap. "Thanks, Winky. I should be fine now." He smiled at the elf, glad she was content.

Winky popped away and Harry fumbled to get the book open with one hand. When he got situated, he read on some of the Dark Wizards and Witches of days gone by and cringed at some of their feats, but diligently continued on. His arm got tired and he had to shift every now and then to trade hands, but he kept that portal open.

About an hour and a half later, he was startled when the wind picked up and spellfire rained through the opening. He stood, pressed himself to the wall, knocking the chair over, the book falling to the floor. He was hard pressed to keep his wand on the archway.

Kingsley ran through and took up a defensive position near the arch. More people came and they all turned, raised their wands, if they had them, and stood firm. Minutes went by and soon Arthur tumbled through, clutching his arm. "Close it," he gasped.

"What happened?" Harry asked as he dropped his tired arm. The portal closed and went back to being a sunlit window.

"Umbridge," was the succinct answer from a man Harry didn't know.

"Did you kill her?" the teen asked, earning sharp gasps from some of the group. He ignored them; he despised that woman almost as much as he hated Bellatrix and Voldemort.

"Oh, yeah, I took that toad down," the man said with a malicious grin. "She saw us walking through the Ministry and called the Aurors to stop us. When we got to a free wall, Arthur called the veil and we started running through. But they caught up with us. I turned and fired and got her in the face with a bludgeoning hex. It was a pretty sight to see her head explode." His eyes took on a vengeful look and there was great delight in the deed he'd done.

"Good," Harry said, getting shocked looks from the people he knew. "What? She was a sadistic bitch," he stated, glaring back and holding up his scarred hand. "She the reason so many muggle-borns are dying. You can't say she's worth saving." He looked to their faces, seeing that many did indeed think that.

"Harry, we don't take lives, not if we can help it," Mr. Weasley said reproachfully, a sad look of disappointment on his face, others nodded with him. Harry was heartened to see that Kingsley, Tonks and Remus didn't agree. "Dumbledore said that is was never the right things to do," he added with a shake of his head.

"And that would be why we're losing," the man snapped, coming to his and Harry's defense. "We just lost three people because of your way of fighting. Besides, that vile woman killed my wife and child, not to mention hundreds of others. You won't see a bit of remorse from me for putting her down like the mad dog she was." He folded his arms and glared at the pacifists.

"How many of you feel the same way as Mr. Weasley?" Harry asked as he took charge and looked over the crowd. A good half of them raised their hands. "Right, you're on research," he stated with a nod of his head. He wasn't going to ask them to go against their morals, so it was just as easy to take them out of the fight. "Follow Ashliegh," he pointed to the ghost, that had stood by and answered all his questions while they waited, "and he'll take you to Hermione. You can call Tippy, Dobby or Winky when you need to rest or food, they'll help you."

"What are we researching?" a woman asked as she looked around the room, wondering just where they were.

"Talk to Hermione, she can tell you what she needs. Right, I need four strong wizards, or witches, to erect the wards. Then we can rescue the children at Hogwarts and the people from the camps. Maybe, we can get your families out as well. But before we do all that, the wards must be put up," Harry said, once more taking in the crowd of about twenty adults. He could see relief on many of the faces.

The man who had killed Umbridge stepped forward, along with Kingsley, Remus and a pregnant Tonks. "I am Kyle," he said, holding out his hand, "and I'm glad to meet ya, Harry Potter."

"Good to meet you too," Harry said as he shook the hand. "Tonks are you sure you won't hurt the baby?" his eyes flashed with concern. He was happy to see them, but pregnancy might get in the way.

"Wotcher, Harry, yeah it'll be okay. I can't fight so I want to do this. I promise not to overexert myself," she said as she made her hair bright red and patted her bulging tummy. "This one's a fighter." She smiled down on her unborn baby.

"Okay, if you're sure," he said and turned to the redhead. "Mr. Weasley, are you okay? I noticed your arm is hurt," the teen asked, going to his kinda father and examining the gash on his upper arm. It didn't seem bad, but you can never tell. He was remembering the story that Ashliegh told him about Slytherin dying of a similar cut.

"I'll be fine. It's only a scrape," the redheaded dad said, patting Harry's arm.

