
HP: Bad Intentions

After transmigrating to the Harry Potter world and being reborn as Grindelwald and Dumbledore's flesh and blood, Blake had awakened the Emotional Treasure Chest System! Make someone's blood pressure soar and you'll get a treasure chest! So … Blake: "Review? You've just learned something, how can you forget it so quickly? " Hermione (deep breath): "Hermione, you have to calm down!" [Ding! Silver Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "What a handsome cat!" (Takes out a cat stick!) Professor McGonagall: "!!" [Ding! Gold Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "Professor Snape, do you want to eat hotpot together? It's delicious! " Snape: "That's my crucible! How dare you! I'll deduct 50 points from Hufflepuff! " [Ding! Diamond Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "Professor, my surname is Grindelwald." Dumbledore: "Hmm? What did you say your surname was? " [Ding! Supreme Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "Soupy, where's your nose?" Voldemort: "Avada …" … Blake: "I'm just a little badger who wants to become stronger. What bad intentions can I have?" (Hands up) ============ DISCLAIMER: This is a Translation of 霍格沃茨:小獾能有啥坏心思呢? If you like a Shameless Mc then this is for you

Max1mus · Movies
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170 Chs

A Wand Smashed It Over! Sorting Ceremony!(2)

Uh, ahem.



If you need help in the future, just call me! "

Lee Jordan said his goodbyes and left.

Looking in his direction.

He should be looking for a fight with the Weasley twins.

"That … .Thank you!"

Neville hugged Trevor, who was still rolling his eyes because of the spider web.

He looked at Blake with tears of gratitude.

"You're welcome.

I'm Blake Green. "

"You … Hello, my name is Neville Longbottom.

"Let's meet again in the future"

Blake said and gently tapped Trevor's body.

Then Raffles' silk was immediately loosened.

Only now did Raffles croak.

Only then did Neville realize.

If Blake hadn't unravelled the spider web in time.

Just now, Trevor was almost strangled to death …

"Thank you!


"You're welcome!"

After Neville contributed two Silver Treasure Chests that were generated from Gratitude.

Blake turned around.

Under the amazed gazes of the crowd.

He carried the spider back to the carriage.

Hermione looked at the ferocious creature with disdain.

Blake actually dared to grab it like that?

What if he suddenly woke up?

Cassandra looked at the spider in fear.

"You … take it away!"


Are you afraid of spiders?

Hey, hey, hey …

"Do you want to have a look?"

"Go away!"

Blake was just trying to scare Cassandra.

He didn't go overboard.


He took a cake box.

Then he pulled out his wand and tapped it gently.

The cake box suddenly twisted and turned into a solid metal cage.

Blake threw the heavily unconscious spider into the cave.

It seemed that Fred or George's Swell Curse had failed.

The young Giant Eight-Eyed Spider that was the size of a basketball.

It shrank to the size of a teapot.

This was its original size.

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Who's that person called Hagrid?"

After the spider was put in the cage.

Hermione dared to take a closer look.

"Hagrid is a gamekeeper at Hogwarts."

"Believe me, he's seen a lot of this kind of animal."

"But …"

Hermione suddenly stared at Blake.

"Don't tell me you want to raise it yourself?!"

Blake chuckled.

Not to mention that he was extremely interested in these things.

Let's talk about the venom of the Giant Eight-Eyed Spider!

A pint of the Giant Eight-Eyed Spider's venom.

It was worth 100 gold coins!

The reason why the venom of the Giant Eight-Eyed Spider was so expensive.

It was because the Giant Eight-Eyed Spider was extremely ferocious.

Trying to get the venom from a living Giant Eight-Eyed Spider.

It was almost impossible!

Just think about Aragog's size and you'll know how difficult it was.


Blake was a Great Druid.

As long as he tamed this Giant Eight-Eyed Spider.

Then, naturally, he could get the venom alive!

Such a spider could be used as a battle pet.

A treasure that could lay golden eggs.

Do you want him to hand it over?

Blake expressed.

No way!


You're raising such a dangerous animal … If you're found out, you'll be fired! "

Hermione said nervously.

"Oh … It's okay, I'll hand it over to Hagrid.

Blake said.

"On magical animals.

He and I have the same aesthetic standards! "

"He'll agree to help me take care of it."

The most important thing was.

Give it to Hagrid to help him take care of it.

He didn't have to pay for the feed.

