
How To Summon A Human

2,400 years ago a war raged on between the Human and Demon race with neither side ever gaining any ground on the other. The war ended with the sacrifice of the Demon King of Slaughter and the Extinction of the Human race. 2,400 years later Demon kind knew peace and prosperity, however tensions were high with the Demon Kings Throne empty since the Great War, Demon Territories similar to Human nations fought over who should claim the throne. In one of the Thirteen Territories, a young female Demon known as Ardere was in her first year at one of the most prestigious schools in the Demon realm. The Demon school Inferis was a school famous for the quality of Demons they produced by the end of their learning period. Arderes dream was to one day boost her family rank, however she was always a weaker Demon having little mana and weak magic. Ardere had worked hard to get into Inferis and would soon discover what it takes to surpass those who held the ranks above her. Everything was supposed to change when she Summoned her Magic Beast. A companion composed of the very Mana she was surrounded by who she would form a Pact with and would assist her in her time at school. Ardere had info from a reliable source that she was going to summon something great, but when it came her turn to call forth the mana to summon a Magic Beast instead by the end of the ritual a person laid in its place.

KJ1415 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Lead the Hunt

The Earthbound Warriors were on the move again, their path now more clear than before. They followed the blood trail left behind by an injured Razorclaw in hopes that it would lead them closer to their original targets.

The trail would have been difficult to follow if it weren't for the massive paw prints the Direfangs left behind while tracking their meal, not knowing the group would be there to clash with them at the end.

Ardere followed Kenji and the rest of the group through the dense foliage of the viridian forest, her head still filled with the victory she obtained while fighting the direfang adolescent.

Though it was weaker than the adult and much weaker than the alpha that they had yet to face, it was still a victory she held close to herself.

Normally she would have been stuck with a team who would have expected her to handle her own problems, if it weren't for Sandra and Melodi, Ardere wouldnt have gotten out of that fight unscathed and if it wasn't for Kenjis training, Ardere would have been just as drained of mana as Sandra was.

Thinking back to when Sandra had finished off her wolf, she was drained of her mana nearly completely.

"Hey Sandra, why were you so exhausted back there with the direfang, normally your stamina is only second to Kenjis."

Sandra turned her head to Ardere and patted Emberlash on his back before speaking.

"Normally I fight close quarters to save my mana, earth magic is not nearly as draining as fire magic, but since the stone spikes I summoned were heavier it was harder to hit the wolf since it was slower."

"Once I realized I couldn't hit it with the spikes I had to improvise, so i forced it to dodge my attack and then before it could move again I created some spikes from the ground, In the end that's what drained me so much."

Ardere had seen Sandra spikes, moments before they crumbled and fell, the attack was devastating. Ardere couldn't imagine having to fight against someone with the kind of defense and firepower Sandra had, not including her magic summon,Emberlash.

"You need to work on your aim. You could have easily taken care of that wolf without exhausting yourself if you had been aiming where the direfang was going to be instead of where it was." Kenji chimed in

Sandra, walking alongside her Vishup had changed her attention to Kenji.

"How am I supposed to know where they will be? I don't have future foresight."

"You don't need to see the future to lead your shots or back you're target into a corner where they won't have the chance to dodge."

Sandra laughed

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"You already did when you made swiss cheese out of that overgrown mutt. It's not hard, it's just easy to forget about when your life is on the line."

Sandra went silent

The walk continued for a long time, soon the sun began to set.

As soon as the group started having trouble placing their footing, Kenji called for them to set up camp.

The girls all began collecting dry wood and lit a fire while Kenji dug a pit for them all to lay in close to the fire.

Once the fire was set up Kenji went about collecting large leaves and as much moss as he could.

"Sandra, I need you to make a small earth wall, one that curves. It will need to be a meter tall and be a meter away from the fire."

Sandra did as Kenji asked and the earth moved in an unatural way.

Once it was finished Kenji played a thick layer of moss over the ground and then layered the large dry leaves over the top of the wet moss.

"This will be your bed for tonight, stay close to each other and you'll stay warm."

Ardere and the other girls sat on the makeshift bedding Kenji had made. To their surprise it was quite comfy.

"What about you?" Melodi asked.

Kenji sat on a rock he had moved close to the fire as he grabbed a piece of dry wood and began shaving pieces off with a knife.

"I'll be taking the first watch, you three will sleep for four hours and whoever is most up to the task will take the next four hours."

