
How To Summon A Human

2,400 years ago a war raged on between the Human and Demon race with neither side ever gaining any ground on the other. The war ended with the sacrifice of the Demon King of Slaughter and the Extinction of the Human race. 2,400 years later Demon kind knew peace and prosperity, however tensions were high with the Demon Kings Throne empty since the Great War, Demon Territories similar to Human nations fought over who should claim the throne. In one of the Thirteen Territories, a young female Demon known as Ardere was in her first year at one of the most prestigious schools in the Demon realm. The Demon school Inferis was a school famous for the quality of Demons they produced by the end of their learning period. Arderes dream was to one day boost her family rank, however she was always a weaker Demon having little mana and weak magic. Ardere had worked hard to get into Inferis and would soon discover what it takes to surpass those who held the ranks above her. Everything was supposed to change when she Summoned her Magic Beast. A companion composed of the very Mana she was surrounded by who she would form a Pact with and would assist her in her time at school. Ardere had info from a reliable source that she was going to summon something great, but when it came her turn to call forth the mana to summon a Magic Beast instead by the end of the ritual a person laid in its place.

KJ1415 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Shadows in the wilderness

As the day dawned, the anticipation in the air was palpable. The students of the Beast class began to gather in a spacious room, their eyes filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The room was adorned with intricate magical circles embedded into the floor, each one pulsating with arcane energy.

Ardere, Melodi, Sandra, and Kenji stood together, forming a tight-knit group within the bustling crowd. They exchanged glances, silently reassuring one another of their unity. The air hummed with whispers as everyone eagerly awaited the commencement of the teleportation process.

Alice black, the instructor, stood at the center of the room, her voice commanding attention.

"Gather close, students! it is time to transport you to the hunting grounds. We will be taking this assessment in the Viridian Forest. Her words resonated with authority.

The students moved to stand on the designated magical circle, though some seemed a bit hesitant at first, but soon followed.The "Earthbound warriors" as they had decided to call themselves, moved to a magic circle of their own.

"Teleportation magic is usually prepped well in advance for such a large group, but it requires the ability to sense the mana of those on it or else it would transport the ground along with it, otherwise for transporting material it will need to be tuned to non living things. I suggest you hold on to one of us if you don't want to be left behind, Kenji." Ardere said, Kenji subtly nodded at Ardere as he placed a hand atop Melodi's shoulder. Her body twitched in surprise for a moment before she caught her bearings.

As the students settled into place, the magical circles beneath them began to glow, their vibrant hues intertwining in a mesmerizing dance. Alice chanted incantations, channeling her magic to activate the teleportation spell. The room was momentarily engulfed in a blinding light, and in an instant, the students vanished from the classroom.

They reappeared in a dense forest, the ambient sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves filling the air.

As the group landed in the Viridian forest, their feet sinking into the soft earth, they took a moment to gather their bearings. They stood amidst towering trees, their branches reaching towards the sky like ancient sentinels guarding the secrets of the forest. Alice, standing before her students in the heart of the clearing they landed in, commanded their attention.

"Alright, everyone, it's time to set up camp. Each team has been. provided with the necessary materials to establish a secure base for the duration of the hunt." The students, with a sense of excitement and anticipation, dispersed to their designated areas, unpacking the supplies given to them. Tent poles were assembled, canvas sheets were stretched, and sturdy ropes were tied, creating a network of shelters that would serve as their homes in the wilderness.

Alice moved among the groups, offering guidance and assistance where needed. She ensured that each camp was strategically positioned to provide both safety and accessibility. The sound of hammering, rustling fabric, and cooperative teamwork filled the air as the students worked together to bring their camp to life.

Once the camps were set up, Alice called the attention of her students once more.

"Remember, we have designated meal times where food will be provided. However, if you miss these times, it will be your responsibility to procure your own food. This is part of the challenge and an opportunity for you to showcase your survival skills. Make sure to plan accordingly and ensure your team's sustenance during the hunt."

Soon after all the groups began gathering their equipment and heading off into the forest to search for their targets, all except Kenji's group.

"Shouldn't we get going soon too?" Ardere said. "We have three days to find a pack of wolves, it won't be easy to track them down and we won't have time to come back to camp to eat. I'm making sure we have everything we need to sleep in the forest and keep ourselves well fed."

Ardere's reaction to Kenji's announcement about sleeping in the forest was met with clear discomfort and a deep furrow in her brow. the mere thought of spending the night in the heart of the wilderness filled her with a sense of unease and reluctance.

She crossed her arms tightly over her chest, her voice tinged with apprehension. "Sleeping in the forest? really? I understand the need to track our target, but the idea of spending nights out there, vulnerable and exposed is far from appealing. it's going to be cold, uncomfortable, and fraught with dangers."

"Calm down princess, we didn't come here expecting a five star hotel." Kenji said with sarcasm in his voice.

"we each will take shifts sleeping and protecting our resting grounds and a makeshift camp will keep us warm while we do so."

"I'm still quite skeptical, how about food and..." Ardere went silent for a moment as her face turned red, unable to mention where she would find the privacy to use the restroom.