How wonderful!


Hermione was so scared that she fell on the sofa.

The Giant Eight-Eyed Spider in the cage had woken up.

Its eight eyes stared at Blake.

Its two thick chelicerae were frantically tearing the cage …

The cage that Blake transformed into.

Was it compatible?

Was easily torn apart?

"What should we do?!

Can your cage hold up? "

Hermione asked worriedly.

Cassandra, who was sitting far away, heard Hermione's words.

She was so scared that she shivered.

Then she quietly glanced over here.

"Don't worry."

Saying that.

Blake stretched out a palm.

He put it in the cage.

The eight-eyed giant spider immediately settled down.

A steady stream of Druid magic was passed through the cage by him.

It was poured into the body of the eight-eyed giant spider.


The eight-eyed giant spider's injuries were rapidly recovering.

And at the same time.

Its eight eyes.

Fierce and violent eyes.

It is becoming clear quickly....


This young eight-eyed giant spider was officially tamed by Blake.

At this moment.

This eight-eyed giant spider was completely obedient to Blake's orders.

Under the influence of the Archdruid template.

Blake could even observe the surrounding environment through its vision.

Originally, Blake wanted to let this eight-eyed giant spider out for a stroll.

But in the end, he gave up this tempting idea.

In case Hermione and Cassandra were scared.

That would be bad.

Blake took the eight-eyed giant spider that had quieted down.

He stuffed it into his suitcase.

After that, there weren't many things that happened.


Because of what Blake did just now.

Blake's other friends knew his location.

Senior Penelope came over to talk to Blake.

And curiously looked at the spider that Blake put away.

Hannah was pacing back and forth outside the carriage.

She was caught by Blake.

Obviously, she didn't dare to come in before.

After they all said goodbye and left.

Hermione said slowly.

"So they are friends you met in Diagon Alley."

"They are all girls?"


Yes! "

Blake exclaimed.

And there were exactly four hours.

One for each house!

"What right!

Get out!

We have to change our clothes! "

Cassandra kicked Blake out with a dark face.

"Five more minutes."

"The train is about to arrive at Hogwarts!"

"Please leave your luggage on the train."

"We will send it to school for you."

The loud voice echoed in the train.

The train finally slowed down.

Finally, it stopped.

Blake leaned on his suitcase.

He tapped it lightly with his wand.

Then, the patterns on the suitcase suddenly seemed to come to life.

It firmly locked the suitcase.


Apart from him, no one else could open his suitcase.

Blake left his suitcase on the train.

Then, he followed the crowd to the door.

He could feel Cassandra and Hermione behind him.

After he got out of the train.

Blake felt a chill.

As expected of England.

It was only in September.

He could already feel the cold.


Freshmen, come over here!

Harry, come over here!

Are you okay? "

Hagrid shouted in a loud voice.

"Look, that's Hagrid!

My friend. "

Blake said to Hermione.

It was the first time Hermione had seen such a …

Huge person …

She looked up at Hagrid.

She was shocked.



How have you been? "

"Very good!

When are we going to have a barbecue? "


I'll wait for you after class tomorrow! "

Blake made an appointment with Hagrid.

Harry actually wanted to say hello to Blake.

Unfortunately, there were too many people.

He was not as tall as Hagrid.

He could shout across so many people.


Come on, freshmen, come over here.

Be careful of your feet! "

Blake sat in the boat in high spirits.

Everyone was on the same boat as him.

Except for Hermione and Cassandra.

It was the shy Hannah.

"Which house do you want to be assigned to?"

Blake suddenly asked.


Of course, it's Slytherin! "

Cassandra said.

"Slytherin is elegant, witty, and ambitious …"

"I'm not going to Slytherin."

Hermione directly interrupted Cassandra.

"I've checked. Slytherin has a lot of … a lot of bad Magi are from Slytherin!"

"If it were me, I'd go to Gryffindor!"

"Professor Dumbledore is from Gryffindor!

Blake, don't you want to go? "

Cassandra said angrily, "Blake is so talented, he must go to Slytherin!"

"Go to Gryffindor!"

"Go to Slytherin!"

Blake ignored the two and turned to look at Hannah.

"What about you?


Which House do you want to go to? "

"I … My father is from Hufflepuff, so …"

"Oh …."

"What about you?

Which House do you want to go to? "Cassandra asked.


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