
Chapter Two


"Naruto! Use the six path's power and quickly use it on her!"

I shook my head weakly and stopped Naruto's hand making them turn to me in surprise. Even with the power of the sixth sage, it won't change anything. In that last moment, I got pierced by Kaguya's all killing ash-bones---the same deadly attack that also took Obito's life.

"It's okay...there is nothing you can do anymore."

"We won't know until we try! Don't give up just yet!",Naruto protested trying not to cry and placed his palm on my wound.

"It's not going to work—"

"Shut it! There is still a chance! Y-You are not going to die.",Sasuke cut off looking dreadful.

When nothing happened, I let out a small sigh and gently pushed Naruto's hand away. "Shizuru..."

"L-Listen to me...you idiots...I don't have much time. I'm using my remaining ability to keep me alive, once my chakra runs outs...",I trailed and smiled sadly.

Sasuke gritted his teeth and lowered his head as he tightened his hold on my shoulder and pulled me closer to his chest.

"Don't die.",he whispered brokenly in my ears.


"Please...don't leave me just yet."

I grabbed the front of his clothes and gripped it tightly as I bit my trembling lips trying not to cry out. I don't want to die. I still want to stay by this person's side...but if I can't, if there is any God out there, please don't let this man be alone and please grant him happiness.

"Don't worry, the things that you want in life...you will eventually have them."

Family, friends, and new strength. In the future, you will have all of these Sasuke-kun.

Using my last remaining strength, I pushed myself up and pressed a kiss on his forehead. "Thank you for being a part of my life."

I slowly pulled back and looked at his beautiful midnight eyes for the last time. "Be happy, okay?


I snapped my eyes open and gasped, quickly sitting up. My heart was beating loudly in my chest as I raised my hand to touch my cheek only to discover it wet with tears. I muttered a soft curse under my breath and wiped it away.

Of all the things that I could dream of, why did it have to be that one?

Just recalling that moment, tightens up my chest in pain that I feel like I can't even breathe properly. Lately, I've been dreaming about my past life and most of it involves my time with Sasuke. Was it triggered when I saw him at the village?

Sighing heavily, I ran my hands over my face and removed the blanket away from my body. After fixing the bed, I walked towards the window and opened it. The chilly morning breeze immediately greeted me making me close my eyes and shiver in cold.

Dawn was already breaking from the horizon and some of the birds were already stretching their wings in the distance. After enjoying the view in my room for a few minutes, I moved to wash my face before changing my clothes.

When I got to the kitchen, Ameri was already there cooking breakfast. Yesterday, when we finally saw each other again, Ameri immediately rushed from the front door and engulfed me into a tight hug. To be honest, I actually felt like I met my sister again after a very long time.

"Oh, did you wake up already? You could have slept some more. Weren't you tired from travelling yesterday?",she asked energetically while taking out a ladle from the drawer.

"I'm fine. I rested well enough yesterday. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Are you sure? You can go take a walk and look around for the meantime."

I laughed and rolled the sleeve of my white sweatshirt. "It's okay, I can go later. So, what are we cooking?"

Ameri sighed in defeat and smiled, shaking her head in amusement. "You are still stubborn as ever."

"By the way, is Itachi-san still sleeping?",I asked while washing the vegetables on the sink.

"Oh, he is probably practicing somewhere. It has become his morning routine."

I closed the tap and turned to her with a sly smirk plastered on my face. "You know, I didn't think the two of you would actually get married. Since when did you start seeing him that way?"

When I found out that they got married, my jaw nearly dropped to the ground in disbelief. Back then, I didn't notice anything between the two of them. What's even more surprising was that, Ameri made the first move. I couldn't believe it at first since she seemed like a quiet and shy person.

"S-Since a long time ago.",she stammered, a red tint appearing on her cheeks.

She covered her face in embarrassment while I laughed at her cuteness. I continued to interview her about their story until we finished cooking and setting up the table.

"Oh, looks like Itachi is finally back.",Ameri pointed out when we heard the door open up.

"You are right on time, Itachi-san! Breakfast is already ser---"

The smile on my face instantly dropped as I stood there frozen in shock. Standing on the doorway was Sasuke who was also in the same state of disbelief as me. What the hell! Why is he here?!

"Ah. Sasuke-kun, y-you are here.",Ameri greeted in surprise before glancing at me in worry.

It seemed like she didn't know Sasuke would also be here. Does he barge in whenever he likes?

Sasuke's expression suddenly became serious and I stiffened up when he walked towards me. I closed my eyes bracing for his outburst when he suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"E-Eh? Sasuke-kun...",I called out in surprise.

He mumbled something I could not understand before pulling away. He didn't take a step back and simply stared at me as if checking whether I really wasn't an illusion.

Looking at him this close, suddenly reminds me of the past. A wave of nostalgia hit me as Sasuke's different versions flashed inside my mind. My hand twitched in wanting to touch him but I quickly stopped myself.

"Sasuke.",Itachi called making me turn to him.

I didn't even realize he was already here. Ameri was standing beside him looking worried while Itachi was seriously staring at Sasuke who didn't even budge and kept his piercing gaze on me.

Realizing I was already out of options, I sighed in defeat and tugged Sasuke's coat. "Please come with me. Let's talk outside."

The silence that enveloped us was defeaning that I could actually hear my heart beating inside my chest. Sasuke was silently watching me with an unreadable look on his face. I can't even tell if he is angry or upset.

"S-So...uhm...how have you been?"

Sasuke raised his brow and that's when it registered to me. How have you been? Seriously, is that the only thing that I could think of?!

I groaned internally and looked away in embarrassment. I really wish the earth would swallow me up right now.

"What happened? How did you come back?",he asked coldly while I hung my head suddenly feeling guilty.

"I don't know.",I replied while he looked at me in suspicion.

I bit my lip and took a deep breath before speaking up. "I really don't know. I have no idea how and why I came back to life. All I remember after waking up was my past...",I trailed and sighed heavily before continuing. "life."

"I am scared that someone might have tampered with my body while I was unconscious. There are a lot of questions about my revival and I don't want to put anyone in danger...that's why I can't go back to Konoha."

Silence followed after my confession and I peeked to look at Sasuke's expression but he immediately looked away.

"That's why you ran away...",he whispered in the wind while I tilted my head, puzzled.

He harshly breathed a sigh and turned his gaze on me, making me flinch in surprise. For some reason, I feel like a criminal waiting for my judgement?

"Are you two done speaking? The food is getting cold!",Itachi suddenly called out from the entranceway.

"Y-yes! We'll be there!",I shouted before glancing at Sasuke.

"Uhm, since you are here why don't you join us? We cooked enough for all of us anyways."

He stared at me for awhile while I gave him an expectant look. To my surprise, he sighed and tapped my head, lightly pushing it away before walking ahead.

I touched my head and watched him in surprise, my cheeks turning red. Ehh? What was that all about?