

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON AUTHOR:Fairywm VOLUME 1 : ONE-SHOTS VOLUME 2 ONWARDS each volume is a different story

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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213 Chs

Chapter 1: Deadpool Meet Harry

Deadpool was just hanging around on the London Underground, literally. He had hooked himself in a dark corner by the door of the compartment. It was his desire to cause chaos. If not for the Avengers, or the X-men, then for his own amusement.

It took a great feat of cunning to get the Time Stone and a Sling Ring when no one would notice. He was sure that Stephen Strange knew, but he seemed to find it funny. It was like the guy with no sense of humor needed a break, but he, himself, was unable to do anything to relieve the tension that was building up.

So, Deadpool walked in the London Sanctuary, in the dead of night, and took a Sling Ring and the Eye of Agamotto. Well, he was only borrowing it. While it was neat to run around time and all, he didn't want to kill his father on accident. That, of course led him to 1941, where he, umm, appropriated… yeah, sure, appropriated the Super Soldier Serum.

So here he was, the Eye hidden in one of his many belt pouches, and serum within reach, hanging out in 1991 London. He was watching all the passengers come and go from the train. He was looking for something specific. His eyes widened under his mask when he spotted one of the largest men he had ever seen, bigger than the Hulk. But this guy, with his scraggly beard and his booming voice, put the Hulk to shame.

He seemed like a nice guy, more Bruce Banners personality in the Hulk's body.

Next to the overly large man was a tiny boy. Just what Deadpool was looking for. Scraggly kid, clothes three sizes too big for him. Underweight by at least twenty-five pounds. Looks young for his age, given his grasp on the Queen's English. So, either the kid was a genius, or he was short. Maybe both.

But what caught Deadpool's attention was the taped together eyeglasses. That meant the kid wasn't cared for, the clothes could be passed off as fashion. No, those glasses were a sign that he was neglected at best. That and the way the boy's eyes darted around, like he was waiting for someone to come and ruin all his fun.

"Funny things, these muggles come up with," the giant man was saying as he looked around the compartment.

Deadpool had to wonder what was interesting to the large man. It all seemed normal to him.

"What's a muggle?" the tiny scrawny boy asked, wrinkling his nose at the word. It sounded like something his uncle would say. That wasn't a good thing.

"Non-magical," the giant failed to whisper. With a voice that boomed across the whole train at normal volume, the whisper made everyone within ten feet look at the man strangely.

"Oh," the kid said, still not liking the word.

This boy was what he, Deadpool, had hoped to find. He was scrawny, unkept, and looked like he needed something new in his life. Since Deadpool knew nothing about magicals, damn paranoid group that, he wondered what would happen if he chose this kid. Obviously, the kid didn't know anything about magic either. Hmmm, a wizard on the Serum, decisions, decisions.

Making up his mind, he decided to follow them.

The kid and the giant disappeared into a dark tavern. Since Deadpool wanted to see what was what, he wandered in. The people sitting around gave him some queer looks, but for the most part ignored the costumed man. It was like it was normal to wear a formfitting body suit, complete with mask.

He did hear someone mumble, "Things muggles wear these days."

"Huh," was all he said, then quickly followed the giant, when all the well-wishers stopped harassing the kid. Thanks to them, though, he now knew that the boy's name was Harry Potter. Hmm, might have to change that.

"What kind of Superhero goes by Harry?" he asked no one, looking to his right as if there were someone there.

Deadpool followed them into the magical alley, where he quickly snatched a robe off a passerby. Poor man didn't even know how it happened. One minute he was clothed the next in his undies. While Deadpool was up on the roof before he was caught. He stalked his prey to a large white marble building. He wondered if it was a place to rob but held that thought at the advice of his little yellow box.

The two came out about a half an hour later, to which Deadpool had robbed over twenty people of their gold, because why not. A bored Deadpool is a naughty Deadpool, just ask Wolverine.

All through the day, he followed the kid and giant. When the giant left the kid to get himself home, he decided it was time.

"Hey, kid," he said, when he dropped in front of the boy.

"Ahh," Harry said, looking at the red and black clothed, masked man wearing a robe of baby blue. "Um," was all he could say to what he was seeing.

"I've got an offer for you," Deadpool said, leading the kid to the train station.

"My teacher told me to never take candy from a stranger," Harry said, giving him the hairy eyeball. First magic, now some stranger is offering him something else. Could his birthday get any weirder?

"Good thing I'm not offering candy. Besides, the readers would kill me if I hurt you," the masked man said, handing over the money for a train ride to wherever.

"Where are we going? I have to get home soon, or the Dursleys will flip," the preteen said, tugging at the arm that the costumed man was holding. It was hard enough to drag his trunk onehanded, now his other arm was captured, making it harder.

