
How To Summon A Human

2,400 years ago a war raged on between the Human and Demon race with neither side ever gaining any ground on the other. The war ended with the sacrifice of the Demon King of Slaughter and the Extinction of the Human race. 2,400 years later Demon kind knew peace and prosperity, however tensions were high with the Demon Kings Throne empty since the Great War, Demon Territories similar to Human nations fought over who should claim the throne. In one of the Thirteen Territories, a young female Demon known as Ardere was in her first year at one of the most prestigious schools in the Demon realm. The Demon school Inferis was a school famous for the quality of Demons they produced by the end of their learning period. Arderes dream was to one day boost her family rank, however she was always a weaker Demon having little mana and weak magic. Ardere had worked hard to get into Inferis and would soon discover what it takes to surpass those who held the ranks above her. Everything was supposed to change when she Summoned her Magic Beast. A companion composed of the very Mana she was surrounded by who she would form a Pact with and would assist her in her time at school. Ardere had info from a reliable source that she was going to summon something great, but when it came her turn to call forth the mana to summon a Magic Beast instead by the end of the ritual a person laid in its place.

KJ1415 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The Alpha's Gambit Part 1

The Viridian forest, bathed in the gentle light of mid-morning, a serene scene of nature's beauty. The direfang wolves moved gracefully around their den, the dappling sunlight playing on their sleek fur. The tranquility, however, was shattered by an unexpected tempest.

Out of nowhere, a flurry of wind slashes and fireballs erupted, cutting through the morning air with a precision that belied the chaos it unleashed. The Direfangs, caught off guard, yelped in surprise as the magical onslaught hit them. Two adolescents crumpled under the assault, their forms flickering briefly before disappearing into the underbrush.

The morning air now echoed with the startled howls of the wolves. One adult female, ensnared in the chaotic storm, yelped in pain as fiery tongues licked at her fur, leaving nothing but scorched flesh and an unrecognizable corpse. The once serene clearing crackled with energy, they magical onslaught turning it into a battlefield.

At the edge of the clearing, concealed by the shadows, the earthbound warriors stood as architects of the ambush. Melodi, he hair dancing in the morning light, conjured slashing winds that cut through the wolves with precision. Ardere, unleashed a relentless barrage of fiery orbs that danced with an almost sentient grace.

Admits the chaos, the Alpha Direfang, it's fur standing in end, howled with a resonance that seemed to reverberate through the very trees. The symbol on its head glowed with an ethereal light, rallying it's pack to face this unexpected morning assault.

The Earthbound warriors pressed on, each spell calculated to disrupt the wolve's coordinated defense. The adolescent wolves, disoriented and panicking, fanned out around their kin, forming a defensive ring to shield the pack.

The barrage of spells ceased as abruptly as it had begun, leaving the clearing in an eerie silence. The Earthbound Warriors, their forms barely visible in the shadows of the forest, charged forward. The wolves, sensing the intrusion, closed in around the group, their fur bristling with a mix of aggression and wariness.

As the Earthbound warriors reached the center of the wolves' makeshift circle, a sudden hush fell over the forest. The alpha Direfang, perched on a rocky outcrop, eyes glowing with a fierce intelligence, prepared to pounce. The Earthbound Warriors stood their ground, surrounded by a ring of fur and fang.

In the midst of the tension, the alpha leaped down with a primal grace, landing on the forest floor with a thunderous thud. The other wolves, emboldened by their leader's descent, closed in tighter, encircling the Earthbound Warriors. The air crackled with an unspoken challenge

The alpha, a living embodiment of the predatory might, fixed it's gaze in the intruders with gleaming eyes. A scene of nature's raw power unfolded, frozen in the heart of the Viridian Forest. Then, with a fierce howl, the alpha signaled the impending assault. The wolves, guided by the ethereal glow on the alpha's head, lunged forward as a coordinated force.

The battlefield erupted into chaos as the Direfang wolves charged, their fur bristling with fury. Emberlash, Sandra's formidable companion, positioned itself at the back with Melodi. Their combined efforts creating a protective barrier that kept the two adolescent wolves at bay.

Meanwhile, Ardere strategized,.observing the alpha's movements, with a keen eye. The massive alpha, accompanied by an adult female and an adolescent, lunged forward with a ferocity that sent shivers through the air. The clash was imminent.

Sandra, resolute in her position, stepped forward to confront the charging adult Direfang. With staff in hand, she met the wolf head-on. The wolf lunged, jaws snapping shut with a force that seemed almost supernatural. The bite, a display of primal power, sought to pierce through Sandr's defense.

The impact was formidable; the wolf's jaws clamped onto Sandra's staff with a crushing force. The stone grinded against the powerful fangs, and for a moment, it seemed as if the wolf's sheer strength would overwhelm her. However, Sandra stood her ground, her determination shining through.

