
HP: Bad Intentions

After transmigrating to the Harry Potter world and being reborn as Grindelwald and Dumbledore's flesh and blood, Blake had awakened the Emotional Treasure Chest System! Make someone's blood pressure soar and you'll get a treasure chest! So … Blake: "Review? You've just learned something, how can you forget it so quickly? " Hermione (deep breath): "Hermione, you have to calm down!" [Ding! Silver Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "What a handsome cat!" (Takes out a cat stick!) Professor McGonagall: "!!" [Ding! Gold Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "Professor Snape, do you want to eat hotpot together? It's delicious! " Snape: "That's my crucible! How dare you! I'll deduct 50 points from Hufflepuff! " [Ding! Diamond Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "Professor, my surname is Grindelwald." Dumbledore: "Hmm? What did you say your surname was? " [Ding! Supreme Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "Soupy, where's your nose?" Voldemort: "Avada …" … Blake: "I'm just a little badger who wants to become stronger. What bad intentions can I have?" (Hands up) ============ DISCLAIMER: This is a Translation of 霍格沃茨:小獾能有啥坏心思呢? If you like a Shameless Mc then this is for you

Max1mus · Movies
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170 Chs

Get Cured After A Beating, And Beating After The Cure?(2)

"Hiss … Why are these two so weak?"

"Two bronze treasure chests dropped from extreme panic?!"

Blake finally stood up.

He approached Malfoy step by step.

Because the scene just now was too horrifying.

It made Malfoy's liver and guts break.

How could he remember the little bit of jealousy in his heart just now?

It was too demonic!

If it weren't for the trace of blood on Blake's hand.

He would have thought that what happened just now was just an illusion!

So when he saw Blake approaching.

Malfoy also retreated step by step until he leaned against the door. There was no way out.

"Do you want to know why?"

Blake said softly after getting close to Malfoy.

"I … I …"

Malfoy nodded.

Then he quickly shook his head!

"You … Don't hurt me!"

"I … My father is the school director!"

"If you hurt me!"

"I promise you will be expelled!"

Blake smiled.


Is that so?

Then, what reason are you going to use to expel me? "

"Because I hit you?"

"But you don't have any injuries on your bodies …"

"You don't have any evidence to prove that I hit you."

Malfoy panicked.

"I … This …" Draco stuttered.

Blake gently raised his hand.

The trace of blood on the back of the handle was gently wiped on his collar.

"So … don't mess with me."

"Otherwise … I'll beat you up hard, heal you after I beat you up, and beat you again after I heal you …"

"I promise, I'll control my strength well."

"Under my Healing Spell, those external wounds of yours …."

"You won't even find a trace after that."

Malfoy was scared silly.

This person …

Was too scary!

He had seen what happened to Goyle and Crabbe just now.

Beat them up and then heal them?

Heal them and then beat them up?

It was too f * cking demonic!

And Blake seemed to be born with indifference.

A murderous expression …

The pressure was too great.


Malfoy finally couldn't withstand the pressure.

He ran out of the carriage like crazy.

Crabbe and Goyle were lying on the ground.

They also quickly followed Malfoy out of the carriage.

Blake waved his hand behind them.


You're welcome to come again next time. "

Then Blake closed the door.

When he turned around, he saw two different gazes.

"You … can you really heal them immediately after injuring them?"

Cassandra asked.

"Of course.

I haven't been idle at home these days.

You know, during the time I was at home waiting for school to start.

After all, he had studied the incantations for healing wounds.

In the future, he would raise large animals and all kinds of dangerous plants.

Injuries were unavoidable.

So healing spells were essential.

And the Great Druid's talent seemed to be a great bonus to healing spells.

Therefore, the speed at which he learned the Healing Spells was extremely fast.

From the beginning, he had to chant the spell "Heal as before."

Later on, he could cast spells without a spell or a staff.

And the effect was getting better and better.

He actually succeeded in just half a month!

This spell was actually used by him.