"First off, I'll make sure you get home when we're done. Pinky promise. I'll even 'talk' to your family. Right now, though, I'm going to make you a hero," Deadpool said, dragging the not quite protesting child along.

"Like Captain America?" the boy asked eagerly.

"Just so," was the answer.

"Neat," Harry said, following along on his own accord. "Will I be able to beat up Uncle Vernon?" he asked, hope filling his eyes.

"Sure, why not. But, if you're going to be a hero, you can't go around bashing everyone who pisses you off. That's what anti-hero's do," Deadpool said proudly, puffing out his chest.

"You should take that robe off," Harry said, pointing at the light-colored robe. "It looks like you're trying to hide or something," he added when the man didn't stop.

"Nah, the author says it looks cute. Something about contrast," Deadpool said, waving the advice away.

"Um," was all Harry said, trying to figure out what the hell the man was talking about.

"Don't worry about it, kid," the red and black clothed man said getting up to get off the train.

"Is this our stop?" Harry asked as he grabbed his trunk and hurried after him.

"Um, yeah, sure, kid," Wade answered, leading the way out of the station, down the street then into an alley. He led the kid far back in the alley and watched in amusement as the kid pulled his wand. Like he knew any spells. Still, had to give the kid credit for effort.

"How are you going to make me a hero here?" Harry asked, for the first time afraid he made a mistake. He usually was a good judge of character. This guy didn't give off evil vibes, more mischievous.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you or anything. I've come from the future, and I wanted to give you a hand's up on your destiny," Deadpool said, going by what his yellow box was telling him. He didn't want to lie to the child, but hey, chaos.

"What's my destiny?" the wary kid asked, watching the man closely.

"Something about an evil git trying to kill you," the bi-colored clothed man said, finally shucking the baby blue robe. He didn't know if that was true, but it was the usual spiel, so he was going with it.

"American's don't say git," Harry said, lifting an eyebrow. That was something he heard once on the telly.

"Why not? It's an awesome word?" the affronted man asked, then reached into somewhere and pulled out a needle. He held it in front of him and said, "This is what's going to turn you into a hero, like Captain America."

"Really?" the awestruck boy asked, lowering his wand and moving forward to see the stuff that would let him beat up Uncle Vernon.

"Really and truly," Deadpool said, reaching forward and jabbing the needle in the kid's upper arm that was showing out of his far too big shirt.

Harry's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he dropped like a stone.

Deadpool looked at the fourth wall and said, "Well, that worked."

"Didn't it though," came a voice from behind him.

"What?" Wade yelled, flipping around, and seeing the Sorcerer Supreme looking at him from a portal.

"Strange, what are you doing here?" Deadpool asked with a bit of trepidation in his voice. Not that he was scared of Strange, but he could mess up his plans. Which right now were, to get back to his own time.

"Retrieving my stone," the man said as he summoned said stone to him. "And my ring," he added also taking the Sling Ring from the costumed man.

"But I need those," Deadpool said, jumping over to the portal to take them back. "Give them back, asshole. I stole them fair and square. You knew I was going to be doing some shit. So why fuck with me now?"

"I did know, and I knew this was how to continue it on. There were many possibilities, but you chose the hard one. As usual. So, no, you made this mess, you deal with it. Don't you know who that is?" Stephen Strange asked, pointing at the still unconscious boy.

"Some kid who needed help," Wade said, looking at Harry like he was a new bug. Interesting, with the potential to be deadly. "I gave it to him, so I'm done."

"No, you idiot, that is Harry Potter. He's a Prophecy Child, and you've gone and made him a Super Soldier. And since you don't have any vita-rays, you will have to walk him through how to use his strength," the Sorcerer Supreme pointed out, laughing at the look he was sure was on Wade's face. Not that he could see through the mask, but gobsmacked is what he was envisioning.

"But, but, but," the costumed anti-hero sputtered, looking still at the boy. Then he perked up, never one to be down for more than a minute. His chaos inducing mind going a mile a minute on how far he could take the kid. "What's he prophesized to do?" he asked, turning towards Stephen.

"Vanquish a Dark Lord. I believe the man's name is Voldemort, or his given name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. I know that young Harry already has vanquish him once, but the man lives on as a wraith. He will regain a body one day. You can help him fulfill the prophecy by training him," the other man said, still standing on the other side of the portal. He didn't trust Wade not to attack him. If there was one constant on Deadpool it was that he was unpredictable.

"Yeah, the kid is scared of his family too," Deadpool said, bending over to pick Harry up and flinging the boy over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. He then took the boy's trunk up in his other arm. Tucking it there, like it weighed nothing.

"Yes, they are some of the worse types of people. Well, have fun," Stephen said, closing the portal.

"Don't worry, I will," Deadpool said, patting the boy's legs and then jumping to the fire escape above him. He didn't know where he was going, but when he got there, he was going to have fun.