In an impressive display of strength, she managed to push the adult Direfang back, the staff holding firm against the relentless assault. The wolf, momentarily thwarted, recoiled, it's imposing figure staggering backward. The staff, though strained, had proven itself a stalwart guardian.

Seizing the opportunity created by Sandra's resilience, Ardere acted swiftly. Focusing her mana, she condensed a blazing fireball that hurtled towards the adolescent wolf. The explosion sent a shockwave through the air, knocking the young Direfang away. The creature landed on the ground, it's body unmoving.

In the rear of the assault, Emberlash, fueled by primal instinct, pounced upon the adolescent Direfang with a ferocious intensity. Fangs and claws tore into the creature's thick hide, a whirlwind of fur and fury in a relentless display of the magical beast's power.

Simultaneously, Melodi, bolstered by Luna's ability, unleashed a barrage of wind slashes at the other adolescent wolf. Each spell cut through the air with a deadly precision, slicing into the wolf's fur and drawing spurts of blood. However, the creature, driven by it's innate resilience and agility, evaded the fatal blows, moving with a deceptive grace that made it challenging to land a decisive strike.

Melodi, her hands deftly manipulating the currents of wind around her, focused her mana to conjure a concentrated ball of air. As she unleashed the spell, the wolf attempted to evade, however it struggled to do so, Luna had already hit it with his strands of hair. The attack was impending, opting to lessen the blow, the wolf braced itself.

The spell had hit the creature with relentless force, sending it tumbling backwards.

In the aftermath, as the dust settled, the Direfang wolf lay sprawled on the ground, a mangled limb clearly indicating the impact. Hindered by Luna's effect, the wolf attempted to rise, but it's movements were feeble and uncoordinated.

Melody, seizing the opportunity, launched into a swift series of wind slashes. The slashes cut through the air, each one finding it's mark on the vulnerable wolf. The creature whimpered in pain as the slashes penetrated it's thick hide, unable to mount any defense against the relentless barrage.

The wind-infused assault continued until the Direfang wolf lay still, defeated and motionless. The wounds it accumulated had taken their toll, leaving the once formidable adversary dead.

Kenji watched from the fringes, a silent observer amid the chaotic ballet of elements and fur. His eyes, usually aloof, bore a focused intensity as the Earthbound warriors clashed with the Direfang wolves. Each move, every spell, carried a weight he felt keenly.

The battle unfolded with a wild energy, a dance between survival and dominance. Kenji's thoughts swirled like the dust kicked up by their movements. The forest, witness to the ongoing battle.

Kenji's eyes flickered toward the dense foliage to his side, catching a glimpse of something that piqued his interest. Without uttering a word, he turned his gaze away from the ongoing battle, his steps taking him deeper into the forest. Before completely immersing himself in the shadows of the trees, he stole a final glance back at the fray, ensuring that his presence wasn't immediately required. The sounds of struggle and the magical clashes lingered briefly before being swallowed by the murmurs of the forest. In silence, Kenji ventured into the unknown, guided by a curiosity that seemed to draw him forward.

Kenji advanced deeper into the forest, each step a deliberate movement into the shadows. As the sounds of the ongoing battle faded, he found a secluded spot, a small clearing where the dappled sunlight barely reached the forest floor. Kneeling down, he muttered under his breath, "No fucking way." His attention focused on a cluster of inconspicuous flora, hands skillfully gathering something essential to him but concealed within the ordinary guise of the forest's underbrush.


The shadowy figure had been a silent spectator from the very beginning of the skirmish. Eyes, hidden behind the nebulous cloak, followed the flow of battle as it unfolded. A witness to every gust of wind, every clash of elements, and the dance of warriors against the primal backdrop of the Viridian Forest.

As the battle reached it's zenith, the figure's attention shifted, noticing Kenji's departure from the scene. A subtle nod acknowledged the Earthbound Warrior's retreat, and with a mysterious purpose, the enigmatic observer trailed Kenji's steps into the depths of the woods. "What mysteries call to you, young man?" The figure mused, their presence a whisper in he symphony of the forest.

The figure, shrouded in the shadows of the ancient trees, traced Kenji's path. A keen observer, they noted Kenji's pause, a subtle kneel amidst the underbrush. Whatever Kenji was collecting remained veiled from the figures line of sight, lending an air of intrigue to the unfolding scene.

Observing from the periphery, the figure pondered the recklessness of Kenji's solitary venture. The dangers that lurked in the untamed heart of the foest were many, and the Earthbound Warrior seemed oblivious to the perils of isolation.

"Reckless, venturing into the depths alone, aren't we?" The figure said, a sly smirk curving it's lips.