"The girls didn't argue with Kenji, they were all quite exhausted after the many hours they spent hiking and the time they spent fighting."

Melodi slept in her sleeping bag, Sandra layed close to Melodi and Emberlash laid his head and a single paw on top of her purring, Ardere layed on the other side of Melodi using her cloak as a blanket.

At first Ardere was concerned about having to sleep in the forest. She thought sleep wouldnt come as easy, but with the fire pouring heat into the shelter they made and her cloak wrapped around her she soon drifted off to sleep.


The moon cast a silver glow over the sleeping camo of the Earthbound warriors. Admist the rustling leaves and the distant sounds of the forest, Kenji sat on a rock, his eyes vigilant and watchful. A small fire crackled nearby, it's warmth creating a flickering dance of shadows on the trees.

Unseen by the Earthbound warriors, a shadowy figure observed from the fringes of the camp. It's form, barely discernable, blended with the night. As the figure gazed upon the group, it's eyes lingered in Kenji. The young man sat in silence, his attention focused on a piece of wood cradled in his hands.

Kenji's fingers moved with purpose, carving intricate patterns into the wood. The soft scraping sound harmonized with the night, a delicate melody in the otherwise quiet forest. Curious and intrigued, the figure couldn't help but marvel at the craftsmanship u folding before him.

In the dim light, the wooden creation began to take shape. The carvings spoke a silent language, telling a tale only understood by the hands that shaped them. The observer in the shadows, recognized the skill and intent in every stroke of the blade.

The scene carried an air of tranquility, a stark contrast to the challenges the Earth kind Warriors faced. Despite the dangers lurking in the shadows of the Viridian forest, here, in this quiet moment, artistry emerged. The wood yielded beneath Kenji's touch, surrendering it's secrets to the hands of a craftsman.

The figure, though a distant echo from a bygone era, found a peculiar comfort in this display of creativity admits the stillness of the night. The dancing flames reflected in Kenji's eyes, revealing a hint of determination and perhaps a touch of solitude.

As the night wore on, Kenji's carving neares completion. The masterpiece, a testimony to the patience and skill, now sat in his hands. Having observed the entire process, the figure lingered a moment longer before fading back into the shadows, leaving the Earth kind Warriors to their rest.


The night draped the forest in a serene stillness as Kenji stirred awake. The embers if the dying fire cast a faint glow on the makeshift camp. He rose from his seat and waltzed over to his team.

Gently nudging the sleeping figures, Kenji murmured, "Time for a shift change. Who's taking watch?"

Melodi, rubbing her eyes, peered into the darkness. "I'll take this one. You get some rest, Kenji."

Kenji nodded, acknowledging her willingness to keep watch. He retreated to the other side of the fire, away from the girls, the rustle of leaves beneath him as he arranged a bed from moss and leaves. Exhaustion crept over him like a shadow, and soon, he succumbed to a much-needed rest.

As Melodi settled into her watch, she realized the challenge of staying awake in the quietude of the night. To combat drowsiness, she reached int her bag and pulled out a small, ornate puzzle box. The intricate wooden pieces demanded her attention, a puzzle both challenging and engaging.

Hours passed in the hushed forest, Melodi engrossed in the puzzle. The soft clinks of the shifts of the wooden pieces filled the air, a counterpart to the rhythmic sounds of the night. The puzzle became a silent companion, keeping her mind sharp and alert.

As dawn approached in the hushed forest, Melodi gently nudged Sandra, who took over the watch. The forest gradually emerged from the darkness, unveiling it's colors in the early light. The Earthbound Warriors, one by one, roused form their sleep. Kenji, refreshed from his brief reprieve, joined the group as they shared the last of the Razorclaw meat.

With the rising sun, the group soon dismantled the temporary camp they sent up. The stone wall crumbled, the moss and leaves were spread out and the fire, it's embers still glowing in the early morning light was kicked out.

Leaving their resting grounds, the group continued on, following the trail left front he day prior. Soon stumbling apon the remnants of the Razorclaws burrow. The ground disturbed and torn apart, signs of the direfangs visitation.

Kenji knelt down beside the disturbed earth, examining the signs left by the direfang wolves.

"The wolves found the burrow here." Kenji mused, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "They dug up the burrow, forcing the family to defend their territory, but once the massacre stared, some managed to escape."

Looking closer Kenji noticed several tracks of both Razorclaws and Direfangs from several directions.

"There was more than the three we found that got hunted down."

