
12. School Award & Disruption of my day

A week later, at breakfast Dumbledore rose from his seat, and tapped his glass, the sound unnaturally traveled the entire hall, and all became silent. He looked out with a small smile.

"Good morning everyone, I have a small announcement. A week ago our very own Thomas Lamorak discovered an artifact once thought lost, ``The Once Lost, but not anymore, Ravenclaw's Diadem!".

Shock and awe was the reaction from the students and the noise rose in the hall with the chattering, and as Dumbledore revealed the Diadem sitting in a glass case, the raven shaped diadem with the ruby in the middle sparkling, the silver shining out, no one would mistake it for anything but Ravenclaw's Diadem, the noise rose even further, especially from Ravenclaws table, Flitwick was clapping wildly along with everyone else.

Eddie clapped my back congratulating me, and the other students around the table were looking at me with surprise. After the noise finally seemed to die down, Dumbledore once again spoke, "The ministry has authenticated the Diadem, and it will be displayed here at Hogwarts in its rightful place. As Thomas was the one to finally find it after its long absence, he will receive the Special Award for Services to the School" Cheering ensued and finally he sent us off to classes.

The days that followed were filled with questions in plenty mostly related to where I found it, but since I didn't want to disclose exactly where the ROR were and what it was, I told them of a hidden room where it was displayed, I told them that I found it exploring the castle but the room disappeared after I took the Diadem from it.

I made sure to write to dad about it, he was proud, I made sure to not mention the dangers, but I told him about the loss of Felix, he was saddende to hear it, I had written alot about him during the year, he suggested I could get another pet if I wanted, but I couldn't bring myself to get a new one, not right now, I didn't have Felix for long, but he was my first pet, in both lives, I couldn't just get a new one he was special to me.

My mood soured from time to time, thinking of what my actions brought someone close to me, Felix died because of my actions, because I misjudged the seriousness of a Horcrux! Thinking rationally about and not just as a thing that happened in a book, it makes sense that such a dark thing would affect anyone getting near it. It was designed to make someone want to wear almost no matter how powerful the person was. 

I vowed to be more careful, I wouldn't just jump into things, I had to become more responsible with my actions!

On the other side of things, Eddie was unapologetic about the fact that Felix had died, he only saw him as a rare cat. 

Eddie was more ecstatic about the fact that I had become famous in school, and basked in the perceived glory I got from the find of the diadem.

In one way he was somewhat sad about Felix, but mostly the fact that his friend had lost a pet, so he did what he could to cheer me up. So we spent a couple of nights exploring the castle together, that did get my mind of the whole thing.

But by the end of the week I had enough! Girls giggled at the sight of me, talking in hushed whispers to each other, my so called "famousness" was somehow attractive now, this had gone out of hand!

I wanted to study more magic's but being constantly hounded by every student in the castle interfered with it, and at some point telling the same story over and over and OVER again, gets really long winded!

Even Eddie was starting to get annoyed by the constant noise.

We tried hiding out in the common room or one of the abondoned classrooms but we were always found.

A couple of weeks passed like this, with even Mcgonagal having enough and yelling at some of the students, it finally took Snape to glower and sneer at enough students that it finally started to die down.

But just as it was dying down, and returning to normal, The Daily Prophet released an article.

They even included a picture of me studying in the library, I hadn't even known somebody had taken my picture! The article spoke about how I found the diadem, though it did embellish quite a bit! It spoke of quite an adventure I had taken, with ancient magics and perils, I mean who even wrote this!?! Oh right... Skeeter, makes sense!

Compared to the standard of my old life when it came to journalism, this was out there, no regards to following the truth, it only mattered that it sounded good and that it MAYBE touched a bit on the truth of it. I mean it did mention I found the diadem, so at least that part of it was true, but come on! I did not traverse through a blizzard nor did I have to battle a sphinx to the death to get past it! ridiculous!

This resulted in another week with me being bombarded with letters from all sorts of businesses or people, every day 10's of owls would fly in, dump their letters and packages in front of me, even some that wanted me to appear in advertisements with their products! The craziest were the regular people with all different kinds of requests. I mostly ignored them, threw out the requests and went on with my day.

This so called "hero" or "Adventurers" business was exhausting!

I just want to learn magics... Whats next? A battle with wolves! Ridiculous!

Shorter chapter this time, but after the last one it seemed fitting to be a more of a reaction to all that has happened.

I just want to make it clear, I do have a reason for my main characters being how they are.

And I hope I will be able to convey through my story how they came to be, so I hope you will be patient. I will do my best to tie it all together, but it will take time.

RackTagzcreators' thoughts