The figure, decided on a bold course of action. Drawing upon an otherworldly ability cultivated through the solitude of the ancient woods, they attempted to pass through Kenji's form. A spectral maneuver that, when executed on Demons, usually sent shivers and goosebumps through their body. A gesture the figure employed countless times for his own amusement in the desolation of the forest.

For any normal being this would be impossible by any means, but for this ancient spectre it was not. This shadowy figure was no intruder upon the Viridian forest, as a matter of fact, he had called this place home for centuries, or as he would put it, his resting place.

For centuries he remained a phantom, a shade, a ghost, in the quite literal sense. He had died in this forest several lifetimes ago, betrayed by those he thought he could trust and left imprisoned by the forest.

His name was Aldric.

As Aldric ventured into Kenji's being, a profound disturbance rippled through the very fabric of existence. It was as if the two entities, one corporeal and the other spectral, merged into and unsettling unity. The consequence was immediate and unexpected.

Kenji, oblivious to the supernatural intrusion, suddenly wavered and collapsed to the forest floor.


The battlefield was a maelstrom of magic and fury. Ardere and Sandra, standing firm against he alpha, found themselves at the heart of the storm. The alpha, it's eyes ablaze with dominance, lunged at Sandra with a calculated ferocity.

Sandra, holding her stone staff in a defensitstance, braces herself for the impact. The alpha's jaws clamped down on the staff, and for a fleeting moment, a tense standoff ensued. The sheer power of the alpha, proved overwhelming. With a savage force, the alpha shattered the staff, sending stone shards scattering.

The alpha, unyiedling, launched into another attack. Sandra, quick on her feet, raised her armored arm in a desperate bid for defense. The alpha, int fangs bared, clamped onto Sandra's forearm, the force of the bite crushing the rock armor she wore.

Sandra gritted her teeth, feeling the intense pressure on her arm. The rock armor held, preventing the alpha's fangs from breaking through, but the strain was palpable. A sharp, shooting pain emanated from her fractured arm. The battle has exacted a roll, and Sandra, despite her resilience, could not escape the brutal reality of the alpha's strength.

Undeterred, Ardere seized the opportunity and unleashed a fiery attack on the alpha. Flames erupted from her hands, forming a scorching wave that crashed into the massive wolf. The alpha, however, proved it's resilience, muscles rippling as it stood strong against the fiery onslaught. The flames danced across its fur, leaving it singed but unyielding.

With a quick recovery the Adult Direfang regained it's posture, turning its attention to the vulnrabke Sandra it launched another assault, but before it could reach Sandra, Emberlash, having dispatched the adolescent, intervened. The magical beast yelped as the Vishup dug it's claws into its fur.

Ardere, desperate to get the alpha off of Sandra sent spell after spell, but the alpha hung strong. Teeth secure, nails, digging into the armor at her abdomen, taking chucks of stone off with each claw.

Suddenly Ardere felt a surge in power, she didn't waste any time and began condesing the mana in her hands, the flames glowed white hot and the power could be felt.

"Protect your face!!" Ardere shouted, Sandra nodded in response.

Ardere sent her spell spiralling at the wolf, but Ardere wasn't aiming to hit the mighty alpha. She hit the ground at its feet, the ground exploded, a burst of intense heat and light illuminating the immediate area. The concussive force struck both the alpha and Sandra, sending shockwaves through the air.

The alpha bore the burnt of the explosive assault, however, Sandra was not without her injuries either. Sandras armor showed signs of stress, hairline fractures spreading across its surface like spiderwebs.

The force of the blast slammed into the alphas massive frame, causing it to stagger back with a gutteral growl. The fur on its flank was singed, and a few patches of skin were charred.

In the midst of the battle, Emberlash, the formidable Vishup. Launched a daring attack from the rear, aiming to catch the alpha Direfang off guard. With a burst of agility, Emberlash punched, claws unsheathed, aiming to take the alpha's hindquarters.

However, the alpha, displaying a surprising level of intelligence, sensed the impending assault. With a swift turn, it intercepted Emberlash mid-leap, clamping it's powerful jaws around the Vishup's forearm. A low growl emanated from the alpha as it effortlessly hoisted Emberlash into the air.

The Vishup struggled against the alpha's grip, it's eyes reflecting pain. With a powerful swing of its head, the alpha flung Emberlash in the direction of the group. The Vishuo soared through the air, landing with a thud amidst the Earthbound Warriors.

As Emberlash picked itself up from the ground, nursing the bitten arm, the alpha turned it's attention back to the remaining threats, it's dual-colored eyes gleaming with a fierce intelligence that set it apart from its kin.

The Earthbound warriors, now rallied up, and the intelligent and powerful Direfang alpha now stood face to face.


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my upload schedule is still very shaky, but I plan to have at least one to two chapters a week from now on. (You might even get three if I'm feeling saucy.) Anyways make sure to check back and see if the story continues.

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