"Tippy," the teen called.

"Master Harry is calling Tippy." Her eyes got big as she took in all the people. She started bouncing at the thought that there would be more.

"Are there any potions or anything we can use for Mr. Weasley's arm?" he asked, showing her the tear. "If not, check with Hermione, she has some stuff in her bag."

"Oh, that is being bad. Mr. Wheezy should be following Tippy and she will be getting some balm on that," the little elf said, grabbing Arthur's hand and dragging him from the room.

"If you will follow me," Ashliegh stated to the non-combatants, "I will take you to the library. Harry, I will be back soon to guide you to the ward room." He started out the doorway, and the people who wouldn't fight followed.

"Wait," Harry called, making them stop, "Did you get the plans for the camps?" he asked, thinking they might be among the people leaving.

"I have them," Kingsley said, digging in his pocket and pulling out a bunch of crumpled papers.

"Okay, sorry, you can go." They watched the group of eight disappear and Harry turned to the ones left and said, "Now we plan."

The people that remained stood for a few minutes and collected themselves. "Harry," Remus said, looking at the teen that had been missing for months. "What is this place?" he asked, looking around the ballroom.

"It's called Halstead, it's a fortress built by Merlin," Harry answered, almost giggling at their shocked faces. "If you want to know more, you should ask Ashliegh," he added when many people opened their mouths to ask him questions.

"Okay, Harry, but how did you get here? Last we heard you and Hermione were running for your lives in the Forest of Dean," the werewolf stated a confused look on his face, since he had only gotten that message today.

"Ron," Harry spat. He knew that boy couldn't keep a secret and was now very thankful that they left the campsite, not that he didn't trust these people, but rumor has a way of getting out. He did wonder if the redhead told them about the Horcruxes. If he did it might make it simpler to do the research and the hunt. The more he thought about it the more he wondered why Dumbledore didn't want them to tell, these were supposed to be his most trusted allies. He could understand keeping information like this from those like Malfoy and Snape, but people in this room were all Light wizard and witches. No, they were going to have to tell if they were going to win this war. But that would have to wait until later.

"Yes, Ron. He told us that you were not getting anywhere in your search, for whatever it is you're searching for," Tonks said, rubbing her large belly. That answered that question.

"That's not important right now. We need to figure out who we're going to rescue first," Harry waved their questions away. He was miffed that his ex-mate had ratted them out, even if he had expected it. "So who do you guys think need us more, Hogwarts or the camps?" now that he asked the question he felt stupid, people were dying in the camps. At least the kids had the Room of Requirements to hide in.

"The camps," came the chorused answer.

"Right. Can someone conjure a table and some chairs and we'll get to planning?" the dark-haired teen asked, waving to the middle of the room. He didn't want to disturb the researchers, so it would be better if they set up here.

Three people set to work and soon enough the requested furniture filled the center of the room, right under the chandelier. They gathered around the table and Kingsley spread out the plans for the camps. "As you can see, there is a large encampment, which is surrounded by a fence and probably wards. As far as I know there are only ten guards that patrol five at a time. There may be Dementors, so we'll have to watch for that. The prisons are in the back and the buildings they are using for… questioning are in the front. The guardhouse is over to the right. The prisoners are… questioned during the day and left alone at night. Well, that's how it is supposed to be, but who knows what goes through the minds of Death Eaters." They all shuddered at those thoughts.

"Okay, so we have to get a message to someone we know. Does anyone have someone in the camps?" Harry asked as gently as he could. Then he had a thought, the prisoners probably didn't have wands, so Dobby would have to bring them one or they would have to find a way to get in the camp to open the portal. Damn this was going to be harder than he thought.

The groups shook their heads; no one had anyone living in the camps. You could see sadness in their eyes, many had lost loved ones to that heartless woman, and Harry was glad someone had taken her down.

"A raid then," Harry stated, looking at the map. "We're going to have to go in and get them out. Volunteers?"

"You're not going," Tonks, Kingsley and Remus said at the same time. The most of the group nodded in agreement. Kyle and a few others protested on Harry's behalf.

