

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON AUTHOR:Fairywm VOLUME 1 : ONE-SHOTS VOLUME 2 ONWARDS each volume is a different story

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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213 Chs

Chapter 12: The First Part of the First Day

Breakfast was had, and classes were about to start. Harry had gotten his schedule from the prefect because Snape wanted nothing to do with the spawn of Potter. Even if he was in his House. Harry was still chuckling that it had taken three spells to get the tutu off the man.

Deadpool wasn't the least bit concerned, he thought the whole thing was funny. He had plans for that man. He was still bummed that Luna wouldn't let him kill the bastard.

"Look, our schedules are the same," Harry said to Luna, pointing back and forth between the two pieces of parchment.

"Of course, silly, we're in the same year," she said, gazing over her schedule.

"What's first?" Deadpool asked, looking at the schedule and nodding that it looked light. That meant that there would be more time to train Harry. There was a lot of empty space on there.

"Transfiguration," Harry and Luna replied, then giggled.

"That's changing one thing into another, right?" the costumed man asked, lifting his mask enough to eat. Those that could see his chin and neck cringed at the scars they saw there and knew that the kid had reason to dress the way he did. They were also wondering if they could use this information.

The selection of food was good. Sausage, bacon, eggs, and toast were the things he recognized as breakfast food. The other stuff, baked beans, fried tomato, fried mushrooms, black pudding, and fried bread were things he associated with lunch or supper. He left them alone but noted that Harry and Luna ate with a gusto.

It was a wonder they weren't fat with the amount they ate. Then again, breakfast was the most important meal of the day. He knew why Harry wasn't gaining weight by his diet, but Luna was thin as a rail.

"Yes," Luna said, finishing off her fried bread by sopping up what juices were on her plate.

"Well, we'd better get going then," Harry said, scooping up the last of his baked beans.

"Are you going to be there?" Luna asked Wade.

"Nah, I figured I'll just cause trouble. The teachers don't like me much. However, I will be in DADA and potions. Something about those two give me the willies. No, this time I'm going to look around the castle," Deadpool said, sipping the last of the water he chose over the pumpkin juice. How anyone could drink that sweet thick juice he didn't know.

"I think the headmaster wants to talk to you," Harry said, looking at the Head Table and seeing the old man give questioning looks to his friend.

"He'll have to find me first," Wade said, getting up and waiting for the other two. "I'll walk you to class and meet you when it's over."

"Sounds good," Harry said, picking up his and Luna's bags, which had the Transfiguration text in them, luckily. Once again, they were given a wide berth as they made their way out of the Hall. Getting to the class was easy, and Deadpool left them there.

He wandered the halls, jumping over railings, and leaping up floors. He ignored the gasps and sounds of wonder as he meandered his way up. Soon he was on the third floor examining the place. He knew that the puppy was there, but he wanted to see what the dog was protecting. So, he went to the door and tried to open it. He forgot the author had locked him out.

"Damn that woman. I'll have to wait for Harry to open it," he muttered walking away saying sorry to the dog.

He went up further. By this time all the kids were in class, and the professors were as well. So the halls were empty. He went up to a portrait of a nice-looking lady in old-fashion garb. "So, what can a guy do for fun around here?" he asked her.

She giggled and said, "You can look for secret rooms." She covered her face with her fan and gave him a coy look.

"Hot Damn, secret rooms," Deadpool said, thanking the lady he moved off to see what trouble he could find.


Harry and Luna sat at the front of the class, both eager to learn. The rest of the Slytherins sat as far as they could, yet still fill their side of the room. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle had the good fortune to be behind them. Well, it was good in Harry's book. At least this way he could keep an eye on the git.

McGonagall did her impression of a cat, waiting for stragglers. The only person missing was Ron, and Harry hoped he got here soon. He liked Ron, though the boy was upset with the sorting, he felt they could still be friends.

Draco whispered that he was going to get Harry in trouble with his father, and the cat on the desk took note of that threat. Harry noticed the cat doing that, and smirked. He didn't know much about the wizarding world, but he thought it was possible that a human could turn into an animal. So, he just ignored the boy.

Finally, about five minutes into class time, Ron showed up.

"Whew, McGonagall isn't here," the redhead mumbled to himself as he took a seat in the back.

McGonagall jumped off her desk and transformed into herself. "Mr. Weasley, why are you late?" she asked, looking over her glasses at the boy.

"Got lost," Ron muttered, looking at his desk in shame.

"Perhaps I should transfigure you into a map?" she threatened, though it was an empty one.

"Sorry, Professor," Ron said louder this time. the rest of his House was glaring at him, and his ears turned red.

McGonagall went on to teach the class about how dangerous transfiguration was and showed them a few things that could be done. Soon enough, after taking reams of notes, she gave them all a matchstick.

"Turn this matchstick into a needle," she said, showing them the spell to use.

The class filled with the voices of the Gryffindor and Slytherin first years reciting the words to do the assignment. Harry and Luna were the first to get it, followed by a few of the other Slytherins. One Gryffindor was able too, but the rest of both Houses were lagging behind.

Crabbe and Goyle were being coached by Draco, who had yet to make the change.

"Hey, I've got mine, do you boys need help?" Harry offered the trio behind him.

"Piss off, Potter," Malfoy stated loudly.

"What is going on here?" the professor asked, coming up to Malfoy's table.

"I was just offering to help," Harry said with a shrug. It was no sweat off him if they didn't take his offer.

"You've completed the task?" McGonagall asked, seeing both Harry and Luna were turned around.