Kenji raised an eyebrow, and as if he had read her mind he spoke.

"We were told we can hunt for our own food and as for your other concern, there's plenty of trees around, just make sure you dig a hole and cover it up."

Suddenly all the girls went red and recoiled a bit. soon enough the group left the camp grounds and wandered into the Viridian Forest. For a long time the girls had assumed Kenji was wandering aimlessly as he just picked a direction and kept going. They pushed their way through the brush, over rocky terrain and through a brisk river.

Hours had passed and though they had lots of stamina they were beginning to become physically exhausted."Kenji I know you're not tired, but the rest of us are exhausted. We need to rest and have some food." Sandra said. Kenji looked up at the cover of trees above him, the light was still strong and it had become quite warm from when they first started.

"We still have plenty of time before nightfall, everyone sit and rest, I'll be back."

The girls collapsed to the floor as Kenji rushed off into the trees and disappeared through the brush. Opening their water pouches, the girls began drinking in unison. while the Vishup sat nearby and began to groom itself, each deliberate pass of the Vishup's tongue over its rock-like armor plates elicits a gentle scraping sound.

The textured surface of the armor meeting the creature's raspy tongue, produces a rhythmic and repetitive grinding that echoes through the air.

As Ardere sunk into the first floor she could immediately feel the earth's embrace beneath her. The ground cushioned by layers of fallen leaves and soft moss, conforming to her body's contour, offering her a natural comfort that soothed her muscles and eased her tension as the cool ground covered her like a thin blanket, giving her relief from the humid air that had been making the air heavy.

"How do we know we are going in the right direction?" Ardere suddenly said.

Arderes question hung in the air for a moment, prompting a thoughtful expression from Melodi.

Melodi leaned against a nearby tree, her blue eyes scanning the forest around them. "You know, I was wondering the same thing," she admits, her voice carrying a touch of curiosity. "I mean, we don't have any special tacking skills like Kenji does."

Ardere nods in agreement, her gaze fixed on a distant thicket. "Exactly. Kenji seems confident in his ability to lead us, but I can't help but wonder if we're just wandering around blindly."

Sandra, who has been quietly listening, finally speaks up. "I've been considering that too. Kenji has a strong sense of direction, but we can't solely rely on him. We need to be active participants in finding our target."

"Speaking of which, what's our plan when we do find them?" Ardere expressed her concern.

"I mean we have our formation, but is that really a plan? Our primary target is the Alpha and the three adult females, but what about the adolescents? they won't just sit idly by and watch."

Sandra crossed her arms, nodding her head in agreement. "It's very likely we could get overun by the adolescents before we even get a chance to take out one of the adults."

"Well the adolescents won't be nearly as strong as the adults right? so they shouldn't be an issue as long as we are smart." Melodi chimed in. "what about the magic cores?"

"You make the kill you keep the core"

The three girls turned to see Kenji appear out of the brush, carrying a few wild rabbits.

"That didnt take long?" Ardere said

"It wasn't hard, they came to me." Kenji said as he placed three rabbits on the ground.

The rabbits were twice the size of a normal rabbit and had long claws and sharp teeth.

"Those are Razorclaws, they will attack Demons on sight and are quite weak on their own, but they normally travel in families of thirty to fourty." Sandra informed them

"So if they travel in families then where are the rest?" Melodi asked

"The wolves" Kenjis said as he flipped over one of the Razorclaws.

On its hind leg the girls could see a wound, one resembling claws.

"The first two were easy enough, they were fast but they didn't have much reach and a good kick to the neck and they were down for good. This last one was hidden, the blood wasn't fresh but it wasn't dry yet either, I doubt they are much farther."

'"Good news for us, we got food and a blood trail leading from wherever they ran."

The thought of the wolves being so close to the teams position sent shivers down the girls spines.

"So, shouldn't we be careful? They could be following the smell of blood and be on us any minute!!" Ardere exclaimed

Kenji grabbed a knife from some of the basic supplies they were given, taking off his gloves he began to skin the rabbits.

"You should always be prepared for a fight and I'm counting on the wolves showing up soon."

The blood from the rabbits driped and soaked the mossy floor

Then the vishups ears twitched ever so slightly, it's green eyes that were previously closed in a slumber, snapped open. The vishup's attention sharpened, and it raised its head, it's eyes fixed into the forest.

It jumped to its feet, it's once relaxed posture transformed into one of alert and readiness. A low growl rumbled in the vishios throat, a sound that conveyed a mix of warning and preparation.

The sudden emergence of three menacing figures sent a shiver through the girls. Emerging from the forest were three direfang wolves, their fur a mixture of silver and shadowy black. Among them, an imposing adult wolf flanked by two smaller but no less threatening adolescents.

Kenji continued with his task of skinning the Razorclaws. The Vishuo, sensing the danger remained vigilant, awaiting Sandra's command.

Ardere, taking charge, quickly asses the situation. "Get ready, everyone. We have to defend ourselves."