"What? Why?" the teen asked, cutting through the arguments, even though he knew what their answer would be. It never changed, 'you're too young' or 'it's too dangerous' or 'you're too important'. He was getting tired of it.

"Harry, according to Dumbledore, you are the only one to stop You Know Who," Remus said, running a hand through his greying hair. "We cannot risk your life for a rescue mission. No, you are staying here." This proved Harry's thoughts, making him snarl.

"Yeah," Tonks added as she looked the teen up and down, finding him lacking, "and you don't really know how to fight." She was hoping the blunt statement would get through to the kid that this was war and not some schoolyard scuffle. Oh, she knew his adventures, but that didn't mean the boy could fight.

"I can take care of myself," Harry snapped, hurt that she would say that. He thought they thought better of him than that. But, they were treating him like he'd never raised his wand in battle.

"You've gotten this far by luck and golly," she argued back, leaning over the table as far as her belly would let her, bracing her hands in front of her to get in the teen's face. "You've never had any training, so, no, you're staying here and keeping the portal open. If it makes you feel better, I'm staying here too." Her face softened as she stood back and rubbed her belly, knowing that the boy would not be happy.

"What about all the times I fought Vol… Tom. I've risked my life for others. How can you tell me I can't fight?" the teen defensively, folding his arms and glaring at them.

"You mean to tell me it was training that let you win, or did some outside source come and help you? I know your stories, and if it hadn't been for fate intervening then you'd be dead," she snapped back, glaring just as hard.

"Fine," Harry spat, knowing they would never give in, but he bloody well didn't like it. He vowed to make sure that his time here was spent training. Maybe there was a sally he could workout in.

"Look, Harry, I know you think you're ready, but if you really think about it Tonks is correct, the battles you've had you won by luck alone," Kingsley joined in with a kinder voice. He had heard of all of the boy's exploits, and he knew that the teen had little to no training. He didn't want to trust his back to someone so green.

Harry did think about it; his mother's protection, Fawkes, Hermione and the time turner, the ghosts of his parents and Cedric and Dumbledore. They all came when he was sure he was going to die. "I already said I'd stay," Harry said mulishly, slumping down in his chair.

"Okay, so we need to plan," Kingsley said, being the top Auror in the room.

Just then Ashliegh glided into the room. "Shall we set the wards?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at the tension.

The five volunteers got up to follow the ghost. "Can the rest of you make plans while we're gone? We can go over them when we get back," Kingsley asked the remaining people.

They nodded and bent over the papers.

The group trudged down the stairs and when they got to the ground floor, Ashliegh directed them to the basement. The newcomers oooohed and awed at the condition of the keep, they all compared it to Hogwarts. It made for a comfortable atmosphere as they walked on. Ashliegh would tell them tales of days gone by and Remus pay special attention to the ghost, being the scholar he was.

They moved quickly through the basement and went down a dank hall into the bowels of the keep. The declining passage twisted and turned and further and further down they went.

"Why so far down?" Harry asked, not knowing anything about ward stones.

"The closer to the earth the better," Remus lectured. "Most ward stones are either outside or under the foundation of a building."

"Oh," the teen replied.

"This is as far as I can take you," the ghost said, when they got to the end of the hall and then floated through the ceiling. Harry wondered why the spirit couldn't go further, but then shrugged it off as unimportant. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

They came to a rickety stairwell and cautiously made their way down. The door at the bottom was made of grey marble and it took Remus and Kyle to open it. Inside the room was also the same grey marble with a dirt floor and the ward stone was the only thing in there.

"So what do I have to do?" Harry asked as he looked at the large rune covered crystal. It sat as if suspended with cable, about five inches off the floor. It was light red and had gold runes etched in it. It stood about four feet high and two feet in diameter. It glowed brightly, lighting up the entire room. He liked the coloring.

"Charging a ward stone is easy, it's the power drain you have to watch out for," Kingsley said as he circled the stone as if he was looking for something, "which is why most require more than one person." He bent over to get a closer look, his nose almost touching the crystal. "The one at Hogwarts needs the Headmaster and all four of the Heads of House."

"Right," the teen said, pushing up his glasses and waiting to be told what to do.