"Yes, ma'am," they both said, giggling. They picked up their needles and showed them to the professor. She nodded.

"If Mr. Malfoy does not want your help, I cannot make him. However, I am sure that Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Goyle would like to pass this class," she said with a lifted eyebrow.

The two bruisers nodded their heads, knowing that Draco was more concerned about his grade than theirs. Plus, the advice he had been giving them wasn't working. Harry and Luna had already completed their needles.

"Fine by me," Harry said, waving Crabbe to come to their table, while Luna joined Goyle. Within minutes both boys had grey matchsticks, which was more than Draco had.

"You really should have listened to us," Luna said, leaning over Goyle to speak to Draco.

"Piss off, Lovegood," the boy said, again. This time softly so that McGonagall didn't hear him.

"Oh, I will, don't you worry. You should worry about Wade, though," she said with a smile.

"H-he doesn't s-scare me," the blond stuttered, looking around the room like the costumed person was there but hiding.

"Sure," she said, sweetly, then started helping Goyle again.

The class proceeded quietly after that and soon it was time to leave. Harry and Luna picked up their bags and headed for the door. Harry spotted Ron walking and went to join him.

"Great class, huh?" he said to the redhead as he kept pace with him. He stood a head taller, which was telling because, besides him, Ron was the tallest in their year.

"Yeah," was the lackluster reply. The kid didn't even look at Harry.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Harry asked, stopping, and making the other two stop with him.

"I thought we were friends," Ron said, looking angry suddenly.

"What makes you think we're not?" was the confused question. Harry looked at the boy in front of him and couldn't understand his anger.

"You were sorted into Slytherin," the boy accused, pointing a finger at Harry.

"Yes, and?" came the question from behind them.

"Wade," Luna said, jumping and giving Deadpool a hug. "Did you have fun?" she asked, letting the chibi man go.

"Yes, but I want to know what Ron's problem is," the masked man stated, folding his arms in a 'this better be good' manner.

"Slytherins are evil," Ron stated, like it had been a fact his whole life.

"I am not evil," Harry said harshly.

Wade took a different approach. He grabbed Luna and turned her to face Ron. "Look at this face, how can you call this evil?"

Luna made her eyes really big and innocent. With her elflike features she looked like a kicked kitten.

"Look at her," Deadpool said, putting his finger on her cheeks and making them puff up. "How can this be evil?" He shook her head from side to side.

"Well," Ron said looking at the waif of a girl, and then looked around and saw that he was not in the majority here. "I mean… what I… okay, fine, she's not evil," he sighed, looking sheepishly at Harry. "Sorry," he mumbled and then left embarrassed.

Luna giggled and hugged Wade again. "That was brilliant. I don't think he stood a chance."

"It's not my fault that you are as a cute as a kitty," Deadpool said, letting her go and turning to Harry.

"I thought he was a good bloke," the boy said, starting to walk to his next class.

"He is, I'm sure. He's just infested with wrackspurts," Luna said, keeping pace with him.

"Take it from me, prejudice is everywhere," Wade said, then not liking the gloomy mood he added, "I found a lot of empty classrooms. There're all sorts of stuff to be explored. That and we have places to practice when it gets colder out." He looked around to see if he could spot more.

"That sounds like fun, we can do it right before dinner," Luna said, looking to the still shocked Harry.

"Are there going to be more incidences like this one?" he asked no one. He was still reeling at the realization that there were those that would hate him just because he was sorted into Slytherin.

"Probably. You have the choice to react or ignore. Or do what I do, and joke about it until it's not an issue anymore," Deadpool stated, walking down the hall, and knocking on random walls.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, stopping for a moment.

"If you show that it doesn't bother you, people will stop being assholes. Well, no they won't but they won't be assholes to you," the masked man said, finding another hidden room. "Now that doesn't work all the time, but for kids like these guys, it should." He remembered all his taunting only got him further tortured. But like he said, these are kids. If that doesn't work, he'll just threaten them.

"Are you sure? Because that doesn't sound plausible," Harry said, listening to the hallow sound of Deadpool's knocking. He marked the place in his head. They'd come back and see if they couldn't get in.

"Works for me, but I'm a scary bastard," he said, also marking the area, but with a magic marker.

"That you are, Wade dear," Luna said, patting his arm when he moved away from the wall.

"So, what's next?" Deadpool asked the children.

"Charms," they said together, and, as usual, giggled.

"You two remind me of twins," Wade said, leading the way to the Charms class. He had found it earlier.

"Thank you," was also said in unison.

"Hey, Wade, there's something I wanted to bring up with you. I would have told you last night, but I forgot. Professor Quirrell's turban makes the inside of my head itch," Harry said, remembering the weird sensation he felt at dinner last night.

"An evil turban, hmmm, I will have to look into that. Like I said, that guy gives me the willies," Deadpool stated, rubbing his chin in thought. "A mystery to solve," he laughed.

"Thanks," Harry said as they continued on down the hall to Charms.

When they reached the classroom, Professor Flitwick said to Wade, "Mr… I'm not sure what your name is." He looked like he was expecting it to be told.

"Call me Wade," Deadpool said, in a jovial voice.

"Mr. Wade, the headmaster would like a word with you," the diminutive man said just as jovially.

"If I see him, I'll talk to him," Wade promised him, and then sauntered off.

"I believe he means for you to go to him," Flitwick said as the boy got further away.

"Sure, I'll look for him," the costumed man said, still walking away.

"Do you think he will?" Harry asked Luna in a whisper as they found their seats.

"No," she said with finality.

"I didn't think so," Harry agreed, and then sat back up to wait for the class to start.