He did not rely on the System.

From Basic Mastery to Intermediate Mastery.

This was the first spell that he had mastered by himself.

Cassandra was speechless.

This guy had only practised incantations at home for less than a month.

To train the Healing Curse to such an extent …

Blake's healing effect.

None of them were as good as his incantations, alright?

And Cassandra's focus.

It was different.

Hermione was worried that Blake would be expelled.

"Did you hear that?

His father is a school board member! "

"What should we do?"

"You will be fired!"

Cassandra shook her head.

It was rare that she didn't have a poisonous tongue.


Malfoy might take revenge on others and expel them.

But he won't. "

What a joke!

She heard a piece of news from her father.

Dumbledore had adopted a boy.

Cassandra thought of Diagon Alley.

Dumbledore's concern for Blake.

Was there a need to guess who Dumbledore adopted?

So …

If Dumbledore was here.

And there was concrete evidence.

That proved that Blake hit someone.

It was not so easy for Lucius Malfoy to touch him.

What's more, Malfoy and the others had no evidence at all.

You said that Mind Extraction reads memories?


He was the best Master of Mind Extraction.

It was Dumbledore himself.

Would he expel Blake?

You must still be dreaming!

Hermione did not know this.

She was still worried.

Cassandra suddenly laughed.

Because she thought of another way to attack her enemy.

"Don't you know …"

"Dumbledore's relationship with him?"

"Didn't he tell you?"

Hermione looked at Blake with a dangerous gaze.

What do you mean?

That's right!

Even that girl knows about it.

Only I don't know?!

Only you didn't tell me?

I was so worried about you!

Stupid fool!


Anger detected. ]


Congratulations to the host for obtaining a silver treasure chest! ]

Blake glanced at Cassandra.

Ha, naughty.

But … do you think I can't do anything?

Blake looked at Cassandra with a surprised expression.

"You know?"

"But how did you know?"

"I don't remember telling you!"

"Now that you know."

"Then please keep it a secret."

"Although Professor Dumbledore has adopted me.

"But he intends to keep it a secret."

Hermione looked at Blake in shock.

"You … You were adopted by Professor Dumbledore?"

"When did this happen?"

She found that she was too loud.

She hurriedly covered her mouth.

"Not long after the hidden monster incident.

Blake replied.

She saw that her attack was defused with just a few words.

Cassandra glared at Blake fiercely.


One emotion of shock and one emotion of anger were detected. ]


Congratulations to the host for obtaining two silver treasure chests! ]

Blake sat down happily.

The two of them stayed together to get the treasure chests.

It was really efficient!

A blessing was just sent to the door.

In just half a day.

He got so many treasure chests!

How wonderful!

The train was still moving forward.

It was almost noon.

A middle-aged witch was pushing a cart full of snacks.

She knocked on Blake's carriage.

"Dear, do you need anything?"

"Of course!"

Blake's stock immediately ran out.

Although he also brought a lot of snacks.

But most of them were from the Muggle world.

Snacks from the Wizard World.

He didn't buy much last time.

This time, he couldn't give up this opportunity to taste it.

Blake was fond of delicious food, especially desserts.

He liked them very much.

Not long after, Blake bought fifteen silver cocoa and eight copper nats.

He came back with a lot of snacks.

What's more flavored beans.

Super bubblegum for bragging.

Chocolate frog …


Blake put the things on the table.

Then he happily opened a rock cake.

Hermione didn't eat many snacks from the Wizard World.

Therefore, she picked up a chocolate frog without hesitation.

Just as Cassandra picked up a piece of pumpkin pie reservedly.

Suddenly, there was a burst of crying outside.

And a burst of exclamations!


Trevor! "

"Run, Trevor!"



What a big spider! "

"But why did it become so big!"

"Lee Jordan!

Catch your spider! "

"I … Oh!

Damn it! "



You two bastards! "


Did he catch the poor toad? '

"Trevor is dead!"


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