A few minutes later, Kingsley stood up. "Alright, everyone, there's a rune that looks like a X." he drew it in the air. "If you put your wand on it and then just open your magic to the stone, the rune should do the rest," the dark-skinned Auror said, dissipating his drawing. "Remus and Tonks, you two can tap the same one," he added, looking at the couple.

"How does one open their magic?" Harry asked, those instructions were almost as bad as Snape's 'clear your mind'.

"That's right, you wouldn't know. For you, Harry, cast a simple spell, like a Lumos, and keep it going as long as you can. There will be a tug on your magic, don't resist," Kingsley explained as he took his position on the opposite side from the teen.

"Right," Harry said, going to the stone and putting his wand on the marking. He waited for the others to do the same and when Kingsley nodded, he cast the Lumos. The man was right; he felt a tug on his magic and almost pulled back. If it weren't for the fact they needed these wards, he would have.

The stone started to glow a brighter red. The runes all shone illuminating gold. It was almost blinding and it took everything Harry had not to pull his wand away. Soon enough the tugging stopped. Kinsley, Kyle, Remus and Tonks all sagged, but Harry stood straight, not feeling tired at all. He looked at the adults and smirked.

"How are you not tired?" Tonks complained, rubbing her belly and sagging against Remus. Even though she hadn't put much power into it, just like she promised, she was still worn out.

"Don't know," the teen shrugged, still smirking at their plight. It served them right for the argument earlier. He reasoned with himself that it was just because he was younger.

"We are more than likely depleted from the fight earlier," Remus tried to rationalize, not wanting to admit that Harry might just be more powerful. It would be harder to keep him out of the fight if the teen got it in his head that he was.

"You may be right," Kyle said, though he was eyeing Harry.

"Let's see what the others have come up with," Kingsley stated, and with that the group started for the door. They made their way to the ballroom and went to the table.

"Okay, here's what we have so far," a woman Harry didn't know said as she pointed to the map. "If we go at night and sneak through the back, just here," she pointed to where there was a section behind where the prisoners were kept, "and Kingsley makes a hole in the wards, we should be able to unlock the cells or cut through the walls. If we are quick enough we can gather each person to the back of the camp. Remus, you open the portal and we'll get them out." She continued to point out the weaknesses of the makeshift prison.

It was a simple plan, and Harry hoped it went off without a hitch.

"We'll go tonight," Kyle all but demanded. He was determined that no one else would die in these camps. He glanced at his watch; it was just going on four p.m.

"How many camps are there?" Harry asked. That was something he didn't know.

"Three," Remus answered, putting his arm around Tonks, checking to make sure the charging didn't hurt her or the baby. He was upset that she would do something like this, but he also knew that it wouldn't hurt the child; her magic would have tossed her off if she drained too much.

"Are you going to do all of them tonight?" the teen asked, looking at the determined faces.

"We're going to try," Kyle answered as he gazed over the plans.

"You'd better ask Hermione for some pepper-up," Harry suggested, seeing that everyone was haggard.

"Why would she have that?" Tonks questioned, though she perked up at the thought.

"It's Hermione, besides we've been doing a lot of late night research," Harry shrugged.

"Oh," the metamorphous said.

The group planned for another hour to get the timing right and then broke up to explore the keep. Harry went to the library to see how Hermione was faring. He got to the room and noted that everyone was deep into their research, so he left them alone and grabbed a book. He looked for anything on Horcruxes for hours, until it was time to eat.

It was seven at night and they had all just finished a beef stew with thick, buttered bread, which Winky and Tippy made. The rescuers, and Dobby, were gathered in the ballroom. The researchers were in the library and Harry had no idea where Ashliegh was. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen the ghost since they charged the stone.

"I had an idea," Arthur said. He had been brought up to date on the plan. "Dobby is going to give a message to Molly and she'll open the portal. They'll go through and then carry out the plan. You two," he pointed to Harry and Tonks, "will keep the portal open on this side. When we've rescued the prisoners, I'm going to open the one at Aunt Muriel's and me and my family will come through. This should give me enough time to get the twins, Percy, if he'll come, and Charlie there." You could see the worry in his eyes for his family. They weren't safe where they were.