The adult Direfang rushed forward, dashing for Kenji. His back exposed to the menacing beasts, disregarding their very existence.


As the direfang pounced for Kenji, Sandra's vishup intercepted the wolf, tackling it. The vishups hard and heavy body slamming into the wolf and digging it's claws into the side.

The two predators hit the ground and the Direfang yipped, snarled and bit at the vishup. Emberlashes rock like armour was coming off in chunks, but remains attached to the wolf and attempted to bite at the wolfs neck.

The direfang and vishup rolled around in a wild and uncoordinated fight.

While the adult was occupied, the two adolescent wolves circled around attacking the girls from two different sides.

Ardere stood on one side, using her fire to keep the wolf at bay while Sandra stood at the other, summoning earth spikes and sending them spiraling towards the wolf at her side.

Melodi stood in the middle, observing how best to support the two. Arderes magic was weaker compared to the other girls, but with her new mana pool she could keep attacking for much longer.

Sandra, was keeping her distance from the wolf, her vishup was occupied and unable to give her the armour she needs for close combat.

Melodi signaled to Luna and the Vanis swiped it's tail at Sandra, giving her a new ride in power. Suddenly the earth spike she was firing at the adolescent grew in size and moved faster than before.

Melodi turned to Ardere, casting blades of wind she fired it at the right moment, hitting the wolf just as it jumped out of the way Arderes fire.

The wind blade sliced at the wolfs shoulder slowing it down.

Ardere took this opportunity to gather her mana, flames dancing in her palms she cast a barrage of fire. The magic fire licked at the wolfs fur, causing it to recoil with a snarl, it's thick hide no longer protecting it from the schorching magic, the adolescent fell, burning for a moment longer before the fire turned itself out.

Turning around Melodi could see Sandra had summoned spikes from the ground, impaling the one she was facing.

Sandras shoulders slumped down, her hand, slow, moved to wipe the sweat from her brow.

Emberlash, Sandra's Vishup stalked up and sat by Sandra, licking the blood from its paws and around its mouth, the adult Direfang, lay on the ground unmoving, it's throat torn out.

"I don't think, "huff" I have enough mana right now ." Sandra said, pointing to the direfangs.

"Huff, to extract the cores."

"I can handle the cores." Melodi said as she walked up to one of the adolescent wolves.

Melodi approached the fallen Direfang wolves, her eyes fixed in the coveted magic cores. She extended her hands over the lifeless bodies, fingers poised as if reaching into the very essence of the magical beings. Glowing strands of mana, like ethereal threads, emerged from her fingertips and delved into the remains.

These radiant strings of energy danced and wove through the magical residue within the creatures. Melodies concentration deepened as she skillfully manipulated the mama, coaxing it out of the fallen beasts. The threads converged, intertwining to form a luminous ball of condensed magical essence.

The ball soon materialized in her hands, the power emanating from the crimson crystal. The single layer indicating it was at the novice level.

As Melodi began extracting the crystals from the beasts, Kenji finally stood.

"Sandra, do you have enough energy to grab some dry wood so we can make a fire?"

Sandra climbed on the back of emberlash and began to walk through the forest.

"I'll take that as a yes."

As soon as Melodi finished she brought the crystals of each of the Direfangs to Kenji.

Examining them he could see the crystals had very irregular shapes. They resembled uncut gems.

As he was examining the crystals Melodi spoke up.

"I can also extract the crystals from the Razorclaws you killed if you'd like?"

Kenji looked up, a bit of confusion in his stare.

"I didn't think they were magic beasts, they were quite weaker compared to the direfangs after all."

"Though magic beasts could be at the same tier they won't always be equal in strength, though the higher the crystal does mean the stronger the beast."

Kenji scratched at the back of his head.

"So there's still strong and weak ones in each class of beasts. Reminds me a bit too much of real life."

Melodi began extracting the crystals from the Razorclaws and soon enough Sandra returned with some dry timber.

Kenji made a small fire pit and had Ardere light the fire using her magic.

The Earthbound Warriors relaxed as they ate a filling meal, the sun was still quite high in the sky as they took their time to rest.


Deep withing the Viridian forest a group of three boys made their way through the foliage, their clothes tattered and covered in the filth of the wilderness.

They carried the crystal of the beast they were sent to hunt and we're on their way back to the camp.

Above them unbeknownst to them, a mysterious figure watched the students below, unseen and unheard, he spoke cryptic words.

"Ah, the dance of mortals," a wistful smile played the figures lips. "Such fleeting moments, yet so vital in the grand tapestry of existence."

Eyes, ancient orbs that had witnessed centuries unfold, sparkled with a carefree glint. The rustling leaves whispered secrets of the past, and the figure listened with an air of nostalgia.

"Time weaves its threads and here I stand, an observer in the theater of life. Magic in youthful hands weaves the threads of possibility."

The figure chuckled softly, a sound echoing through the foliage like a melody lost in the rustling of leaves.

And with that, the figure faded into the shadows like a specter lingering in the forests embrace.


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happy new Year to everyone. I hope you enjoy this chapter there will be more to come.

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