Ardere scanned the scene, the many holes and disturbed earth, the dried blood that marked the dirt. She could piece together that the Direfangs were here, but not how to track them from here.

"So, what's our next move? Theres too many paths that could lead nowhere to choose at random and splitting up isn't a good idea." Sandra said.

"It's simple," Kenji stood and began walking towards a set of tracks. "We follow these ones."

The girls all looked at each other, Ardere had trusted Kenjis judgement so far, but something inside of her urged her to ask why.

"How do you know those are the right tracks?"

"These are the only tracks that aren't mixed with the Razorclaws." He said blatantly

Venturing further into the forest, terrain became more challenging. fallen branches and uneven ground made progress slower. The Direfangs tracks meandered through the foliage, indicating the wolves' constant traffic.

The dense canopy above seemed to muffle the sounds of the forest, creating a world of hushed whispers and rustling leaves. The Earthbound Warriors moved silently through the underbrush, their senses attuned to the subtlest shifts in the environment. Suddenly, a haunting chorus of howls echoed through three trees, freezing them in their tracks.

The howls were distinct-powerfule, resonant, and tinged with an undeniable authority. The Direfang Wolves were communicating, their calls reverberating through the forest like a primal proclamation.

Kenji's eyes narrowed as he registered the significance of the howls. Without a word, he gestured for the group to stay put and moved ahead, his movements fluid and soundless. His steps were guided by a heightened awareness, a connection to the natural world that went beyond the ordinary.

As Kenji ventured deeper into the forest, the howls grew louder, guiding him like a spectral trail. He moved with a mix of caution and purpose, weaving through the trees until he reached a vantage point. Peering through the foliage, he witnessed a scene that hunted at the wolves' hierchay and strength.

There, in the small clearing, stood two adult Durefang wolves, their fur mottled with earthy hues. Five adolescents playfully circled around the, their energy evident in their swift movements and occasional yips. At the center of it all, regal and imposing was the alpha—a massive wolf with fur that bore scars of battles fought and on, and on its head it bore an intricate symbol, like a crown atop a king.

Heading back, Kenji explained what he saw. Ardere, Melodi, and Sandra exchanged glances, absorbing the weight of Kenji's words. The Direfang wolves were a force of nature, and confronting them required strategy and unity.

"I'll be watching from the sidelines," Kenji continued, his gaze focused on the group. "This is your fight. I'll step in if things get dire, but I want to see how you handle it

Learn from the experience."

The air became charged with a sense of anticipation. The Earthbound warriors knew that the upcoming encounter would test not only their combat progress, but also their ability to adapt to the unpredictable nature of the Direfang pack. Kenji's decision to stay on the sidelines added an additional layer of complexity.

"One more thing," Kenji turned towards Ardere. "You will be taking charge of this assault. Remember everything I taught you and command you're group, not only as the leader, but also as a trusted companion. Keep them safe and they will.do the same for you.

Kenjis words surprised Ardere, though she was technically the leader of their group, she was not expecting this kind of encouragement from Kenji.

Ardere's gaze shifted from the dense foliage ahead to the faces of her companions, their expressions a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

Kenji's words echoed in her mind — the daunting task of formulating a strategy to confront the Direfang wolves. Her eyes lingered on Melodi, Sandra, and the Vishup, each a vital piece in this unpredictable puzzle. The weight of leadership settled on Ardere's shoulders, and, without a word, she turned to face her team.

Ardere's features hardened with determination, a flame kindling in her eyes. In that moment, the challenges of the Viridian Forest seemed to fade into the background. She knew the risks, the stakes, and the responsibility that came with leading her team into the impending battle.

She cast a final glance at her team, meeting the eyes of each member of the Earthbound warriors. Melodi's quiet strength, Sandra's unwavering resolve, and the enigmatic presence of the vishuo — they were her allies, her companions in this perilous journey. Ardere's lips curved into a subtle, confident smile.

Accepting the challenge that lay ahead, she stepped forward, ready to address her team. "Listen up," Ardere began, her voice steady and commanding. "Here's the plan."


Remember to leave a like and comment, I always like to hear your thoughts on what you're thinking about the story so far.

WOW!!! ANOTHER CHAPTER!!!! to ease your minds let me just say, no I haven't been replaced by an evil twin who happens to have be better at uploading consistently. I just really wanted to get back into writing, it's a huge hobby of mine and I have been wanting to make time for it. So enjoy the new chapter and have a good year.

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