"What about the rest?" Harry asked, thinking of Bill and Fleur. He did wonder why Mr. Weasley didn't mention Ron.

"Ron is staying with Bill," Arthur said, answering that question. "We'll get them tomorrow when we start gathering more families."

"And Hogwarts?" the teen asked, worried about the warning Dobby gave.

"Tomorrow night, Professor McGonagall has to have time to get the kids together," Remus answered. "We'll make sure to send one of the elves."

"Yeah," Tonks piped up, "that's not going to be easy with Snape in charge."

Everyone's faces morphed to disgust when she said that.

"Winky," Harry called.

"Master Harry is wanting Winky?"

"Yes, can you still get to Hogwarts?" he asked, worried that now that she was bonded she'd be stuck here.

"Winky thinks so," the female elf said and popped away. She came back seconds later and with a nod said, "Winky can."

"Great, I need you to go to Professor McGonagall and tell her that Harry Potter needs her to get everyone who needs saving to the Come and Go room. Take her there if she doesn't know where it is. Tell her we'll get in touch with her tomorrow," he quickly, but gently, ordered.

"Winky will." And she popped away.

"There that's handled, and it should give her enough time," Harry stated with a smug grin.

"Dobby," Arthur said, turning to the elf, "I need you to go to Molly and tell her the same thing you told me. Can you do that for me?" the redheaded dad asked.

"Dobby can do," and the little guy popped away, returning minutes later, job completed. He then popped off to do whatever it was that house elves do when not following orders.

Harry quickly went to the window and opened the portal.

"Arthur?" Molly's very confused and a bit terrified voice asked.

"Molly, keep your wand on the portal. We're coming through."

And the rescue team hurriedly made their way into the archway, leaving only Harry and Tonks behind.

"So, what have you been up to?" the now pink-haired woman asked as she grabbed one of the chairs.

"Mostly running for my life and starving," the teen answered as if it were obvious. He was still stung over her earlier comments. They might have been right, but she didn't have to be so cruel about it.

"Oh, yeah, I knew that," she said sheepishly, changing her hair to a dull green. And the two lapsed into silence. They did take turns holding the portal open.

About a half an hour later, the cloth billowed and some very raggedy, very skinny and some very injured people started staggering through the archway. There was no spell fire this time. "Tippy, Winky, Dobby," Harry called.

The elves popped into the room.

"Can you take these guys and get them settled for the night? Make sure they get something to eat," he requested. "Try and tend to the wounds as best as you can. Ask Hermione for potions or to help you if you need it. She's slightly knowledgeable on healing."

The three elves started guiding the newly freed prisoners to rooms. They took it slow since most were injured and weak. The people leaned on one another as they limped or staggered out of the room. Two had to be floated by the house elves.

"Harry," a voice called. "We're going to the next camp. Leave the portal open," the male said.

"Like I was going to close it," the teen groused and if he could fold his arms, he would. He really hated it when people treated him like a child.

The billowing stopped and the two left behind fell into another silence. Tonks finally go up and went to see what she could do for the injured.

The next rescue went much like the first, but the third started with a dead Death Eater falling through the opening. The portal crackled with light that something Dark had fallen through it, but since he was dead, there was not ill intent.

Harry almost jumped out of his skin when he saw the man, making the portal waver.

"Hold it open," a voice shouted.

The teen squared his shoulders, flattened against the wall and continued to hold his wand steady, steadfastly ignoring the dead guy on the floor.

Spell fire came through the archway and Kingsley barreled through and dragged the dead man away. Harry wondered what they were going to do with the body, and then he turned his attention to the portal. More hurt people ran into the room and they only stopped when they were to the other wall, huddled with each other in fear.

"Keep it steady," Kingsley shouted, then went back through the portal, wand raised and a curse on his lips.

Harry could hear shouting and curses being thrown and he wanted very badly to go and help, but he was their only means of escape. So he stood, gritting his teeth and waited.

Finally all of the ones they could rescue were, so the team came in as well. They were not looking good.

"Close it," Remus shouted as he cast a hex blindly.

Harry did as he was told and then looked around and counted the team. They all seemed to have made it; maybe not in one piece, but they'd live. Then he remembered the Weasleys.